
Max émule de Tartarin

Max émule de Tartarin

Max relates to Mona, staying for the winter sports in Switzerland, that he killed a magnificent bear on the previous day, but that the dogs ate it, skin and all; but for that, concludes Max, Mona should have had his skin. Mona is sceptical, and insists that Max shall shoot another bear.

Nataly Fish

Long Xu Gou

Long Xu Gou

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

A Peacock's Tail

A Peacock's Tail

Soviet animated cartoon film of 1946 based on a fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky, created by directors Leonid Amalrik and Vladimir Polkovnikov. United with similar creative aspirations, the directors found their own style.

Nataly Fish

Paddington's Birthday Bonanza

Paddington's Birthday Bonanza

Mr. Brown's birthday is drawing near and Paddington is worried because he can't afford to buy him a present. His efforts to raise some money lead him into a series of misadventures, first as a waiter at a society dinner, then as the dancing partner of the hostess, Mrs. Smith-Cholmley, in a televised dance competition at the local charity ball.

Nataly Fish

L'obsession de l'ours

L'obsession de l'ours

Alan et Julian préparent leur expédition vers le Pôle Nord. Mais pour se préparer à cette grande aventure, ils doivent se mettre en condition et tester leur résistance au grand froid. C’est dans ce but qu’ils arrivent en avril au Groenland à l’heure où les ours polaires sortent de leur hibernation…

Nataly Fish

Chroniques de la poisse

Chroniques de la poisse

La Poisse est un homme avec une tête de poisson. De sa bouche s’échappent des bulles qui portent malheur. Lorsque l’une d’elle suit un personnage, le sort s’acharne sur lui. Notre victime est ainsi emportée dans un implacable tourbillon d’évènements insolites où le pire survient toujours, jusqu’à une mort aux circonstances invrai..

Nataly Fish

The Little Convict

The Little Convict

In old New South Wales a new bunch of convicts arrives including the little convict, young Toby Nelson. Consigned to a Government farm they are subjected to the cruelty of Sergeant Billy Langdon and Corporal Weazel Wesley. Toby escapes and flees into the Australian bush where he is saved from death by the aboriginal boy, Wahroonga. Together, with a..

Nataly Fish

Le Peste Du Pôle

Le Peste Du Pôle

Barney veut juste hiberner pour l’hiver, mais son neveu, qui vient du pôle Nord, a d’autres projets.

Nataly Fish

The Unknown Corpse

The Unknown Corpse

HK historical drama.

Nataly Fish

Three magical Christmas stories

Three magical Christmas stories

Nataly Fish

Curta-Metragem Amador da Cena d'O Urso Judeu de Bastardos Inglórios
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