
The Anatomy of a Witch-hunt

The Anatomy of a Witch-hunt

The film, made by award-winning Liverpool film-makers Phil Maxwell and Hazuan Hashim, interviews left activists hit by the smear campaign and the purge the smears were used to justify – and the towering hypocrisy on the part of the Labour leadership that lies behind it.

Nataly Fish

The Witch Hunters

The Witch Hunters

Ten-year-old Jovan was born with partial cerebral palsy. Shy, self-conscious and without many friends, he often escapes in his imagination to a place where he is a crime-fighting superhero not limited by his own body. His world shifts when a new girl arrives in his class. Milica, not intimidated by much, chooses the seat next to Jovan and immediate..

Nataly Fish

The Witch Hunt

The Witch Hunt

Having gone through many personal struggles, Eli (Lil Terselius) returns to her native village and begins to work on the farm of Ingeborg Eriksdotter (Anita Bjork), eventually tending a plot that once belonged to her family. But Eli has been gone a long time, and the opaque villagers see her as an outsider—she is suspicious from the start. The ye..

Nataly Fish

Les Russes arrivent

Les Russes arrivent

En 1947, La Guerre Froide est officiellement déclarée. L’administration américaine et le FBI voient des communistes partout. La peur est réelle, l’Amérique est terrorisée par la bombe atomique et tombe dans la paranoïa absolue. Les films de propagande institutionnels pour mettre en garde les Américains contre les dangers du communisme s..

Nataly Fish

Chasse aux sorcières : la mécanique de l'hystérie collective

Chasse aux sorcières : la mécanique de l'hystérie collective

"Witch Hunt" - la mécanique de l'hystérie collective. Plus de 50 000 personnes en Europe ont été victimes d'un pogrom de sorcières entre la fin du XVe siècle et la fin du XVIIIe siècle, alimenté par un guide détaillé appelé "Malleus Maleficarum".

Nataly Fish



A selfless doctor and a cocky treasure hunter must join forces to uncover the Mayan legend of the White Witch.

Nataly Fish

WitchSlayer Gretl

WitchSlayer Gretl

Vingt ans après sa rencontre avec la sorcière, un Hansel adulte revient dans la forêt hantée, en quête de vengeance.

Nataly Fish

The Secret Village

The Secret Village

Greg,an unsuccessful screenwriter and Rachel,a beautiful journalist research an outbreak of mass hysteria in a small village. They start to uncover a secret about ergot poisoning that has affected this village for years. But the cult activity has been kept a secret by the locals and when Greg disappears, Rachel is left alone to unravel the mystery ..

Nataly Fish

La caza de brujas

La caza de brujas

When, in a very strict Catholic school, a teacher enters a bathroom and surprises two students engaged in forbidden sexual practices, some of their classmates do not know whether to remain silent or rat out their own friends when questioned by school authorities.

Nataly Fish

L'Homme de cendres

L'Homme de cendres

Un jeune ébéniste de Sfax, Hachemi, doit suivre la décision de ses parents et se marier. Cependant, lui et un autre garçon, Farfat, ont été violés dans leur enfance par leur contremaître Ameur, et en restent traumatisés.

Nataly Fish

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