
A Father's Revenge

A Father's Revenge

Des terroristes allemands enlèvent l'équipage d'un avion à la sortie de l'aéroport. Les terroristes exigent la libération de deux de leurs collègues, qui doivent être extradés vers les États-Unis. Le père de l'une des hôtesses de l'air décide qu'il ne peut plus attendre la diplomatie et s'envole pour l'Allemagne. Là, la frustration le ..

Nataly Fish

The Violent Years

The Violent Years

A newspaper publisher's daughter suffers from neglect by her parents. She and her friends turn to crime by dressing up like men, holding up gas stations, raping young men at gunpoint, and having makeout parties when her parents are away. Their "fence" gets them to trash the school on request of sinister un-American clients, and they run afoul of th..

Nataly Fish

His Name Was King

His Name Was King

The Benson brothers, who are smuggling guns across the Mexican border, kill King's brother and rape his wife. King must stop their illegal activities, find who is behind them and gain revenge for his family.

Nataly Fish

The Martyr Maker

The Martyr Maker

Zahid, an American born Muslim who, after struggling with his Islamic roots, explores different aspects of the religion, leading to a deadly calling.

Nataly Fish



Tout va pour le mieux pour Phil May. Ce musicien en pleine ascension et sa femme, Eve, projettent l'achat d'une première maison. Un matin, ils se rendent à la banque pour demander un prêt. Mais ils ne se doutent pas que leur destin va basculer. Durant le rendez-vous, des individus pénètrent dans le bâtiment et prennent en otage Eve. Si Phil v..

Nataly Fish

Shoot on Sight

Shoot on Sight

Daniel Tennant, 55 ans, est officier de police à Londres. Après 30 ans de bons et loyaux services, les attentats londoniens du 7 Juillet se produisent. La loyauté et les priorités du policier sont alors remise en question.

Nataly Fish

Homegrown: The Counter-Terror Dilemma

Homegrown: The Counter-Terror Dilemma

An insider’s account from the perspectives of those who helped construct America’s counter-terrorism machine -- and of its targets.

Nataly Fish

Omega Syndrome

Omega Syndrome

Un commando terroriste néo-nazi tente, pas des attentats sanglants, d'instaurer le "pouvoir blanc" à Los Angeles. Un vétéran du Vietnam se trouve mêlé à l'attaque d'un supermarché où sa fille Jessie est kidnappée par les terroristes. Pour délivrer sa fille, Jack devra démanteler l'organisation et affronter son chef...

Nataly Fish

The War Within

The War Within

A Pakistani involved in a planned attack in New York City experiences a crisis of conscience.

Nataly Fish

S.O.S. Operation Bikini

S.O.S. Operation Bikini

Secret Organizational Service (S.O.S.) is an international crime syndicate, quite successful with their feminine agents operating under the guise of a fashion model agency led by Lady Bristol and her associate Luigi. The International Service is the governmental secret service decided to put a term to SOS's action. An agent has infiltrated SOS - bu..

Nataly Fish

Hitman le cobra

Hitman le cobra

Philippe tue Roger qui a vendu des informations aux japonais. Mike, le frère de Roger, veut se venger. Il envoie Bob, Blackie et un autre gars retrouver Philippe. Ce dernier, rompu à l'utilisation des armes à feu, tue le gars sans nom, puis Blackie puis encore un autre type qu'on n'avait jamais vu, puis Bob. Enfin, Philippe décide de régler se..

Nataly Fish

Code Name: Vengeance

Code Name: Vengeance

Soldier of fortune, Monroe Bieler, is sent to dole out some American-style justice when the wife and child of an African president are kidnapped by terrorists.

Nataly Fish

The Silencer

The Silencer

A killer gets orders from a video game named The Silencer.

Nataly Fish

The Ordeal of Patty Hearst

The Ordeal of Patty Hearst

The story of the kidnapping of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst by members of a radical guerrilla organization, as seen by the FBI agent in charge of her case.

Nataly Fish

Le Métro de l'angoisse

Le Métro de l'angoisse

Un matin à New York, un groupe de malfaiteurs arrête une rame de métro et prend en otages ses passagers. l'inspecteur de police Anthony Piscotti est alors chargé de négocier avec les preneurs d'otages, un certain Mr Blue...

Nataly Fish

Motorpsycho Maniacs

Motorpsycho Maniacs

A Texas Ranger poses as a bad-ass biker outlaw and enlists a blind sniper and his seeing-eye coyote to crush a biker gang that took over her county.

Nataly Fish



A biker reunion is hassled by IRA men.

Nataly Fish

Lethal Kittens

Lethal Kittens

In 2014 Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine turns hot. An engineer, actor, soccer coach and florist volunteer to fight on the front line. Unaware of the pivotal role they will play in the war, they discover the meaning of true leadership.

Nataly Fish

The Actor

The Actor

In New York City, unintended consequences abound when a struggling actor/taxi driver finds himself between a rock and a hard place.

Nataly Fish

Who Bombed Birmingham?

Who Bombed Birmingham?

Docudrama film exploring the efforts of World in Action researchers Ian MacBride and Chris Mullin in proving that the "Birmingham Six" only admitted to the bombing under extreme duress, and that the five IRA members were in fact responsible for the deadly attacks

Nataly Fish

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