


Le film est en réalité un concert mettant à l'honneur les groupes IDOLiSH7, TRIGGER, Re:vale et ŹOOĻ.

Nataly Fish

4th Period Mystery

4th Period Mystery

Lors d’une de ses journées de cours, l’étudiante Da-jeong trouve son camarade de classe Tae-gyoo mort et Jeong-hoon debout face à lui, couvert de sang. Jeong-hoon devient alors le premier suspect. Mais convaincu de son innocence, Da-jeong souhaite l’aider à trouver le vrai meurtrier qui est, encore dans l’enceinte de l’école. Cependa..

Nataly Fish

Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time

Preparations to Be Together for an Unknown Period of Time

Márta, une neurochirurgienne de 40 ans, tombe amoureuse. Elle laisse derrière elle sa brillante carrière américaine et retourne à Budapest pour commencer une nouvelle vie avec cet homme. Mais l'amour de sa vie prétend qu'ils ne se sont jamais rencontrés auparavant.

Nataly Fish

Grace Period

Grace Period

Miles s’efforce d’être un modèle pour ses plus jeunes sœurs, de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille et d’être un adolescent ordinaire. Dans un monde indifférent et sans figure paternelle à laquelle s’identifier, Miles cherche à faire sens de ce qui l’entoure. À un moment charnière de leur existence, Miles est obligé de prendre de..

Nataly Fish

Trial Period

Trial Period

A working single mother's world turns upside down when her inquisitive son demands a new father on a 30-day 'Trial Period'.

Nataly Fish

Les règles de notre liberté

Les règles de notre liberté

Dans l'Inde rurale, où la menstruation est toujours stigmatisée, des femmes acquièrent leur indépendance en fabriquant des serviettes hygiéniques.

Nataly Fish



Set against an operatic soundscape, period@period is a sensual interplay of sound and image that focuses on the anonymous protagonist’s monthly period and the rituals associated with it.

Nataly Fish

Period of Adjustment

Period of Adjustment

A newlywed couple on their honeymoon visit friends who are having marital problems of their own.

Nataly Fish

Blue Period

Blue Period

Yatora is the perfect high school student, with good grades and lots of friends. It's an effortless performance, and, ultimately… a dull one. But he wanders into the art room one day, and a lone painting captures his eye, awakening him to a kind of beauty he never knew. Compelled and consumed, he dives in headfirst—and he's about to learn how s..

Nataly Fish

First Period

First Period

New girl Cassie and outcast Maggie are easily the most awkward girls in high school. Together, they decide the way to win the hearts of the cute boys and popular girls is to come in first at the school talent show. But rivals Heather, Other Heather, and their popular boyfriends Brett and Dirk will stop at nothing to keep our heroes the laughing sto..

Nataly Fish



Twelve year old Vivian is counting the days to her first period. But armed with scant information (it's the 80's!) and the help of only her single dad and best male buddy, she finds that navigating "the event" is way more complex and comedic than she ever expected.

Nataly Fish

Jane Austen's Period Drama

Jane Austen's Period Drama

England, 1813. In the middle of a long-awaited marriage proposal, Miss Estrogenia Talbot gets her period. Her suitor, Mr. Dickley, mistakes the blood for an injury, and it soon becomes clear that his expensive education has missed a spot.

Nataly Fish

3.5th Period

3.5th Period

In the prestigious Shinha High School, there is a secret hidden between the third and fourth periods. There are 3.5 classes where time goes 10 times slower and 10 minutes becomes 100 minutes! Baek Ah-jin accidentally enters the 3.5th period and meets Kang Da-won, a male student who was trapped there. To escape Dawon from the 3.5th period, Ahjin ..

Nataly Fish



An original short film

Nataly Fish

Incubation Period

Incubation Period

Nataly Fish

Classical Period

Classical Period

The members of a reading group exchange cultural and literary references with such vigor that there’s little room for anything else: an attempt to leave the modern world behind or merely their own solitary existences?

Nataly Fish

A Period Drama

A Period Drama

A comedic short about the rough relationship between a woman and her personified period. Chloe is your average menstruating female who believes that she has the worst period ever. Big Red, her period, who takes the form of a childlike, seemingly harmless, yet completely dangerous woman, always shows up when she’s least expected. This time she..

Nataly Fish

Period Piece

Period Piece

Following multiple plotlines with an unique assortment of tragicomic characters living along the Ventura Highway. There’s the retired police office, broken and homeless after the untimely death of his son during a birthday camping trip. The elderly homebound father, hopelessly doomed to pantomime the sexual conquests of his glory days with an i..

Nataly Fish

Period Stories

Period Stories

Period Stories is an award-winning, crowdsourced short documentary about menstruation experiences from around the world.

Nataly Fish

Blue Period

Blue Period

Experimental short film by the Japanese director Nori Morita

Nataly Fish

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