
Viens danser... sur la lune

Viens danser... sur la lune

Madeleine a treize ans cet été. Il semble que tout lui arrive pour la première fois. Bien qu'elle ait l'air aussi normale que tous les habitants de sa petite ville natale, elle se sent aussi différente que si elle venait d'une autre planète.

Nataly Fish

Dancing on the Ceiling

Dancing on the Ceiling

A young man follows a pretty girl into her office, which turns out to be a musical dentist office. Cute chorus girls attend to the many male customers, and the girl the young man was following is revealed to be the dentist. She gives the young man anesthetic gas and he dreams the dentist and her troupe of nurses are dancing on the ceiling.

Nataly Fish

Dancing on the Edge

Dancing on the Edge

A story of a teenage girl's battle against substance abuse and the long road to redemption. Winner of 10 independent film awards.

Nataly Fish

Lap Dancing

Lap Dancing

Angie is having no luck auditioning for movies. She thinks about going back home, but her roommate Claudia convinces her to try working at the "gentleman's club" with her in order to gain more life experience. Angie hopes to be able to turn the experience toward more effective acting but is having difficulty overcoming her inhibitions. She meets a ..

Nataly Fish

Line of Dance

Line of Dance

Nataly Fish

Dirty Dancing 3: Capoeira Nights

Dirty Dancing 3: Capoeira Nights

This short is a parody of the Dirty Dancing series.

Nataly Fish

L'impossible vérité

L'impossible vérité

Anna Forbes subit une agression et des abus sexuels de la part de son beau-père. Mais quand elle surmonte sa peur et raconte à son mari Marc ce qui s'est passé, il ne la croit pas, choisissant plutôt de croire son père qui nie tout. Alors qu'Anna devient de plus en plus désespérée et que ses actions deviennent de plus en plus erratiques, Ma..

Nataly Fish

Dancing in Jaffa

Dancing in Jaffa

Après avoir vécu à l’étranger de nombreuses années, Pierre Dulaine, danseur professionnel maintes fois récompensé, retourne à Jaffa, en Israël, où il est né en 1944. Nostalgique des rues de son enfance, mais conscient de la tension qui règne entre les différentes communautés vivant à Jaffa, Pierre veut réaliser le rêve de toute u..

Nataly Fish



GONDI (20s) is watching an entertainment show in his village. RUMI (40s), a middle-aged man standing in the center, leads the show with captivating tiger spirit music. Suddenly, a young man writhes and dances like a tiger (possessed). The villagers are instantly delighted and entertained. After the show ends, the villagers disperse. Unaware, RUMI r..

Nataly Fish

Slow Dancing In The Big City

Slow Dancing In The Big City

An aging out of shape reporter falls for a pretty but seriously ill ballerina.

Nataly Fish

Le Bal des 41

Le Bal des 41

Un parlementaire homosexuel épouse la fille du président mexicain, mais fricote avec un jeune homme dans un club clandestin. Le scandale éclate. Inspiré de faits réels.

Nataly Fish

Dance with the Devil

Dance with the Devil

Un couple particulièrement diabolique, Perdita et Romeo, kidnappe deux jeunes adolescents et les embarquent dans une folle cavalcade vers Las Vegas.

Nataly Fish

The Dancing Girl and the Balloon Man

The Dancing Girl and the Balloon Man

Romance blooms between a dim sum shop assistant and a street performer in Chinatown, who carries them in the safety of his balloon on a rainy night.

Nataly Fish

Dancing in the Corner

Dancing in the Corner

After the fall of communism in 1989, colour TVs are no longer a luxury good in Poland. The screens in many Polish homes are beginning to look more like the reality outside the window. But is reality truly colourful?

Nataly Fish

Dancing with the Cars

Dancing with the Cars

Come on down to Flo's as the cars show off their dancing skills.

Nataly Fish

La Danseuse

La Danseuse

La relation entre un écrivain et sa femme professeur de ballet, qui aime depuis des années un autre homme, conduit finalement à la rupture de la famille.

Nataly Fish

Can't Stop Dancing

Can't Stop Dancing

A Topeka, Kansas fun park dance troupe led by a 260 pound dancer (Ben Zook) learns that the park is going to close. Their leader convinces the group, now named "The Stupendous Six", to join him in a painted up bus and to hit the road to find the big time. The Six compete against other dancers to win a chance to compete in the grand finale at the Li..

Nataly Fish

Dirty Dancing Live in Concert

Dirty Dancing Live in Concert

Nataly Fish

Dancing Fruit

Dancing Fruit

25 composers, 25 filmmakers, 25 ultimate symbioses of music and cinematography that fit completely within the DNA of Film Fest Gent and the World Soundtrack Awards. For the unique 2x25 project, the festival asked 25 composers to compose a short piece of music, after which 25 filmmakers made a short film. The result: 25 exceptional films where the m..

Nataly Fish

Come Dancing

Come Dancing

Deux hommes se retrouvent un après-midi de brouillard sur la jetée de Southend. Les regards qu’ils échangent, leur langage corporel et les bribes de conversation laissent présager un rapprochement. Mais la situation se dégrade rapidement et les événements prennent alors une tournure inattendue.

Nataly Fish

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