
World War II Greatest Battles: The Normandy Invasion & The Victory

World War II Greatest Battles: The Normandy Invasion & The Victory

The Normandy Invasion: See the planning and execution of the most famous battle in modern history, filmed as it occurred by U.S. Coast Guard cameramen, from the massing of thousands of ships and men to the ultimate victory. Time: 21 minutes. The Victory: This film focuses on the final year of the World War II on both fronts, including the liberat..

Nataly Fish

World War III Breaks Out

World War III Breaks Out

The lives of several Japanese families are shattered as the USA and the USSR move toward war, Japan finds itself caught in the middle, and Tokyo is ultimately evacuated as the two superpowers invoke the 'nuclear option'.

Nataly Fish

Comrade Black in World War II

Comrade Black in World War II

Set in April of the turmoil that is the year 1941. The Germans have occupied Yugoslavia and its capital Belgrade. Adolf Hitler is again drawing the new borders of Europe. Remains of Belgrade are filled with chaos, despair, black markets, famine and poverty. The Serbian people are broken up into national traitors, servants of the German occupants, c..

Nataly Fish

8 mai 1945, La Capitulation

8 mai 1945, La Capitulation

Un film entièrement composé d'archives le plus souvent inconnues, sur le dernier jour de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en Europe et les événements qui l'ont immédiatement précédé. Ce film montre aussi la tension très forte entre les Alliés et les Soviétiques : le 8 mai 1945 est aussi le premier jour de la Guerre Froide.

Nataly Fish

Images of the World and the Inscription of War

Images of the World and the Inscription of War

Farocki’s intriguing and troubling film explores the processes of visual perception and how they affect our understanding of history and society. In a work reminiscent of the writings of Paul Virilio and Michel Foucault, Farocki examines a range of phenomena including aerial reconnaissance photos of the Auschwitz concentration camp.

Nataly Fish

Schweik in World War II

Schweik in World War II

Based on the satirical anti-war comedy of the same name by B. Brecht.

Nataly Fish

Hit Them Hard! The Brazilian Fighter Squadron in World War II

Hit Them Hard! The Brazilian Fighter Squadron in World War II

A documentary about and featuring the men who comprised the First Brazilian Fighter Squadron in WWII.

Nataly Fish

De Gaulle et les Siens

De Gaulle et les Siens

En juin 1940, rien n'était écrit. L'appel du général de Gaulle fut un pari, et un début. Le début d'une page essentielle de l'histoire de France, écrite par de Gaulle et les Siens, hommes et femmes sans lesquels rien de tout cela n'aurait existé et dont ce film souhaite honorer la mémoire en restituant la réalité de leur engagement.

Nataly Fish

World War II Greatest Battles: To the Shores of Iwo Jima & The Battling Bastards of Bataan

World War II Greatest Battles: To the Shores of Iwo Jima & The Battling Bastards of Bataan

To the Shores of Iwo Jima: Navy, Marine and Coast Guard cameramen documented the heroic struggle for Iwo Jima in rare color footage, from the softening of the tiny Pacific island to the now famous flag-raising by the Marines. Time: 21 minutes. The Battling Bastards of Bataan: On Bataan and Corregidor, Americans suffered crushing defeat at the hand..

Nataly Fish

Lithuania in the Second World War. Film documents

Lithuania in the Second World War. Film documents

In Rimtautas Šilinis' film “Lithuania in the Second World War. Film documents” the scenes are edited chronologically from the material stored in the Lithuanian film archives.The historical context of the events establishes the view that the occupation, and at the same time the Second World War, ended for Lithuania in 1993. August 31 after the ..

Nataly Fish



À 8h15 précises ce 6 août 1945, le monde a changé. 40.000 personnes trouvent instantanément la mort, mais ce sont bien 200.000 décès qui seront provoqués par l´explosion de la première bombe nucléaire sur Hiroshima, au Japon. Ce documentaire exceptionnel de 90 minutes n´est pas « Un énième film anti-guerre » déclare son réalisateu..

Nataly Fish

Quand Hollywood s'en allait en guerre (1939-1945)

Quand Hollywood s'en allait en guerre (1939-1945)

Pendant la période 1932-1939, Hollywood se refuse à faire de la propagande antinazie. Au contraire, les longs-métrages évitent soigneusement le sujet. Lorsque Roosevelt arrive au pouvoir, les choses changent. Dès 1939 et jusqu'à la fin du conflit en 1945, Hollywood participe à l'effort de guerre, travaillant étroitement avec le service des ..

Nataly Fish

Shooting War

Shooting War

A remarkable film that takes a special look at the first war to be truly reported and recorded by one of the more unsung heroes of World War II: the combat photographer. Through the unflinching eye of their camera's lenses, these courageous soldiers continually risked their lives in their brave attempts to capture history.

Nataly Fish

Left Behind: World at War

Left Behind: World at War

A year and a half ago the world was hit with the biggest catastrophe it had ever seen. Without warning and without explanation, hundreds of millions of people simply vanished off the face of the earth. The world was in chaos like it had never been before. Yet somehow one man seemed to rise to the challenge. One man had the strength and conviction t..

Nataly Fish

WWII: Saving the Reality

WWII: Saving the Reality

See Kenneth W. Rendell's collection of over 6,000 artifacts that range from the end of World War I and the rise of Nazism to the start of World War II and the fight in Europe and the Pacific.

Nataly Fish

The Rebels of PT-218

The Rebels of PT-218

PT-218 : LES REBELLES DE LA SECONDE GUERRE MONDIALE raconte non seulement une histoire vraie, mais nous donne des détails jamais vus sur ce qui s'est passé en 1942. Au plus fort de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l'océan Atlantique devient un champ de bataille mortel alors qu'un torpilleur américain se bat contre le bombardement constant des forces..

Nataly Fish

WWII From Space

WWII From Space

WWII from Space delivers World War II in a way you've never experienced it before. This HISTORY special uses an all-seeing CGI eye that offers a satellite view of the conflict, allowing you to experience it in a way that puts key events and tipping points in a global perspective. By re-creating groundbreaking moments that could never have been capt..

Nataly Fish

World War Three

World War Three

This mock documentary uses archival footage, interviews and reports taken out of context and staged interviews to highlight a possible escalation into a nuclear war. In this feature, tension in East Germany, and an uprising triggered by a visit by Gorbachev sees a successful military coup taking place in the USSR. Western actions against brutal cra..

Nataly Fish

Fighters of WWII

Fighters of WWII

This documentary is a visual encyclopaedia of the fighters deployed and their strategic use, by both Allied and Axis Forces during the Second World War. The programme includes detailed accounts of the Spitfire, Hurricane, Mosquito, Messerschmitt Be 109, Focke Wulf Fw 190, Mustang, Lightning, Thunderbolt, Corsair, Kittyhawk, Beaufighter, Typhoon, De..

Nataly Fish

Games on the Battlefield

Games on the Battlefield

Built on archive footage – much of it previously unseen – this film reveals one of the most unexpected legacies of the First World War -- popular participation in sports, once the realm of the elite. For four years, sport represented a welcome respite from the killing fields of Europe.

Nataly Fish

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