
You're What I Want Wrong with Me

You're What I Want Wrong with Me

In an effort to connect with his newly-out daughter, J. Reuben Appelman entrenches with her favorite band, an all-female, all-queer pop sensation named Sick of Sarah, chronicling their tour in a poetic, emotional documentary about fatherhood, fame, and falling apart.

Nataly Fish

Combien tu m'aimes ?

Combien tu m'aimes ?

Dans le Pigalle des boîtes de nuit, la Beauté professionnelle, c'est Daniela. Quand le client la voit, il a le souffle coupé.Le client vient de gagner gros au Loto. C'est François. Il demande à Daniela « Combien tu prends ' », lui propose immédiatement de devenir sa femme. Elle accepte. Mais on ne quitte pas comme ça Charly, le monde de la..

Nataly Fish

Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You

Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You

Tokimeki Memorial brings together the twelve young girls from Kirameki High School, but revolves around the main girl, Fujisaki Shiori. The story starts at the beginning of the third school year, which is the last year before the main character can choose a girl and date her at the graduation.

Nataly Fish

You Can Sell if You Have Sex With Me

You Can Sell if You Have Sex With Me

Adapted from the manga series "Ore to Sex Sureba Ureru" (俺とSEXすれば売れる) by Kaho (香穂).

Nataly Fish

Are You Happy with Me?

Are You Happy with Me?

The play "Classroom" is being performed at SNAC, a small theatre. A camera on the sidewalk outside captures the sound of the play emanating from the theatre, and the people who pass by.

Nataly Fish

You Will Know What to Do With Me

You Will Know What to Do With Me

Oubliant un instant la gravité de leurs destins respectifs, le créatif Nicolás et l'énigmatique Isabel se lancent dans une relation amoureuse aussi soudaine qu'intense.

Nataly Fish

While You Stay with Me

While You Stay with Me

The only thing we want is to feel that we are needed. Sometimes we want to scream about it. A story of therapy in a group of sex workers.

Nataly Fish

Moi et toi

Moi et toi

Lorenzo vit difficilement son adolescence. Sa fragilité et sa rébellion l'empêchent de nouer des relations normales avec autrui. Le jeune garçon décide alors de se cacher dans une cave mais son calme est perturbé par l'intrusion d'Olivia, sa demi-sœur, dans son monde solitaire.

Nataly Fish

Bite Me If You Love Me

Bite Me If You Love Me

A girl obsessed with zombies kills her boyfriend and turns him into a... you guessed it! Then a fat Japanese Jason Vorhees shows up and a love triangle ensues.

Nataly Fish

Les Enfants du temps

Les Enfants du temps

Jeune lycéen, Hodaka fuit son île pour rejoindre Tokyo. Sans argent ni emploi, il tente de survivre dans la jungle urbaine et trouve un poste dans une revue dédiée au paranormal. Un phénomène météorologique extrême touche alors le Japon, exposé à de constantes pluies. Hodaka est dépêché pour enquêter sur l'existence de prêtresses du..

Nataly Fish

I Walked Through Fire, You Were with Me

I Walked Through Fire, You Were with Me

The film relates the story of the Kriauleidziai family, who lost the roof over their heads after fire engulfed their home. It also demonstrates man's ability to come to terms with misfortune, not to lose heart, but to start afresh.

Nataly Fish

From me to you

From me to you

Sawako Kuronuma est une jeune lycéenne maladroite et introvertie qui voudrait se faire des amis. Malheureusement, une longue chevelure brune et un regard caché par celle-ci lui ont valu le surnom de " Sadako " , fameux personnage du film " Ring ". Elle est le centre de rumeurs sur de soi-disant pouvoirs d'exorciste qui ont pour effet d'inspirer l..

Nataly Fish

Jeux d'enfants

Jeux d'enfants

Sophie et Julien ont défini les règles du jeu. Ils en sont, pour le restant de leurs vies, les arbitres et souvent les victimes. « Cap ou pas cap ? — Cap ! Bien sûr ! » Ils sont cap de tout : du meilleur comme du pire. Bafouer tous les tabous, défier tous les interdits, braver toutes les autorités, rire, se faire mal. Cap de tout s..

Nataly Fish

Scusate se esisto!

Scusate se esisto!

À son retour en Italie, une architecte expérimentée et surdiplômée est confrontée au sexisme à l'embauche. Elle a alors recours à un ingénieux stratagème.

Nataly Fish

It's Not You, It's Me

It's Not You, It's Me

Javier se ha casado con María, el amor de su vida, y ahora lo único que desea es estar feliz con ella el resto de su vida, pero el destino se la quita poco después de la boda. Ahora Javier está enredado en sus emociones: ¿cómo aceptará la muerte de su mujer para encontrar nuevamente el amor?

Nataly Fish

Every You Every Me

Every You Every Me

Factory worker Nadine falls in love with her colleague Paul. Years later, she questions her view of him. A romantic social drama about the magic of falling in love and the pain of falling out of it, set in the Rhineland lignite mining region.

Nataly Fish

Memories of You

Memories of You

University student Akira meets the lovely 14-year-old Yumi, whom he had tutored years ago. Her mother is told by her doctor that the schoolgirl has leukaemia and has only 6 months to live.

Nataly Fish

Who Are You Going to Mess With

Who Are You Going to Mess With

Vasya the bricklayer does not drink alcohol. Even after work, he refuses an invitation to drink. He goes to the bookstore, then to college. And on his birthday, Vasya refuses to drink, although his friends persuade him. It was only when Vasya fell ill that he was persuaded to drink… And now Vasya is drinking with friends in a restaurant, then he ..

Nataly Fish

Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing?

Papa, Can You Hear Me Sing?

A poor army veteran in Taiwan adopts a daughter. She grows up and leaves him to enter show business. When she becomes famous she shuns her father and friends.

Nataly Fish

Sound! Euphonium the Movie – May the Melody Reach You!

Sound! Euphonium the Movie – May the Melody Reach You!

Following their success in the qualifying round for the Kansai regional competition, the members of the Kitauji High School concert band set their sights on the next upcoming performance. Utilizing their summer break to the utmost, the band participates in a camp where they are instructed by their band advisor Noboru Taki and his friends who make t..

Nataly Fish

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