
A Fluorescent Sky

A Fluorescent Sky

Hector is a widower who owns a corner shop with his young daughter Cleo. With the threat of a new 'Hypermark' opening, Hector battles for the store's survival while Cleo longs for the world beyond.

Nataly Fish

Fluffy Cumsalot: Porn Star

Fluffy Cumsalot: Porn Star

Fluffy Cumsalot, Porn Star is an extraordinary documentary about porn stars and their stage names. Featuring Ron Jeremy, Marilyn Chambers, Jenna Jameson, Seymore Butts and over 70 more of the world's top porn stars, this film is a fascinating and revealing documentary about adult performers and the origin of their on-screen names.

Nataly Fish

Les grandes épidémies de l'histoire : la grippe espagnole

Les grandes épidémies de l'histoire : la grippe espagnole

En 1918, après des années d'une guerre sanglante qui a conduit à la mort de millions de soldats, une nouvelle plaie va s'abattre : la grippe espagnole qui tuera plus de cinquante millions de personnes. En pleine épidémie de coronavirus, retour sur cette crise santitaire de grande ampleur et les leçons à en tirer aujourd'hui. A partir de tém..

Nataly Fish



When the small town of Minyaka suffers from a drought, a kind and mysterious stranger offers to make it rain by playing his flute; under the condition that he be paid. But after Fluteman makes it rain, and even stops it; the town council, blind by their greed and pride, refuse to pay him. Fluteman stands before the town and warns them of a curse he..

Nataly Fish

Manhunt: Escape to the Carpathians

Manhunt: Escape to the Carpathians

A breathless criminal hunt, which leads into the remote mountain world of Romania, with the portrait of a foreign country, which has remained standing in time. Hanna Landauer and Sven Schröder are part of a special unit of the LKA, which traps fugitives across the borders to the remotest corners of the world.

Nataly Fish

Hidro e Fluído

Hidro e Fluído

Nataly Fish

Flight North

Flight North

Johanna has fled Nazi Germany to visit a friend in Finland, and from there she continues on to her friend's family's estate. Once at the estate, Johanna passionately argues with her friend's pro-Nazi brother and at the same time, falls for the second, good-looking brother who shares her own anti-fascist feelings. The two are soon engaged in an acti..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Flügel aus Beton

Flügel aus Beton

Nataly Fish

The Flood - Death on the Dike

The Flood - Death on the Dike

During a storm surge on the North Sea coast in 2007, farm worker Iven takes 3-year old Wienke, the daughter of dike warden Hauke Haien and his wife Elke, to Hamburg and leaves her outside a children’s home. Iven becomes a doorman in St. Pauli. 15 years later, he is visited by a young woman. She wants to know who she is and where she comes from. A..

Nataly Fish

The Magic Flute

The Magic Flute

Based on Mozart’s opera, a young prince is gifted a magical flute by the Queen of the night to help him find a missing princess and he uncovers a hidden truth.

Nataly Fish

Fluoride: Poison On Tap

Fluoride: Poison On Tap

Water fluoridation has been hailed by the CDC as “one of the ten great public health achievements of the 20th century.” However, the practice has been mired in controversy since it began over 70 years ago. Does water fluoridation actually prevent tooth decay, or have we been sold a lie? Join producers Paul Wittenberger and Chris Maple as they ..

Nataly Fish

Christian Wahnschaffe II: Escape from the Golden Dungeon

Christian Wahnschaffe II: Escape from the Golden Dungeon

Escape from the Golden Dungeon is the second part of the two-part silent movie Christian Wahnschaffe.

Nataly Fish

Zwischen Ebbe und Flut

Zwischen Ebbe und Flut

Nataly Fish

Drux Flux

Drux Flux

Partly figurative, partly abstract, Drux Flux is an animation film of fast-flowing images showing modern people crushed by industry. Inspired by One-Dimensional Man by the philosopher Herbert Marcus…

Nataly Fish



1996 short film

Nataly Fish

Fluxfilm Anthology 1962-1970

Fluxfilm Anthology 1962-1970

Feature-length compilation program presenting 37 out of 41 original fluxfilms produced and directed in the 1960s by Fluxus artists, including George Maciunas, Nam June Paik, Yoko Ono, Robert Watts, Paul Sharits, et al.

Nataly Fish

Hen in a Boat

Hen in a Boat

Au cours de l'été sur la terre de leur grand-père, Johanna, Robert, Harald et Alex décident d'un voyage secret jusqu'à la rivière sur un bateau à la recherche d'une nouvelle voie vers la mer du Nord de l'Allemagne. Film d'aventure pour enfants, un classique allemand.

Nataly Fish

Popeye le Plombier

Popeye le Plombier

Popeye et Bluto s'arrêtent pour voir Olive et réparer un robinet qui fuit ...

Nataly Fish

Whispering Moon

Whispering Moon

Jannis, a cute, young gay man, and his adorable mute boyfriend, Patrick, infiltrate a circus to shoot an undercover documentary exposing an underground political conspiracy responsible for a recent spate of assasination attempts. When Patrick meet Mo, a young woman whose sensitivity to sunlight forces her to live by nigh, Jannis' jelousy threatens ..

Nataly Fish

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