
My Geeky Nerdy Buddies

My Geeky Nerdy Buddies

Otaku and his roommate Mr. Cheap as known as the ultimate geeks of their university. However, like any normal guy, their goal is to fall in love with their girls of their dreams. To get close to his goddess Mei, Mr. Cheap pretends to be a spoiled rich kid, appearing everywhere she goes. Meanwhile, the introverted Otaku tries to create a chance to t..

Nataly Fish

Jón Gnarr: Once I Was A Nerd

Jón Gnarr: Once I Was A Nerd

Icelandic comedian Jón Gnarr talks about sports, the dangers of airplanes, sheep and many other hilarious things in this classic 1998 stand up.

Nataly Fish

Silicon Valley: La révolution des hackers

Silicon Valley: La révolution des hackers

Si la Silicon Valley abrite aujourd’hui des entreprises informatiques pesant des milliards d’euros en Bourse, le pôle californien des industries de pointe présentait dans les années 1970 un visage hétéroclite, chaotique et rebelle. Lequel allait donner naissance à l’une des plus grandes révolutions du XXe siècle : l’avènement du mi..

Nataly Fish

Tom Crosbie: Actions Speak Louder Than Nerds

Tom Crosbie: Actions Speak Louder Than Nerds

Tom Crosbie is smarter, funnier, and more delightfully dextrous than can easily be explained, even by the copious amounts of time he spends practicing such things. His show will be a treat, like hot chocolate with marshmallows in a Nintendo mug. Tom is an action hero, if we count vigorously doing things with Rubik's cubes as action. If not, he's st..

Nataly Fish



Two nerdy friends seek a mentor in order to become cool.

Nataly Fish

Super Nerds

Super Nerds

Two best friends named Leslie and Gayle hang out in a comic book store that Leslie is the manager of.

Nataly Fish

The Benchwarm-Nerds!

The Benchwarm-Nerds!

With music, puppetry and comedy, this delightful, quirky short follows three outcasts who meet and combine their unique talents to create the most epic sci-fi saga of all time. The Benchwarm-Nerds! was created by Spectrum Laboratory, an organization dedicated to uplifting neurodivergent media-makers.

Nataly Fish

Nerd Club: The Movie

Nerd Club: The Movie

The Nerd Club members were thinking that summer break would be nothing but boredom, surprisingly they got an invitation to the summer's opening party of Heidy Shmetreling, the most popular girl in school. During the party, an envelope got stolen and The Nerd Club are mistaken as the only suspects. Could they prove their innocence?

Nataly Fish

The Nerd's Confession

The Nerd's Confession

Eugene is a teenage nerd who lives in a small Russian town. He sits in front of his computer all day long, playing games and surfing the Internet. He decides to run a small porn website and soon as he earns his first money from e-commerce. His life now will never be the same - he is no longer a school nerd. From now on every school boy wants to bec..

Nataly Fish

Nerd in Love

Nerd in Love

Daniel meets with friends on the weekends to play Warhammer 40k in the back of a game shop. Måns, one of his buddies, makes him feel different though. Despite the lack of confidence, Daniel tries to figure it out what to do about it.

Nataly Fish



An in-and-out-of-love tale between a Disney geek and a Street Fighter nerd.

Nataly Fish

Mr. Nerd & The Woman in High-handed Attitude

Mr. Nerd & The Woman in High-handed Attitude

She seemed to be more and more funny and cute, but she suddenly broke up from him ...

Nataly Fish

Three Nerds

Three Nerds

They lose their jobs and being late on their monthly rent ends up leaving them on the street in no time. In this emergency situation they find a good paying part-time job! They gladly go to the new job but... you want me to take my clothes of right now... ?! With nothing working out and everything going wrong the three brothers desperately try to m..

Nataly Fish

Une Nuit au Roxbury

Une Nuit au Roxbury

Enfin, apres sept ans d'effort, les freres Butabi viennent de decrocher leur diplome de fin d'etudes. Ils vont pouvoir realiser leur reve: devenir les princes des nuits chaudes de Los Angeles. Steve et Doug se presentent donc au portes du tres select Roxbury Club et se font envoyer immediatement sur les roses. Mais le hasard d'une rencontre avec Ri..

Nataly Fish

I Love You, Beth Cooper

I Love You, Beth Cooper

Denis Cooverman a toujours été un étudiant modèle. C'est une grosse tête qui a les meilleures notes du lycée mais qui n'a jamais connu les joies d'une cuite, ni d'une bagarre, encore moins d'une copine...Depuis six ans, Denis a pourtant un secret : il est amoureux fou de Beth, l'une des filles les plus populaires du lycée. Lors de la cérém..

Nataly Fish

Comment savoir

Comment savoir

Lisa ne vivait que pour sa passion du sport et du softball, mais sa soudaine exclusion de son club la laisse complètement désemparée. C’est alors qu’elle fait la connaissance de Matty, un joueur de baseball professionnel, séducteur invétéré plutôt nombriliste. Pour George Madison, la période n’est pas joyeuse non plus. Cet homme d’..

Nataly Fish

Knights of Badassdom

Knights of Badassdom

Des fans de jeux de rôles invoquent un démon par erreur... et doivent l'affronter.

Nataly Fish

Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas

Bickford Shmeckler's Cool Ideas

When his journal of bright ideas is stolen, college freshman Bickford Schmeckler has to blanket the campus in order to locate it.

Nataly Fish

Good Kids

Good Kids

Quatre lycéens exceptionnellement doués obtiennent haut la main leur diplôme, et réalisent qu'ils sont passés à côtés d'expériences clé de leurs vies en étant toujours des "gentils gamins". Ils décident de changer de mode de vie pendant les vacances d'été, pour profiter de leurs derniers jours ensemble avant l'université.

Nataly Fish

The Hive

The Hive

Adam, moniteur de camps de vacances, se réveille à l'intérieur d'une cabane sans aucun souvenir de qui il est et comment il est arriver là. Les seuls indices en sa possession sont des messages griffonnés par lui-même sur les murs et les changements inquiétants de sa physiologie...

Nataly Fish

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