
The Human Quality

The Human Quality

Deputy J.T. Williams and his prisoner are about to take a detour into an alien-infested landscape. Their next stop... could be their last.

Nataly Fish

Ikea, le seigneur des forêts

Ikea, le seigneur des forêts

Premier producteur mondial de meubles, Ikea dévore un arbre chaque seconde, 20 millions de mètres cubes de bois chaque année. Pour renouveler son stock de bois, la firme achète des milliers d’hectares de terres dans le monde et met des écosystèmes en péril. Ikea est devenu l’ogre des forêts.

Nataly Fish



A taut reinvention of vampire lore, Shadowland opens in modern day North America, where construction workers uncover an old stone cross and what appears to be a wooden stake. They remove the stake from the ground, allowing Laura (Caitlin McIntosh), a slumbering vampire, to revive and rise from the earth. Beaten and weak, Laura is unable to speak, r..

Nataly Fish

Demon Squad

Demon Squad

Nick Moon, P.I. (Paranormal Investigator), delves into a hidden world of monsters and creatures of the night as he takes on a case to retrieve an ancient artifact with astonishing power.

Nataly Fish



2525 A.D. Man has colonized the stars. The wealthy and powerful implant their brains in cloned versions of themselves to gain immortality. As a side-effect, occasionally a clone develops mutant abilities. A clonehunter and his new partner have to track down a clone who threatens to destroy the planet unless the rich man he was cloned for gives him ..

Nataly Fish

The Million Dollar Kid

The Million Dollar Kid

The Hunter family has hit the jackpot--scoring a winning 50 million dollar lottery ticket! But when the ticket is lost on the way to cashing it in, the Hunters face overwhelming obstacles in chasing down the ticket before it is stolen by some unsavory characters in this madcap action comedy.

Nataly Fish

Tell – Jagd auf Ewig

Tell – Jagd auf Ewig

Nataly Fish

Paranoia Tapes 6: 06:06:06

Paranoia Tapes 6: 06:06:06

Henry is good, Henry is bad, but when it comes to footage that he finds, the end result is horrendous. Where does he find these tapes? Why does he keep making them? Why does he keep uploading them? Will the right authorities ever figure out what is going on? These questions will be asked because once you go LIVE, the followers will THRIVE.

Nataly Fish

House Call

House Call

Third movie of the famous Czech adventure trilogy: Osada Havranů Na veliké rece Volání rodu

Nataly Fish

Dennis the Menace

Dennis the Menace

While digging in his front garden, Dennis finds a big bone. To prove it's from a dinosaur, he persuades his father to invite an old buddy of him, Bowen Skyler III, who's a famous 'dinosaur hunter'. Being desperate for publicity, Skyler informs press and television... and starts a paleontologic dig in their front garden.

Nataly Fish

Un million de dollars par meurtre

Un million de dollars par meurtre

Un Amérindien voyage autour d'une ville de villégiature et assassine des flics et des personnes riches avec une arbalète puissante, tout en exigeant que les résidents les plus riches de la ville lui paient de l'argent pour arrêter les meurtres.

Nataly Fish

Beijing Blues

Beijing Blues

The unique feature of his film is the actors - they are not professional but celebrities on micro-blogs. Among micro-bloggers in the cast are publisher Zhang Lixian, folk singer Zhou Yunpeng and screenwriter Shi Hang. The film is based on the true story of a Beijing plainclothes policeman named Zhang Huiling, who has been working for more than 10 y..

Nataly Fish

Le Sixième sens

Le Sixième sens

Will Graham est un des experts-légistes les plus habiles du F.B.I. Il excelle dans l'art de reconstituer à partir d'éléments quasiment inexistants le profil d'un assassin. Mais son "sixième sens" lui a valu de frôler plusieurs fois la mort. Alors qu'il est retiré depuis trois ans, un ancien collègue, Crawford, vient le relancer pour une aff..

Nataly Fish

Les Repaires de la Jungle Noire

Les Repaires de la Jungle Noire

Nous sommes aux Indes; en l'an 1880. Le capitaine Mac Pherson, courageux officier britannique, trouve son existence brisée, lorsque sa petite fille se fait enlever par une cruelle secte, les Thugs, qui voient dans l'adorable gamine, la réincarnation de la puissante déesse Khali... Ce ne sera que vingt années plus tard, que le père, à la tête..

Nataly Fish

Lovci a oběti

Lovci a oběti

Nataly Fish

The Lil River Rats and the Adventure of the Lost Treasure

The Lil River Rats and the Adventure of the Lost Treasure

Nine-year-old Molly Brown lived and breathed "that river." After her mother died it was just her and her dad, Paul, and of course "cappy" her ailing grandfather, but with all cappy’s medical bills, Paul’s only choice is to sell everything, including the family home, and move away. But Molly can't leave her friends and the river, especially the ..

Nataly Fish

Paranoia Tapes 3: Siren

Paranoia Tapes 3: Siren

The third chapter from the Jack Hunter's Paranoia Tapes saga.

Nataly Fish

Paranoia Tapes 2: Press Play

Paranoia Tapes 2: Press Play

In this sequel to Jack Hunter's PARANOIA TAPES, we join Chase to find the missing pieces of what went wrong in the events of the first film. Chase, who is another personality of Henry's, decides to look at other Tapes that we're hidden within Henry's house. He desperately searches for answers and clues to find out who he is and if in fact, Chase is..

Nataly Fish

Beauty Investigator

Beauty Investigator

A serial killer is loose in Hong Kong, murdering hostesses from high class night clubs. As punishment for their flaky style and lack of discipline, two young policewomen are assigned to work undercover as hostesses to catch the sadist. While solving that crime, they discover who's behind some of the city's drug trade. In trying to halt this enterpr..

Nataly Fish

Paranoia Tapes 8: DVD+

Paranoia Tapes 8: DVD+

The disturbing series takes a look into Henry's fascinating backstory. How did his twisted childhood days form his delicate psyche?

Nataly Fish

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