
Your Name.

Your Name.

Mitsuha est une lycéenne, la fille du maire d'une petite ville nichée entre les montagnes. Vivant avec sa petite sœur et sa grand-mère, c'est une demoiselle franche qui n'hésite pas à dire qu'elle n'a pas envie de participer aux rituels shinto, ou d'aider son père dans ses campagnes électorales. En fait, elle rêve de pouvoir quitter cette ..

Nataly Fish

Ton nom est Jonah

Ton nom est Jonah

Jonah est placé, depuis trois ans, dans un centre spécialisé pour les personnes atteintes de déficience intellectuelle, mais ses parents sont choqués d'apprendre l'erreur de diagnostic médical : leur fils est sourd de naissance, et non handicapé mental.

Nataly Fish

Your Name Isn't English

Your Name Isn't English

Each time Tazbah, a young professional woman gets into a ride-share car she takes on the unexpected role of becoming a free history teacher as her drivers struggle to pronounce her name.

Nataly Fish

Lovely Is Your Name

Lovely Is Your Name

A rock video in the laundromat.

Nataly Fish

My Name Is Your First Love

My Name Is Your First Love

Christian, a poor teen in the 1980's suburbia, is employed as a gardener by his new neighbor, Geena, a trashy but beautiful woman in her mid twenties. Working for her, he suddenly discovers a purpose for life: allowing his growing love for Geena to show through his care for her garden. When Gena recognizes the level of his devotion, a moment of rec..

Nataly Fish

Your Name is Justine

Your Name is Justine

While living with her grandmother in Poland, a young woman falls in love. Her boyfriend is charming and suggests they travel around Europe and work here and there to pay for their trip. Unfortunately, the boyfriend isn't as he seems and the young woman is sold as a prostitute when they cross over to Germany. We follow her ordeal as she tries to fre..

Nataly Fish

Your Name Is

Your Name Is

Animated documentary evoking Gisberta Salce Jr., a transsexual brutally tortured and murdered in Portugal in 2006, through the memories and testimonials of transexual friends and two of the young men involved in her death.

Nataly Fish

What is Your Name?

What is Your Name?

A six year old girl gets lost in a cemetery in her mother's hometown. Despite the language barrier, a local stranger helps her find her way back home.

Nataly Fish

Ton nom en plein cœur

Ton nom en plein cœur

En 1987, alors que Taïwan vient de mettre fin à la loi martiale, deux étudiants tombent amoureux, à l'encontre des attentes de la société.

Nataly Fish

Anyway, Juan is Your Name

Anyway, Juan is Your Name

Analytical view of one of the least reported conflicts of national cinema: the Cristero movement that developed in the regions of western Mexico between 1926 and 1929, highlighting the inability to be faithful to both the Church and the State.

Nataly Fish

Love Is Your Name

Love Is Your Name

Nataly Fish

Your Name Is Woman

Your Name Is Woman

An architect has an accident which leaves him uninterested in sex and unable to perform. His wife feels she cannot love with forced celibacy and takes up with a college student.

Nataly Fish

And Now What Is Your Name

And Now What Is Your Name

Kenny Bee plays a free lance photographer. Although he is a nice guy, his lack of ability to assert himself decisively causes him to drift from one woman to another. He meets three women of first is a concubine of a millionaire. He circulates around the wealthy set in Hong Kong by accompanying her. He wants to go steady with her, but she has other ..

Nataly Fish

Garder Ton Nom

Garder Ton Nom

Fabrice a grandi dans l'admiration d’un père charismatique sans avoir d’autre choix pour briller à ses yeux que de suivre ses pas : devenir le caïd de la région et défendre sa terre coûte que coûte. Mais aujourd’hui sa femme Lætitia le pousse à partir pour se libérer de l’emprise de son père. Tiraillé entre son besoin d’émanc..

Nataly Fish

My Name is Yours

My Name is Yours

At midnight, in a residential area of Osaka, a middle aged man is murdered. The person who killed the man is a high school student. En is a 2nd grade high school student. She spends her boring days with her friend Kotoko, who tends to change boyfriends frequently. Kotoko falls in love with Narihira at first sight. Narihira is a soccer player at t..

Nataly Fish

Your Name Poisons My Dreams

Your Name Poisons My Dreams

Angel Barciela and the police inspector Francisco Valduque meets after several years in the funeral of Buendía engineer. Both expect to see Julia, the daughter of the deceased and one of those involved in the investigation.

Nataly Fish

In Your Name

In Your Name

Early 1970s. Latin America was under a military dictatorship. Some political groups opted for armed struggle to confront the regime. Boni, an engineering student of humble background adheres to the armed struggle, but carries doubts and fears as to whether this would really be the best way, as he fears for his family, his girlfriend and the future,..

Nataly Fish

In Your Name

In Your Name

A perfectly happy couple believe they live their dream when they expect their first child. That dream is shattered when the child dies, leaving them to cope with their loss, their environment, and ultimately themselves.

Nataly Fish

your name. orchestra concert

your name. orchestra concert

The "Your Name." Orchestra Concert was held on December 4-5, 2017 at the Tokyo International Forum.

Nataly Fish

Love Your Name

Love Your Name

Jona, Arsen and Agron are not three ordinary graduates doing their teaching practice in an industrial center, but three young people who try to have their place in society. Through their social relations and their love, the film penetrates into their spiritual world and psychology, revealing their concepts and moral values.

Nataly Fish

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