


Dans un monde qui juge les gens par leur numéro, Zero fait face à des préjugés et la persécution constante. Il marche sur un chemin solitaire jusqu'à ce qu'une rencontre fortuite change sa vie pour toujours: il rencontre une femme Zero. Ensemble, ils prouvent que grâce à la détermination, le courage et l'amour, rien ne peut être vraiment ..

Nataly Fish



After a mysterious electro-magnetic pulse renders the world's technology useless, a young girl finds herself isolated and alone with only her father's strict set of rules to keep her alive.

Nataly Fish



Père et fils sont émotionnellement et physiquement séparés le jour où la Terre perd la gravité par intermittence. L'enfant erre dans la ville obsédé par sa quête pour répondre à la mort récente de sa mère, tandis que son père tente de le trouver dans un monde qui s'effondre autour de lui.

Nataly Fish



Zéro est un policier dans la mi-trentaine, arpentant les rues de Casablanca, entouré par la perte et la futilité, et la corruption de tout le monde autour de lui.

Nataly Fish



A bee-keeper initiates fight against the society of consumption for saving the bees.

Nataly Fish



A story about love and hatred, about those who cheat and who are cheated, about violence and sex and surprising secrets which we learn within these strange twenty four hours.

Nataly Fish



Set in a dystopian future, all adults have fled to the mainland. Two sisters will battle for survival and fight to find a safe haven.

Nataly Fish

Crows Zero II

Crows Zero II

Huit mois après les derniers événements, alors que Genji est sur le point d'être diplômé du lycée Suzuran, il se voit contraint de régler une dernière affaire avec une école rivale.

Nataly Fish



A late adolescent outsider tells his story while wandering through his city. Zero is the chronicles of a soul dissolved in poetry and existential limbo of nostalgia.

Nataly Fish



A man and a woman engage in a fight, with no tell of who will win and who will lose.

Nataly Fish



On his film Dodo wrote: “Whenever I’m asked what Zero is exactly, I tell them it’s a ghost story. Also, a love story. And how they really are the same thing.”

Nataly Fish



Thriller-drama about eight losers who will have to deal with a new life in which apparently they are the only people alive.

Nataly Fish

Cabin Fever : Patient Zero

Cabin Fever : Patient Zero

Dans les Caraïbes, un bateau de croisière accoste près d'une île abandonnée... Un virus mortel fait alors son apparition et les plaisanciers sont contraints de trouver un moyen de survie avant que cet étrange maladie ne ronge leur chair et les extermine tous.

Nataly Fish



Atong Atem is a South Sudanese artist living in Melbourne. Born in Ethiopia, she spent her first years in Kenya's Kakuma refugee camp before moving to Australia as a child. Her work explores migrant narratives, postcolonial practices in the diaspora, the relationship between public and private spaces and identity through portraiture.

Nataly Fish



James Fotopoulos’ first feature film is a two and half hour endurance test about a lonely man’s decent into horror, mutilation and psychological collapse. The lines of reality and fantasy blur when the man’s hand-tinted primordial dreams of humanoid sex and violence manifest in his everyday reality as cancer, abuse and mannequin love.

Nataly Fish



An introverted teen must deal with bullies who threaten to expose her feelings for a teacher in this short film.

Nataly Fish



Baglan, a member of the popular vocal group "Gigitter", lives a normal life, performs a lot, communicates with friends, takes care of his family.

Nataly Fish



In a rough neighbourhood, a volatile teenager struggles to detach himself from the influence of his imprisoned father. Attracting the sympathy of the girl next door and given direction by a local mechanic, the boy starts to glimpse an alternate path for himself. But as the trio spend more time together, the boy’s violent emotions re-emerge, threa..

Nataly Fish



Short video by Igor Imhoff.

Nataly Fish



How do you keep your humanity when humanity is gone? Many years after the end of the world, the Zombies are starving. A small group of human survivors struggle to keep themselves safe. Newcomer Tyler has all the answers, but conflicts arise within the group. When they are suddenly faced with a new enemy, to survive they will have to work together....

Nataly Fish

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