
Zombie vs. Ninja

Zombie vs. Ninja

Ethan, a young man, is beaten while his father is killed by a group of thieves. With the help of an undertaker, Ethan trains in kung fu by fighting the dead. Meanwhile, an American Ninja, Dragon, must fend off against the thieves and their ninja henchmen. It is soon that Dragon and Ethan team up to defeat the thieves and the ninjas.

Nataly Fish

Force of Five

Force of Five

"5 power kids" nous conte les mésaventures de 5 gamins, deux jeunes filles, deux jeunes garçons et un gamin cardiaque, qui vivent et s'entraînent au Muai Thaï chez un Maître sévère mais très attaché à ses élèves. Alors qu'ils désobéissent au Maître pour amener le tout petit à une course de voitures téléguidées, ce dernier s'écro..

Nataly Fish

Power on Girl

Power on Girl

The story of a few girls from different hometowns staying in Beijing as a dance-pop group, chasing their dreams and growing up together. They met each other because of their dream, knew each other well because of their endeavour. From lacking of team spirit in the beginning, they built solidarity and became united.

Nataly Fish

Riki-Oh 2

Riki-Oh 2

An unofficial sequel to Story of Rikki. This time he is being pursue by criminals who are trying to kill the girl he loves. He must protect her from them.

Nataly Fish

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