
Legend of the Demon Seal

Legend of the Demon Seal

Working as an ordinary artist on Bai Ze's comic project The Legend of Demon Sea has aspiring artist Feng Xue feeling like wasted talent. To vent his frustration, he begins another version the project, filling the illustrated adventures of an alchemy master with mythic parallels to his daily grind. With his comics Feng takes vengeance whenever he's ..

Nataly Fish

The Legend of Chi Lei

The Legend of Chi Lei

In the early days of the Shang Dynasty, the disputes between China and the United States were filled with smoke. The red vision of Azure was abandoned in the forest and grew up alone, slowly giving birth to a pair of wings.

Nataly Fish

The Legend of Yang Jian

The Legend of Yang Jian

One day in the early years of the Shang Dynasty, Yang Lan’s wolverine fell from the sky and his memory was damaged. After discovering the leaves of the village women in the nearby village, they will be rescued. Worried about Yang Lan’s lonely leaves, he insisted on leaving him under the pressure of the villagers. The two gradually fell in love ..

Nataly Fish

The Legend of Earth Traveler Sun

The Legend of Earth Traveler Sun

When he was a child, he was witnessed by his father’s death in an expedition. He was timid and he no longer used his abilities. The Tuhang, who grew up under the adoption of Cai Shu, liked the daughter of the owner of the Gucci store. At the same time, the ruler seeks for a long life and makes the alchemist find his way.

Nataly Fish

Les Maîtres du tonnerre

Les Maîtres du tonnerre

Depuis 1400 ans, les démons du Japon sont séquestrés dans un temple et surveillés par des moines guerriers. Après l'assaut dévastateur d'un démon, seulement deux moines survivent: Santoku et Genryu. Afin de sauvegarder le temple de la colère, Santoku confie une mission à sa petite fille: se rendre à Tokyo pour y retrouver les 6 descendant..

Nataly Fish

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