
Scrat: Spaced Out

Scrat: Spaced Out

Scrat, le célèbre écureuil à dents de sabre part pour une aventure dans l'espace à fin de sauver son gland et ne pas être capturé par les extraterrestres.

Nataly Fish

Elvis from Outer Space

Elvis from Outer Space

A psychedelic rant about a gambling Elvis impersonator and his troubles with the Vegas Mafia, featuring a hapless crew of broken down Elvis impersonators who find themselves in competition with an Elvis who's so good, everybody starts to wonder. Could it really be true that the CIA and aliens from Alpha Centauri have brought Elvis back to Vegas?

Nataly Fish

Menace from Outer Space

Menace from Outer Space

A nontheatrical (16mm) film comprise of three contiguous episodes of the TV series "Rocky Jones, Space Ranger".

Nataly Fish

Spaced Out

Spaced Out

Suite à une panne, un vaisseau extraterrestre se pose quelque part en Angleterre. L'équipage composé de trois superbe créatures enlève quatre malheureux Terriens. Les captifs se retrouvent pris au piège dans un univers de sexe...

Nataly Fish

Le Gendarme et les Extra-terrestres

Le Gendarme et les Extra-terrestres

Les membres de la brigade de gendarmerie de Saint‐Tropez tombent des nues, lorsqu’ils rencontrent les uns après les autres leurs doubles, sous forme d’extraterrestres se disant pacifiques. La venue d’une soucoupe volante, l’émotion qu’elle déclenche et la peur de l’inconnu vont faire venir la presse du monde entier dans cette jolie..

Nataly Fish

Le vainqueur de l'espace

Le vainqueur de l'espace

Le journaliste Ray Peterson rejoint une des stations spatiales qui gravite autour de la Terre, à la recherche d'une histoire sensationnelle. A la suite de la mort subite de son pilote, le vaisseau spatial - ALFA 2 - sous pilotage automatique est maintenant incontrôlable. En perdition, il navigue à une course effrénée autour du système solaire..

Nataly Fish

Alien Contact: Outer Space

Alien Contact: Outer Space

Many people think of Space as a quiet and desolate vacuum of emptiness, but new evidence reveals that space is rife with activity beyond our comprehension. Just as we sent Voyager and Pioneer probes beyond our solar system, Aliens have probes of their own that may have arrived as early as the 1600's. While Tesla was the first to successfully commun..

Nataly Fish

Killer Witches from Outer Space

Killer Witches from Outer Space

This October 31st, All Hallow's Eve is changed forever for one sleepy little town when three youngsters team up to overthrow an alien invasion by sending those witches back from whence they came.

Nataly Fish

Les suceurs de sang venus de l'espace

Les suceurs de sang venus de l'espace

La vie d’une communauté agricole au coeur du Texas se voit menacée par la venue d’extraterrestres. La paix qui régnait dans cette région n’existe plus quand petit à petit, plusieurs habitants se transforment en suceurs de sang s’attaquant à tous, ne reculant devant rien sauf à la force extraterrestre qui envahit leurs corps. La polic..

Nataly Fish

Grandparents from Outer Space

Grandparents from Outer Space

Two elderly aliens looking for their grandkids crash-land on Earth.

Nataly Fish

A Study of Relationships Between Inner and Outer Space

A Study of Relationships Between Inner and Outer Space

David Lamelas' first film analyses the architectural, social, climatic, or sociological data that make up the exhibition's spatial environment, that of the institution and its geographical location. Beginning with the empty exhibition hall, the description is neutral and analytical. It progresses in ever larger circles, placing emphasis on all the ..

Nataly Fish

Space Babes from Outer Space

Space Babes from Outer Space

Trois belles filles de l'espace se retrouvent bloquées sur Terre lorsque leur vaisseau spatial manque d'énergie après une dangereuse rencontre avec leurs ennemis mortels, les Scrotes. Une fois qu'ils découvrent que l'excitation sexuelle humaine peut recharger leur vaisseau, elles acceptent l'aide d'un fermier solitaire pour exploiter l'énergie..

Nataly Fish

Destination: Outer Space

Destination: Outer Space

During a test flight of Earth's first faster-than-light-speed rocket, an incident occurs that throws test pilot Captain Mike Jackson halfway across the galaxy! Lost in deep space, Captain Jackson must use all his wits and derring-do to find a way back to his beloved home world. A film unlike any other, "Destination: Outer Space" is full of exciteme..

Nataly Fish

Outer Space Jitters

Outer Space Jitters

The stooges accompany professor Jones on an expedition to Venus, where they discover that the Venusians are planning to conquer the earth with an army of zombies. When the boys learn that they're going to be turned into zombies, they escape. The scene changes to the stooges apartment where we learn they are just telling a bedtime story to their kid..

Nataly Fish

The Chicken from Outer Space

The Chicken from Outer Space

An elderly couple's dog must defend them from a malicious space chicken, bent on conquest by infecting them with mutagenic eggs. First this quiet farm in the middle of nowhere, next, the world!

Nataly Fish

Top Ten Mysteries of Outer Space

Top Ten Mysteries of Outer Space

The wonders of the universe have long propelled our insatiable desire to learn more about who we are and where we came from. With the advancing age of science and technology, we're able to explore our world and the cosmos like never before. We are exploring the unknown at the farthest reaches in space unlocking new wonders and mysteries that are bo..

Nataly Fish

Shakespeare's Plan 12 from Outer Space

Shakespeare's Plan 12 from Outer Space

William Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night", re-imagined in a child's vision of Hell. "Shakespeare's Plan 12 from Outer Space" is a festive yarn, comprised of the most homely and vulgar materials, while shamelessly thwarted buy the Bard's coarsest of jokes and grossest buffoonery.

Nataly Fish

Plan 10 from Outer Space

Plan 10 from Outer Space

A woman accidentally discovers the Plaque of Kolob which leads her to discover an insidous alien plot for world domination documented by a disreputable early Mormon prophet. 'Plan 10 from Outer Space' is an eccentric comedy involving a bizarre relationship between Mormons, bees and extra terrestrials, hot on an obviously miniscule budget with a la..

Nataly Fish

Pinocchio dans l'espace

Pinocchio dans l'espace

Afin de se racheter et de redevenir petit garçon, Pinocchio la marionnette prend part à une mission spatiale envoyée pour stopper une baleine de l'espace géante.

Nataly Fish

Life in Outer Space

Life in Outer Space

Un documentaire qui s'intéresse à des systèmes planétaires du cosmos ressemblant au nôtre et susceptibles d'abriter des formes de vie.

Nataly Fish

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