


Nora and her uncle get railroaded into spending the night at a broken-down hotel in Canada. After Nora falls for the handsome owner, she convinces her uncle to invest in the inn and modernize it. After the hotel opens, Nora's uncle faces financial ruin and her romance hit a snag in the form of pretty reporter.

Nataly Fish

C'est un Souvenir de Décembre

C'est un Souvenir de Décembre

Frances Langford raconte l'histoire, dans les années 1800, d'une romance hivernale entre deux humains et deux lapins.

Nataly Fish

Tractor Ted in Wintertime

Tractor Ted in Wintertime

Join Tractor Ted and the farmer on a trip to the market to buy some more sheep. Winter is a good time to check the animals and the machines. The farmer needs to buy a new tractor but there are so many to choose from, which one will he buy?

Nataly Fish

L'Hiver de Léon

L'Hiver de Léon

L’hiver s’abat sur le royaume et l’ogre des montagnes enlève la belle princesse Mélie Pain d’Épice. Léon, un jeune ours adopté par un couple d’apiculteurs vit une préadolescence tourmentée : il fugue et tombe entre les mains de Boniface, le faiseur d’histoires. Aidé par ses amis, l’éléphant trouillard et le hérisson grinche..

Nataly Fish

Have You Seen Budapest in Wintertime?

Have You Seen Budapest in Wintertime?

A day in wintertime Budapest. Shot in an avant-garde style, the study extended over the smallest details of everyday life, observing everybody from workers repairing the street to nightclubbing bourgeoisie. A special rarity is the Arizona pub from Nagymező street, featuring a primadonna on a stage equipped with a very special elevator.

Nataly Fish

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