
Civil War

Civil War

Dans un futur proche où les États-Unis sont au bord de l'effondrement et où des journalistes embarqués courent pour raconter la plus grande histoire de leur vie : La fin de l'Amérique telle que nous la connaissons. Une course effrénée à travers une Amérique fracturée qui, dans un futur proche, est plus que jamais sur le fil du rasoir.

Nataly Fish

Captain America : Civil War

Captain America : Civil War

Steve Rogers est désormais à la tête des Avengers, dont la mission est de protéger l’humanité. À la suite d’une de leurs interventions qui a causé d’importants dégâts collatéraux, le gouvernement décide de mettre en place un organisme de commandement et de supervision. Cette nouvelle donne provoque une scission au sein de l’équi..

Nataly Fish

La Seconde Guerre de Sécession

La Seconde Guerre de Sécession

Aux Etats-Unis dans un futur proche, le gouverneur de l'Idaho refuse l'asile politique a un charter d'orphelins rescapes d'une guerre nucleaire entre l'Inde et le Pakistan. L'Idaho appelle a l'independance et les milices locales se preparent a affronter l'armee federale.

Nataly Fish

The Civil Hoax: Civil War Deniers

The Civil Hoax: Civil War Deniers

Historical deniers, conspiracy theorists, and other idiots serve up interviews and meet to discuss their mission to spread rumors, denial, and alternative facts about the U.S. Civil War.

Nataly Fish

ROH Civil Warfare

ROH Civil Warfare

ROH Civil Warfare was a professional wrestling event produced by Ring of Honor (ROH). It took place on May 7, 2010 at the Sports Network and Fitness Inc. in Manassas, Virginia.

Nataly Fish

Brothers: A Civil War Story

Brothers: A Civil War Story

The year is 1862 and the American Civil War is raging. For one family in the South, conflicting views on the war cause tension in the family. William, the family's eldest brother, soon grows restless and feels drawn to the Union cause. Feeling betrayed, his younger brother Adam takes up arms in the Confederate army to defend the family home. Now tw..

Nataly Fish

Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are)

Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are)

A journey across the United States to explore the story of the Civil War of Americans from President Obama's final year in office through the present.

Nataly Fish

Civil War

Civil War

Summer of 1982, a beach in the south of Portugal. Rui and his parents live closed in their worlds, blind to the failure that characterizes them as a family and condemns them to the malaise of survival. Rui will have school exams but he is only interested in music and in the exploration of imaginary worlds that he constantly sketches in drawings. O..

Nataly Fish

Captain America: Civil War Reenactors

Captain America: Civil War Reenactors

Chad and Angus (Tony Hale & Adam Pally) are pool store employees who share a passion for cosplay and faithfully reenacting major battles from Marvel comic book canon. This documentary examines the coworkers' devoted yet contentious relationship.

Nataly Fish

The English Civil Wars

The English Civil Wars

It was a time of bitterness and hatred, a war which pitched father against son, brother against brother in the bloody battle for the soul of the nation. It was winner takes all. After seven years of turmoil, even the dramatic execution of King Charles I could not bring peace, more bloodshed still lay ahead. The most tragic and dramatic chapter in E..

Nataly Fish

Ambrose Bierce: Civil War Stories

Ambrose Bierce: Civil War Stories

Legendary writer Ambrose Bierce was known to be brilliant, cantankerous and romantic in all his life's passions, and was revered as one of the top storytellers of the late 19th Century. In 1890, he presented his recently published collection of Civil War Stories to novelist Gertrude Atherton and fledgling young publisher William Randolph Hearst dur..

Nataly Fish

Civil War Saint

Civil War Saint

A wounded Civil War soldier wakes up to find the war has ended and his rescuer is an unexpected friend God has sent, a Saint Bernard who saves him and shows him the path to home. But can he overcome the scars of war and learn to love again?

Nataly Fish

L'amour au temps de la guerre civile

L'amour au temps de la guerre civile

The reality of addiction in a tough-minded docudrama set in the bleak milieu of hustlers and junkies in Montreal.

Nataly Fish

Civil War Sickness

Civil War Sickness

A young woman examines her eating disorder recovery. She consciously resists the temptation to rely on visuals of starvation and specific body weights, instead seeking to articulate the deeper questions: why do eating disorders develop? Why do eating disorders persist? And how does healing happen?

Nataly Fish

Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles

Civil War Combat: America's Bloodiest Battles

The names are familiar, the stories have been told - or so we think. This groundbreaking series brings four of the most famous engagements of the Civil War to life like never before. Unflinching, uncompromising and graphic, the images and stories presented here show these battles for what they were, with all their brutality, horror, devastation and..

Nataly Fish

Unconstitutional: The War On Our Civil Liberties

Unconstitutional: The War On Our Civil Liberties

A documentary that investigates the ways in which the civil liberties of American citizens and immigrants have been rolled back since September 11 and the passing of the Patriot Act.

Nataly Fish

Reconstruction: America After the Civil War

Reconstruction: America After the Civil War

The series explores the transformative years following the American Civil War, when the nation struggled to rebuild itself in the face of profound loss, massive destruction, and revolutionary social change. The twelve years that composed the post-war Reconstruction era (1865-77) witnessed a seismic shift in the meaning and makeup of our democracy, ..

Nataly Fish

Black Patriots: Heroes of the Civil War

Black Patriots: Heroes of the Civil War

This one-hour documentary takes viewers through an evolution of African American involvement over the course of the Civil War through the stories of some of the most crucial and significant figures of the day including Harriet Tubman, Robert Smalls, Frederick Douglass, the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry Regiment, and the most celebrated regi..

Nataly Fish

Interstellar Civil War: Shadows of the Empire

Interstellar Civil War: Shadows of the Empire

The Imperial Empire is attacked by an Alliance of rebels led by fanatical mystics. The ruler, Empress Nobu, the 8th generation of her family, wants to execute a bold plan to rescue a cyborg, Leah C6, trapped on the battle ravaged planet Endor. The Empress believes Leah C6 holds the secret to destroying the Alliance of Rebels before their insurgency..

Nataly Fish

The Civil War on Drugs

The Civil War on Drugs

Comedy troupe "The Whitest Kids U Know" present a film that follows two young men who mistakenly believe the American Civil War is being waged over the legalization of marijuana. They join the cause and embark on a journey that brings them face to face with the Union, the Confederates, the Pony Express and eventually Abraham Lincoln himself.

Nataly Fish

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