


This is a visit to the exhibition of Yad Vashem, the Jerusalem museum built as a memorial for the victims of the Nazis and the heroes of the Ghetto resistance. This documentary depicts the atrocities of the Holocaust in which six million European Jews were slaughtered by the Nazis, through hundreds of photographs, documents and authentic film foota..

Nataly Fish

Holocauste 2000

Holocauste 2000

Un riche homme d'affaires se rend sur un site où il décide de créer un réacteur nucléaire assez puissant pour alimenter en énergie électrique toute la planète. Sur le site, il découvre une grotte enfouie sous les sables, sur les murs de laquelle sont inscrits d'étranges dessins...

Nataly Fish

Holocauste Nazi

Holocauste Nazi

Les Nazis recherchent les partisans réfugiés dans les montagnes. Pour obtenir des informations, ils séquestrent les femmes des villages alentour, qui sont faites prisonnières dans un camp, dirigé par la SS Ellen Kratsch. Cette dernière mène en parallèle une expérience scientifique, et a créé un monstre hybride mi-homme mi-singe, qu’ell..

Nataly Fish

Blue Holocaust

Blue Holocaust

Lorsque sa fiancée meurt des suites d'un rituel vaudou, le monde de Franck s'écroule. Refusant d'y croire, il se sert de sa passion pour la taxidermie pour embaumer le corps de son amie et la garder auprès de lui. Ayant définitivement perdu tout contact avec la réalité, et aidé par une inquiétante gouvernante, Franck va alors chercher une n..

Nataly Fish

Cannibal Holocaust

Cannibal Holocaust

Une équipe de journalistes composée de trois hommes et une femme se rend dans la jungle amazonienne à la recherche de vrais cannibales. Bientôt, la troupe ne donne plus aucun signe de vie. Le gouvernement américain décide alors d'envoyer une équipe de secours sur place. Celle-ci retrouve, grâce à une tribu amazonienne, les cassettes vidéo..

Nataly Fish

Des hommes ordinaires : un chapitre oublié de la solution finale

Des hommes ordinaires : un chapitre oublié de la solution finale

Ce documentaire examine comment et pourquoi des milliers d'Allemands ont participé à des atrocités de masse au sein des bataillons de police nazis pendant l'Holocauste.

Nataly Fish

La Terreur des zombies

La Terreur des zombies

Une série de crimes abominables dans la ville de New York conduisent le docteur Peter Chandler et la belle docteur Laurie Ridgeway avec d'autres membres d'une expédition à l'île de Kito, le dieu cannibale, perdue dans l'archipel des Moluques et sont rapidement confrontés à des cannibales puis à des zombies créés par le sinistre Docteur O'B..

Nataly Fish

Robot Holocaust

Robot Holocaust

New York est en ruine, sous la domination de robots hideux et inhumains. L'atmosphère est polluée, la race humaine est réduite à l'état d'esclavage. Une bataille redoutable s'engage avec comme enjeu... la Terre !

Nataly Fish

Miss Holocaust Survivor

Miss Holocaust Survivor

Nataly Fish

In the Jungle: The Making Of Cannibal Holocaust

In the Jungle: The Making Of Cannibal Holocaust

An Italian documentary that gives an inside look at the making of Ruggero Deodato's controversial horror film "Cannibal Holocaust".

Nataly Fish

Holocaust 2

Holocaust 2

A secret group of Jewish activists locate and murder the doctors and soldiers who tortured their relations in a notorious extermination camp.

Nataly Fish

How Holocaust came to Television

How Holocaust came to Television

At the beginning of 1979, after more than 30 years of collective repression, a dramatized and emotional US television miniseries ensured that the German population was suddenly reminded of the terrible Nazi crimes against the Jews. What is now expressed with the hitherto unknown word Holocaust, hits many millions of people in the heart. The unexpec..

Nataly Fish

Saul & Ruby's Holocaust Survivor Band

Saul & Ruby's Holocaust Survivor Band

In this utterly heart-affecting and enthralling film, two Holocaust survivors in South Florida form a klezmer band and begin an extraordinary musical journey that celebrates life and the transcendent power of music to heal.

Nataly Fish

Eyes of the Holocaust

Eyes of the Holocaust

Steven Spielberg and Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation present interviews with survivors of the Nazi death camps in Hungary. Their tragic testimonies are illustrated through newsreels from the era and archival photos.

Nataly Fish

Rob Schneider: Soy Sauce and the Holocaust

Rob Schneider: Soy Sauce and the Holocaust

"SNL" alum Rob Schneider takes to the stage (as himself) to examine the bizarre nature of fame, the woes of aging and the virtue of sweatpants. Known for his off-the-wall characters, Schneider opens up about his own life, which can be equally zany.

Nataly Fish

Brazilian Holocaust

Brazilian Holocaust

For decades, thousands of patients were hospitalized forcibly, without diagnosis of mental illness, in an enormous hospice in the city of Barbacena, Minas Gerais, southeast of Brazil. There they were tortured, raped and killed without anyone caring about their fate. Famous journalists, in the 1960s and 70s, made reports denouncing the ill-treatment..

Nataly Fish

True Legends - Episode 3: Holocaust of Giants

True Legends - Episode 3: Holocaust of Giants

In this explosive episode, Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, and Tom Horn pick up the trail of the Anasazi Indians in the Desert Southwest of the United States. Their groundbreaking investigation reveals a dark and gruesome secret concerning the sudden annihilation of this mysterious tribe, and a cover-up of gigantic proportions. What they discover w..

Nataly Fish

My Two Lives, Creative Response to the Holocaust

My Two Lives, Creative Response to the Holocaust

Lotte Weiss is a Slovak Jew, who spent several years of her life at Auschwitz and Birkenau. Now she is 95 years old and lives in Australia. The director and artist Thea Weiss is married to Lotte’s son. Lotte’s stories and experiences inspired Thea to create a documentary. During the war, thousands of Slovak Jews were deported to the death camps..

Nataly Fish

Jorge Mautner: Son of the Holocaust

Jorge Mautner: Son of the Holocaust

The film follows the birth of Jorge Mautner up to his 17 years. He was born in Brazil shortly after his parents fled the Holocaust. Raised by a nanny who introduced him to Candomblé, Mautner became a precursor of the Tropicália, contributing to the construction of the identity of Brazilian music.

Nataly Fish

The Auctioneers: Profiting from the Holocaust

The Auctioneers: Profiting from the Holocaust

From 1938-1939, the systematic anti-Semitism of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis led to violence and despotism towards Jewish citizens, along with the exploitation of Jewish property. Tax inspectors, bailiffs, pawnbrokers, and auctioneers were among the major profiteers of the Holocaust. This documentary goes on a hunt for relics of the past and those w..

Nataly Fish

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