

Writer "P". Attempt to Identify

At the turn of the millennium, Viktor Pelevin became perhaps the most fashionable, popular and commercially successful writer in Russia. At the same time, he does not appear in public, does not give interviews, wears dark glasses, and does not like to be recognized on the street. Who is this mysterious Mr. Pelevin? How did it happen that the most h..

Nataly Fish

All, All Identically

All, All Identically

Once upon a time, the world was perfect, exactly the same people lived around the world. But once aliens arrived on the Earth. And life has changed. Everyone has become different!

Nataly Fish

Identification Marks None

Identification Marks None

Drama about Feliks Dzerzhinsky's life

Nataly Fish

Hidden Identities

Hidden Identities

When Wilfredo, an obsessive fan of HOUSE of VALENTINA's top talent Regina- finds a familiar wig on Alma's bag. Everyone finds out what Alma's been trying to hide.

Nataly Fish

L'Homme qui voulait vivre sa vie

L'Homme qui voulait vivre sa vie

Paul Exben a tout pour être heureux : une belle situation professionnelle, une femme et deux enfants magnifiques. Sauf que cette vie n'est pas celle dont il rêvait. Un coup de folie va faire basculer son existence, l'amenant à endosser une nouvelle identité qui va lui permettre de vivre sa vie.

Nataly Fish

Trap for Cinderella

Trap for Cinderella

Une jeune fille souffrant d'amnésie suite à un incendie ayant tué son ami d'enfance commence progressivement à s'en remettre...

Nataly Fish



A woman wakes up in a river. Wounded and without memory, then races to elude mysterious followers and recover from amnesia.

Nataly Fish



Hyunsoo, détective privé, se rend dans un pavillon à la demande d’une cliente qui souhaite récupérer son chien. Alors qu’il attend à l’extérieur, un procureur l’accuse à tort d’avoir kidnappé sa cliente. Lors de son arrestation, un grave accident de voiture se produit et les gens prennent Hyunsoo pour le procureur. Profitant de ..

Nataly Fish

Mon Fils

Mon Fils

Eyad a grandi dans une ville arabe en Israël. A 16 ans, il intègre un prestigieux internat juif à Jérusalem. Il est le premier et seul Arabe à y être admis. Il est progressivement accepté par ses camarades mais n’a qu’un véritable ami, Yonathan, un garçon atteint d’une maladie héréditaire. Eyad se rapproche de la famille de Yonatha..

Nataly Fish

Secrets d'état

Secrets d'état

L'histoire vraie d'Eleanor Philby, dont le mari infiltra les services secrets britanniques pour le compte des Russes avant de finalement trahir ces derniers en 1963.

Nataly Fish

The Face on the Milk Carton

The Face on the Milk Carton

Based on the book by Caroline B. Cooney, a girl happens to look down at a milk carton one day and she sees herself on the back! Could her parents really have kidnapped her?

Nataly Fish



Un homme se réveille seul au milieu du désert avec une cagoule noire sur la tête et les mains liées derrière le dos. Aux portes de la mort, il est découvert par une femme vivant seule dans le désert et est soigné. En reprenant conscience, l'homme se rend compte qu'il est amnésique et n'a aucune idée de qui il est. Son seul indice, un morc..

Nataly Fish

Escape: Human Cargo

Escape: Human Cargo

An American entrepreneur is closing a deal in Saudi Arabia in 1977. After a fallout with his influential Saudi partners, they have him arrested. Due to the US policy of noninterference in SA, the embassy won't help him. He must escape.

Nataly Fish

Alias Mary Dow

Alias Mary Dow

A taxi-dancer agrees to pose as a girl who had been kidnapped as a child 18 years before.

Nataly Fish



CodeSwitching is a mash-up of personal stories from three generations of African American students who participated in a landmark voluntary desegregation program. Shuttling between their inner-city Boston neighborhoods and predominantly white suburban schools in pursuit of a better education, they find themselves swapping elements of culture, langu..

Nataly Fish



Pakistan's first transgender movie.

Nataly Fish

Destins confondus

Destins confondus

Deux femmes qui n'ont rien en commun accouchent au même moment dans le même hôpital. Dans la confusion générale, leurs bébés sont intervertis.

Nataly Fish



"I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word." - Emily Dickinson In a generation built on texts, tweets, memes, and irony, what has become of the weight of our words? In what way does communication serve as a form of self-expression, and self-expression a form of communication? Mattioli Production's upcoming documentary "Words" wil..

Nataly Fish

Identidade Cotidiana

Identidade Cotidiana

Nataly Fish

Taiwan Life

Taiwan Life

Journalist and director Atsuko Sakai meets the japanese-speaking generation of Taiwan. Their testimonies reveal the history that weaves the mesh of their existence, as people who've known Taiwan at the time of the Japanese colonial empire, and who've experienced the White Terror, being part of the many demographic and historical layers that make up..

Nataly Fish

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