
L'apprenti Bourreau

L'apprenti Bourreau

Aiman officie dans une prison de haute sécurité. Rahim, le bourreau en chef, y accompagne les derniers jours des condamnés. Rapidement, il prend le jeune gardien sous son aile et lui apprend les ficelles du métier. Aiman s'avère être un exécutant très appliqué, mais sa conscience et ses véritables motivations le rattrapent peu à peu...

Nataly Fish



It's Tom's first day on the job. He's already having doubts about his career. Jimmy's not making life any easier.

Nataly Fish

La Légende du Tigre

La Légende du Tigre

Tom Lee découvre qu'il appartient à une lignée de protecteurs magiques appelés les Gardiens. Grâce à l'aide d'un tigre mythique nommé Hu et de guerriers animaux du zodiaque, Tom s'entraîne pour affronter une force maléfique qui menace l'humanité.

Nataly Fish

L'Apprenti sorcier

L'Apprenti sorcier

Balthazar Blake est un grand sorcier vivant de nos jours à Manhattan. Il tente de défendre la ville contre son ennemi juré, Maxim Horvath. Balthazar ne pouvant y arriver seul, il engage alors - un peu malgré lui - Dave Stutler, un garçon apparemment ordinaire qui a pourtant un vrai potentiel, pour devenir son apprenti. Le sorcier donne à son ..

Nataly Fish

Master & Apprentice: A Special Look at Ahsoka

Master & Apprentice: A Special Look at Ahsoka

Dive into the new Star Wars master-apprentice legacy with the cast and filmmakers of Ahsoka.

Nataly Fish

Kinako - The Story of an Apprentice Police Dog

Kinako - The Story of an Apprentice Police Dog

Based on the true story of a female dog trainer, Kyoko Mochizuki, nicknamed "Anko", and a Labrador retriever which repeatedly fails the police dog trials despite numerous tries. Kyoko Mochizuki is an 18-year-old girl who dreams of becoming a police dog trainer. She is admitted to a police dog training school and meets a young Kinako, a Labrador ret..

Nataly Fish

The Apprentice

The Apprentice

Daniel, a young man down on his luck meets Guzman, an aging professional con artist. Together they plan to do one last spectacular heist. Rounding up the best of the best, they put together a dangerous and specialized team to ensure they get away with it. However, as events unfold, Daniel discovers that Guzman has been keeping a secret from him tha..

Nataly Fish

Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

A magician takes a simple-minded runaway under his wing. But the magician's wife has a sinister idea for the easily manipulated young man.

Nataly Fish

The Apprentice

The Apprentice

Charts a young Donald Trump’s ascent to power through a Faustian deal with the influential right-wing lawyer and political fixer Roy Cohn.

Nataly Fish



Tous les cent ans, une guerre fait rage entre la sorcière Morgana et Merlin. Elle revient afin de revendiquer le talisman de Fingall, un médaillon au pouvoir immense. Un jeune garçon, Ben, ayant des aptitudes extraordinaires pour la magie, est projeté sans le vouloir au coeur de cette ancienne bataille. La sorcière va alors devoir faire face �..

Nataly Fish

Krabat, L'Apprenti Sorcier

Krabat, L'Apprenti Sorcier

Krabat est un jeune orphelin de treize ans qui erre ici et là dans la campagne bohémienne, essayant tant bien que mal de trouver de la nourriture et un endroit où dormir. Un soir d'Epiphanie, il rencontre un corbeau qui le convainc de le suivre dans le vieux et sinistre moulin du marais de Kosel. Une fois sur place, il rencontre un meunier au vi..

Nataly Fish

L'Apprentissage de Duddy Kravitz

L'Apprentissage de Duddy Kravitz

The younger son of a working-class Jewish family in Montreal, Duddy Kravitz yearns to make a name for himself in society. This film chronicles his short and dubious rise to power, as well as his changing relationships with family and friends. Along the way the film explores the themes of anti-semitism and the responsibilities which come with adulth..

Nataly Fish

L'Apprenti criminel

L'Apprenti criminel

La Pennsylvanie en 1928. Billy Kelly, un jeune garçon de seize ans, rencontre un mystérieux voyageur aux pouvoirs étranges affirmant qu'il est le messager de Dieu. Billy tombe totalement sous la coupe du soi-disant docteur Reese. Mais Billy constate que Reese a d'autres projets pour son avenir..

Nataly Fish

The Watchmaker's Apprentice

The Watchmaker's Apprentice

The story of how Dr. George Daniels rose from Dickensian poverty to become the finest watchmaker of the modern era – and how Roger Smith embarked on an obsessive, seven-year quest to become his apprentice and equal.

Nataly Fish

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Based on a story by The Brothers Grimm,

Nataly Fish

L'apprenti Père Noël

L'apprenti Père Noël

Le Père Noël ne veut pas prendre sa retraite, mais le règlement est formel : il doit se choisir un apprenti qui le remplacera. Sélectionné parmi des millions d’enfants, l’heureux élu devra s’appeler Nicolas, être orphelin et avoir le cœur pur. De l’autre côté de la terre, un petit garçon répond parfaitement à ces critères, ma..

Nataly Fish

The Assassin's Apprentice: Silbadores of the Canary Islands

The Assassin's Apprentice: Silbadores of the Canary Islands

A futuristic action/thriller with legendary science fiction actors.

Nataly Fish

The Stalker's Apprentice

The Stalker's Apprentice

When an absorbing new manuscript finds its way across his desk, Marcus Walwyn (Gideon Turner), an impressionable young publisher, befriends the book's author (Peter Davison) and suddenly has trouble leaving his work at the office. Intrigued by the volume's step-by-step instructions on how to stalk and murder an unsuspecting victim, Marcus grows obs..

Nataly Fish

Darth Maul: Apprentice

Darth Maul: Apprentice

With his training almost complete, Darth Maul must face six Jedi in order to reach his true potential, and become a Dark Lord of the Sith.

Nataly Fish

Watchmakerʼs Apprentice

Watchmakerʼs Apprentice

Urban, an orphan, serves a greedy master watchmaker as an apprentice. When Urban grows up, he falls in love with the watchmaker's daughter Laura and wants to marry her. Before this can happen, the master sends his apprentice out into the world with the task of looking for a mythical watch that can warn of death. No one knows if the watch even exist..

Nataly Fish

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