
A Tale of Egypt

A Tale of Egypt

Heroic characters, memorable songs and thrilling deeds weave an unforgettable story of faith and courage amid the splendors of ancient Egypt in this brilliantly animated Enchanted Tale!

Nataly Fish

Adventure Coral Reef 3D - Under the Sea of Egypt

Adventure Coral Reef 3D - Under the Sea of Egypt

Come with us for a fantastic journey under the Red Sea of Egypt, one of the most beautiful diver paradise around the world. Join in to get in touch the amazing underwater world to see and enjoy these marvellous animals (dolphins, sharks, giant turtles) in near connection. You can wonder the brilliant corall-reefs such an impressive environment you ..

Nataly Fish

Egypt: Engineering an Empire

Egypt: Engineering an Empire

Twenty-five hundred years before the reign of Julius Caesar, the ancient Egyptians were deftly harnessing the power of engineering on an unprecedented scale. Egyptian temples, fortresses, pyramids and palaces forever redefined the limits of architectural possibility. They also served as a warning to all of Egypt's enemies-that the world's most adva..

Nataly Fish

Egypt Decoded

Egypt Decoded

Nataly Fish

Forbidden History Revealed - Ep 1: The Egyptian Presence in the Americas and the Pacific Rim

Forbidden History Revealed - Ep 1: The Egyptian Presence in the Americas and the Pacific Rim

For the first time in history; an eyewitness account to the fact that Egyptian artifacts and giant skeletons were taken from the Grand Canyon and stored in the secret, underground Smithsonian warehouse. This film explores the following questions: Why are the landforms in the Grand Canyon named for Egyptian deities? Why is the DNA of giant mummie..

Nataly Fish



ÉGYPTE is a meditation on ancient time and space. Inspired by the Tibetan Tantric chants of the Lamas (which also comprises the sound track), this impressionistic piece presents the ancient sense of 'mystery' without recourse to narration or didactic (historical) interpretation.

Nataly Fish

Three Heroes and the Princess of Egypt

Three Heroes and the Princess of Egypt

The new adventures of the three heroes and, of course, the horse Yuliya!!!!. Where will the fate of the fairy tale heroes, who have fallen in love with them still go, what challenges do they have to overcome, that will help them defeat the dark forces? We will find out about this very soon.

Nataly Fish

Égypte : les momies de compagnie

Égypte : les momies de compagnie

Dans l’Égypte pharaonique, les animaux occupent une place à part. Vénérés, ils sont sacrifiés afin de servir d’intermédiaires entre leurs divinités tutélaires et les hommes. D’innombrables momies animales reposent ainsi dans les tombeaux antiques. Encore peu connu, ce rite fait l’objet de recherches archéologiques internationales...

Nataly Fish

Upper Egyptian in the American University

Upper Egyptian in the American University

Khalaf, a bumpkin southern Egyptian wins a scholarship to study at the American University in Cairo where students - many from Cairo's upper class - are known for their Americanized attitudes.

Nataly Fish

Le pouvoir des prêtresses égyptiennes

Le pouvoir des prêtresses égyptiennes

L'histoire de l'Égypte ancienne a fait la réputation des pharaons et de leurs temples majestueux. Ce documentaire met en lumière le pouvoir méconnu de certaines femmes, prêtresses et femmes du dieu Amun, icône de la création et de la fertilité. Parfois considérées comme les égales des dieux et vénérées de tous, elles procédaient à d..

Nataly Fish

Bonaparte: The Egyptian Campaign

Bonaparte: The Egyptian Campaign

In the Spring of 1798, Napoleon set out with 38,000 men and 10,000 sailors to conquer Egypt . He also brought along 167 men of science and the arts to start a scientific mission to explore the land. It was the beginning of a scholarly encounter between the West and the Muslim world.

Nataly Fish

Rick Steves Egypt: Yesterday and Today

Rick Steves Egypt: Yesterday and Today

In this hour-long special, Rick Steves explores the historic and cultural wonders of Egypt.

Nataly Fish

Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkey

Egyptian Fakir with Dancing Monkey

The fakir with his trick monkey is seated on the pavement in a street in Cairo. He plays a tom-tom, while the monkey dances the couchee-couchee. The movements of the monkey are very comical. (Taken on the winter cruise of the S. S. "Auguste Victoria" of the Hamburg-American Line, leaving New York on 03 Feb 1903.)

Nataly Fish

The Man from Egypt

The Man from Egypt

Beware the ire of the sacred God Ammett, or any other of those Egyptian Gods for that matter. As a bellhop in a hotel, Hughey managed to get possession of a wonderful ruby, the eye of Ammet, and with its aid obtained an introduction to a millionaire and his beautiful daughter. But Hughey failed to remember that for every ruby or other gem stolen fr..

Nataly Fish

Dinky Doodle in Egypt

Dinky Doodle in Egypt

The artist, Walter Lantz, goes to a masquerade ball and Dinky and his dog take a nap. Dinky dreams he is a cartoon character in Egypt where he falls in love with a princess. He goes to her father to ask for her hand but the old mummy playing poker with the father claims the girl, but the pharaoh degrees it must be settle by a chariot race. Dinky ha..

Nataly Fish

Mummies And The Wonders of Ancient Egypt

Mummies And The Wonders of Ancient Egypt

A four-cassette tour of the splendors that were once Egypt. In the land of pharaoh god-kings, where priestesses held sway and people communed with the dead through a bestial creature known as the Sphinx, monuments were erected that awe us still with their sheer magnitude. But the pyramids, temples, statues, and tombs were not the only wonders left ..

Nataly Fish

Count Arthur Strong's Forgotten Egypt

Count Arthur Strong's Forgotten Egypt

Filmed during his now legendary Edinburgh Fringe breakout run in 2002, this limited re-release is now available to order. This is Arthur as he was then… any resemblance to any other Count Arthur Strong, living or dead, is purely coincidental. At the time, we described the show thus: Count Arthur is a pot-pouri of E L Wisty, Captain Mainwaring ..

Nataly Fish

Mysteries of Egypt

Mysteries of Egypt

Filmed in IMAX, a young girl questions her grandfather about the alleged curse of King Tutankhamen. His response takes us up to the source of the nourishing river Nile, to the Great Pyramids of Giza, to the Valley of the Kings.

Nataly Fish

History Classics: Egypt - Pyramids and Mummies

History Classics: Egypt - Pyramids and Mummies

History brings the extraordinary world of ancient Egypt to life in a bountiful collection of documentaries that journey back to a time of giant pyramids, mysterious hieroglyphs, and elaborate burial tombs. From the secrets of the Sphinx to the glittering sepulcher of the legendary Tutankhamun, Egypt: Pyramids and Mummies details the pharaohs and fe..

Nataly Fish

Le mystère Cléopâtre, la dernière reine d'Egypte

Le mystère Cléopâtre, la dernière reine d'Egypte

Les dernières fouilles archéologiques permettent de percer le mystère de l'insaisissable reine égyptienne. Cléopâtre était plus que le récit romantique qui l'a entourée jusqu'à ce jour. Elle était, en fait, une savante érudite et avait une grande connaissance des mathématiques. A Taposiris Magna en Égypte, l'archéologue Kathleen Mart..

Nataly Fish

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