
[REC]³ : Génesis

[REC]³ : Génesis

C’est le plus beau jour de leur vie : Koldo et Clara se marient ! Entourés de leur famille et de tous leurs amis, ils célèbrent l’événement dans une somptueuse propriété à la campagne. Mais tandis que la soirée bat son plein, certains invités commencent à montrer les signes d’une étrange maladie. En quelques instants, une terrifia..

Nataly Fish

[REC]⁴ : Apocalypse

[REC]⁴ : Apocalypse

Quelques heures après les terribles événements qui ont ravagé le vieil immeuble de Barcelone. Passé le chaos initial, l'armée décide d'intervenir et envoie un groupe d'élite dans l'immeuble pour poser des détonateurs et mettre un terme à ce cauchemar. Mais quelques instants avant l'explosion, les soldats découvrent une ultime survivante ..

Nataly Fish



Angéla est journaliste pour une télévision locale. Accompagnée de son caméraman, elle relate le quotidien de ceux qui travaillent la nuit. Ce soir, elle est dans une caserne de pompiers. La nuit est calme, aucune urgence. Jusqu’au coup de fil d’une vieille dame qui réclame du secours. Le tandem suit les pompiers et découvre en arrivant s..

Nataly Fish



Les autorités viennent de perdre le contact avec les occupants de l'immeuble mis en quarantaine. Personne ne sait vraiment ce qui se passe à l'intérieur. Dehors, le chaos règne...La brigade d'intervention spéciale, équipée de plusieurs caméras et envoyée sur place pour analyser la situation, va devoir affronter une menace bien réelle...

Nataly Fish

[REC]: Horror Without Pause

[REC]: Horror Without Pause

The horror film [REC] — directed by Jaume Balagueró and Paco Plaza, and released in 2007 — was an unprecedented triumph for Spanish fantasy cinema. Fifteen years later, those responsible for the creation and worldwide success of this cinematic milestone decode its keys and resurrect the myth.

Nataly Fish



An influencer sets up cameras to find out what’s going on in her home.

Nataly Fish



The last minute records of a man

Nataly Fish



The last minute records

Nataly Fish



A small glimpse into a relationship on a downwards spiral last moments, then see the aftermath of the man coming to terms that he drove her away.

Nataly Fish



Metalanguage and irony about what makes a film, film.

Nataly Fish

Off Limit: Rec

Off Limit: Rec

A documentary horror film that collects frightening images recorded by fixed-point cameras in ruins known as haunted spots. It became the scene of a tragic family suicide, and 10 cameras were set up for a year in a house that is now in ruins. What is the shocking image projected there?

Nataly Fish



Hoping to create a special memento to celebrate the fifth anniversary of their relationship, Young-joon (Song) and Joon-seok (Jo) bring a camcorder to a motel room they have rented for the night. With five years behind them, they both speak and touch each other as if their mutual love will never be shaken. However, as the night progresses the air i..

Nataly Fish

The Trace

The Trace

Being at death’s door, Seristan, an old woman in her eighties, wants her son to take her back to her homeland, with the last wish to be buried there. Her son, Mirza, is determined to keep his promise no matter what happens, thereby revealing an inconvenient truth about the roots of the family.

Nataly Fish

Rec Man

Rec Man

A Recreation Instructor fights to keep a recreation center open from budget cuts and a notorious street gang, but he doesn't realize something far more sinister is at work.

Nataly Fish



19 years old Neve sees women out of focus - but he can see them properly when they are recorded on magnetic tape or film. This is why he wears a special pair of camera-glasses which, recording every single moment of his life, allow him to see everything correctly. His life actually becoming one of the movies he has been watching since he was a chil..

Nataly Fish

Play Rec: For Film

Play Rec: For Film

The Screenplay of this "Recombinatory Film" is narrated entirely by the original Subtitles of the movies based on the Keyword: "Film" - A filmmaker who is also either a cinema programmer and a free time actress for arthouse movies decides to direct her first recombinatory film - will she succeed?

Nataly Fish

Mystická reč ikon

Mystická reč ikon

Nataly Fish



A girl buys a doll online intending to use her as a prop in a short film she will film later in the year. What she didn't know was the doll was holding a dark entity inside and its now been unleashed.

Nataly Fish

Rec Volton: Alien Hunter

Rec Volton: Alien Hunter

A bumbling mercenary gets more than he bargained for on his latest assignment.

Nataly Fish

Řeč o Puškinovi

Řeč o Puškinovi

Nataly Fish

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