
Klondike Fever

Klondike Fever

This movie chronicles Jack London's epic journey from San Francisco to the Klondike gold fields in 1898.

Nataly Fish

Godspeed : Priez pour votre survie

Godspeed : Priez pour votre survie

La vie de Charlie Newman, guérisseur évangélique en Alaska, est brisée lorsque sa famille est sauvagement assassinée par des assaillants inconnus sans aucune raison apparente. Six mois plus tard, Charlie a abandonné son ancienne vie et passe ses journées d’été, ressemblant plus a un fantôme qu’à un homme. Mais alors, une mystérieuse..

Nataly Fish

Les aventuriers

Les aventuriers

Histoire, inspirée du roman Ice Palace d'Edna Ferber, de Zeb Kenedy et de Thor Storm, colons en Alaska après la Première Guerre mondiale. Après être retourné chez lui et s'être retrouvé sans travail, Zep Kennedy part pour l'Alaska. Son ambition va le pousser dans les ennuis...

Nataly Fish

North of Hudson Bay

North of Hudson Bay

On a steamboat heading North, where his brother has struck gold, Mike Dane falls in love with Estelle MacDonald. When he arrives at the Canadian trading post, Dane learns that his brother has been murdered and his partner sentenced to death as the killer.

Nataly Fish

Mining for Ruby

Mining for Ruby

Jack is a widowed "end-of-the-roader" struggling with his continued depression as he falls for Ruby, a passionate environmental engineering grad student who is embroiled in a poisonous waste controversy that threatens to shut down the biggest industry in her state.

Nataly Fish

Hostage for a Day

Hostage for a Day

Warren Kooey is a man who's tired of his current life; a witch of a wife, a boss who complains about everything he does and looses his lifesavings (stolen by the wife). He has only one thing on his mind: Alaska

Nataly Fish

Iditarod, la dernière course de Nicolas Vanier

Iditarod, la dernière course de Nicolas Vanier

L’Iditarod est la plus grande et la plus célèbre course de traîneaux à chiens et rassemble chaque année sur la ligne de départ les meilleurs attelages du monde. Le 4 mars 2017, Nicolas et les p’tits chiens ont pris le départ de cette course mythique. Après 1600km de course, Nicolas et les p’tits chiens sont arrivés en pleine forme �..

Nataly Fish

Snow Time

Snow Time

A Van Beuren cartoon where the animals go skiing, ice skating, eat hot dogs and get drunk.

Nataly Fish

Red Snow

Red Snow

Lieutenant Johnson, a U. S. Air Force pilot, on the tip of Alaska, a few miles from the Bering Straits from Siberia, helps foil a Soviet plot to test a new secret weapon by loyal Alaskan Eskimos. He is aided by Sergeant Koovuk, an Alsaka native Eskimo also in the U.S. military service. Along the way there is an ice-floe evacuation, an air-ice rescu..

Nataly Fish

Ein Lächeln im Sturm

Ein Lächeln im Sturm

Katrina Mercier and her husband arrive in Canada's far north to run a trading post. Another trading post owner, Langrand, and police sergeant Spenlow, the only two civilized people in the area, fall in love with Katrina. They follow the husband and wife as they head further north for a chance that, until now, the husband has been reluctant to take...

Nataly Fish

Snow Time

Snow Time

It's a snowy day, Krazy Kat takes a sled over to Kitty's house to invite her to go skating.

Nataly Fish

Mush On

Mush On

Snap travels with his dog to the North Pole where they encounter a polar bear

Nataly Fish

Daredevils of the Clouds

Daredevils of the Clouds

Terry O'Rourke, an American operating a small airline in Canada, is having a tough time making a go of it; he has to cope with unfavorable weather conditions, a rocky terrain, and a large Americam company determined to buy him out at their low price. In addition, one of his primary employees is working against him. One of his airplanes is transport..

Nataly Fish

Travis Rice - Truffle Pigs

Travis Rice - Truffle Pigs

Last winter, Travis Rice and Chris Rasman went deep into Alaska’s Tordillo Mountains. Their trip coincided with about five feet of fresh snow — which was followed up by about 100 MPH winds. This lead to long days of searching and even longer nights in the lodge, sipping exotic wines and contemplating fate or at least thinking about where, oh w..

Nataly Fish

The Dawson Patrol

The Dawson Patrol

A dramatization of the true story of four men of the North West Mounted Police who, in 1910, set out on a patrol from Fort McPehreson in Canada's Nortwest Territories to Dawson City, Yukon, 500 miles away - and who never reached their destination.

Nataly Fish

Yukon Jake

Yukon Jake

Cyclone Bill is the popular sheriff of Mustang Gulch, where "a gun in the hand is worth two on the hip." Bill keeps the town free of criminals, and is also in love with the mayor's daughter. But when Yukon Jake brings his gang to town, causing trouble and kidnapping Bill's girl, it looks as if Bill might have more trouble than he can handle.

Nataly Fish

Alcan Highway

Alcan Highway

Alcan Highway is a filmed diary of a one dream on its way to fulfillment. The Documentary depicts the story of Hese making his dream come true; with the help of his friends he attempts to fix a truck, build a home on top of it, and drive it from Wasilla, Alaska to the Vancouver island. Hese is trying finally to get a home.

Nataly Fish

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