
A.I. Intelligence Artificielle

A.I. Intelligence Artificielle

Dans un XXIe siècle où la fonte des glaces a submergé la majorité des terres habitables et provoqué famines et exodes, les robots sont devenus une composante essentielle de la vie quotidienne, et assurent désormais la plupart des tâches domestiques. Pourtant, le professeur Hobby veut aller encore plus loin en créant le premier androïde sen..

Nataly Fish

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

A woman finds herself being coerced into a robotic-related scientific breakthrough. She struggles to take control, but at what cost? Inspired by the Portal video games, and written by a teenager for the Pens to Lens film festival.

Nataly Fish

Artificial Intelligence Sex

Artificial Intelligence Sex

Hyunsoo, a college student, has a trauma to her ex-girlfriend. One day he buys a female mannequin to paint. However, it wasn't a mannequin that Hyunsoo bought, but a cutting-edge sex robot. Hyun-soo's ex-girlfriend Min-ji feels jealous when she sees him after having a hot night with Lara. When she meets Minji again, Hyun-soo presents Lara the sex ..

Nataly Fish

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent machines are no longer science fiction and experts seem divided as to whether artificial intelligence should be feared or welcomed. In this video, I explore a broad range of AI research while attempting to envision a future where man and machine can coexist.

Nataly Fish

AI: Artificial or ADVANCED Intelligence

AI: Artificial or ADVANCED Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence? And can intelligence actually be artificial? These questions have been on the minds of many for decades. With the emergence of MIT's super A.I. Watson, and the insurgence of the driver-less car, now seems apropos to seek answers to some of the most illuminating questions of our time. AI: Artificial or ADVANCED Intel..

Nataly Fish

Transhumanism: Robots, Cyborgs, and Artificial Intelligence

Transhumanism: Robots, Cyborgs, and Artificial Intelligence

Join world leaders in this paradigm as they discuss the implications, technologies, and oppositions to this modern-day sci-fi world.

Nataly Fish

Artificial Intelligence, 2023

Artificial Intelligence, 2023

In 2023, AI video crept into the picture.

Nataly Fish

Artificial (Emotional) Intelligence

Artificial (Emotional) Intelligence

Julia lives lonely and apathetic in a technological house, sharing her life only with an artificial intelligence assistant named Lukas. However, when an online date doesn't show up, the AI ​​makes a frightening revelation.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

L'Amie mortelle

L'Amie mortelle

A quinze ans, Paul Conway est deja un remarquable neurologue. Seul son Q.I. le distingue de ses camarades au college de Welling. Son compagnon de jeu est BB, un robot qu'il a bricole lui-meme, dote d'une force et d'une intelligence exceptionnelles, mais qui parfois a des reactions inattendues. Paul tombe amoureux de sa belle voisine Samantha. Agres..

Nataly Fish

Autopsie d'une intelligence artificielle

Autopsie d'une intelligence artificielle

Alors que les algorithmes devaient révolutionner nos vies, les belles promesses des géants de la tech sont-elles en passe d’être tenues ? Un état des lieux documenté des impasses auxquelles se heurte encore l’intelligence artificielle.

Nataly Fish

Generation Algorithm

Generation Algorithm

Technology is advancing and groundbreaking developments are being made in the field of artificial intelligence. With these advancements, comes a new world of possibilities that will affect almost all aspects of life. What is in store for us? How will artificial intelligence change our world of work, our society, and our everyday life? Scientific Jo..

Nataly Fish

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