
Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

Kevin, acteur de cinéma sexy, tourne dans un lieu isolé. À la fin du tournage, une fête est organisée pour les acteurs, avec alcool et drogue. Après une nuit de plaisir et de fête, Kevin insiste pour retourner en ville malgré les avertissements de ses collègues le mettant en garde du danger. Comme s'ils avaient eu une prémonition, Kevin p..

Nataly Fish

Wild flowers

Wild flowers

Eun-soo et Soo-hyang sont deux adolescentes sans domicile fixe qui volent des portables pour survivre. Un jour, elles rencontrent Ha-dam, une jeune fille battue par un sans-abri. Elles la secourent et finissent par vivre ensemble. Errant dans les rues, elles sont prises dans un piège qui les contraint à se prostituer.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

A love trio fantasy. The line between reality and fantasy grows faint when your desires become too strong. Through art we can explore those innermost longings and be seduced by the magic we so wish for.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

At her daughter's funeral, a woman remembers her family's shame when she fell in love with another woman.

Nataly Fish

Bienvenue chez les hippies !

Bienvenue chez les hippies !

Un ado de 16 ans emménage avec ses parents dans une ville où les gens pratiquent le naturisme et le sexe libre et consomment beaucoup d'herbe. Ses amis sont sceptiques.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

Seven seemingly unconnected fairy tales - glued together only by folklore, mood, color and light - make up this Czech collection of visual poetry. The original piece of literature, written by Karel Jaromír Erben in 1853, contained twelve tales.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

My father only used a camera once in his life. Thirty years later, he asked me to digitise the material he had filmed. I was wondering what he remembers. Created from an impulse to rethink and rewatch personal archive footage, the film explores memory and its relation to documentation and non-institutional archive practices. Connecting politics wit..

Nataly Fish

Les tournesols sauvages

Les tournesols sauvages

À Barcelone, Julia, 22 ans, élevant seule ses deux enfants, rêve de liberté et d’émancipation. Comme un tournesol suivant sans relâche la lumière, elle part chercher le soleil sous d’autres horizons. Lorsque le hasard remet sur son chemin deux hommes qu’elle a connus par le passé, la voilà confrontée à des émotions contraires.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

Marta, a woman who is suffering from an eternal pain she expresses through silences, lack of communication, and unspoken issues – and yet, it is there. Her friendship with a young man from the area creates an interest triggered by its ambiguity: is there s sexual tension, or rather she sees in him a memory of what she lost? Is there an attraction..

Nataly Fish

Les fleurs sauvages

Les fleurs sauvages

In a detailed voicemail, a man explains how to use the old lawn tractor to mow the grass on his land without unbalancing the garden.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

Real pro wrestlers Mizuho Ishikawa, Cutie Suzuki and Emi Tojyo star alongside newcomer Miki Suzuki as the women tag teams, and they are managed reluctantly by Yoshinori Okada, forced to take over as manager of his mom's struggling female wrestling team.

Nataly Fish

Les fleurs sauvages

Les fleurs sauvages

Three generations of a family struggle to be open with each other during a week of summer vacation at their country cottage.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flower Garland

Wild Flower Garland

The film represents a “Katha Mala”, a chain of stories of a house and its people as narrated by the house.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

A documentary essay about the life of the small village of Byki in the Kursk region.

Nataly Fish

Scent of Wild Flowers

Scent of Wild Flowers

An adaptation of Heinrich Mann's novel Professor Unrat.

Nataly Fish

The Dragon Trace Palace of Exquisite Wild Flowers
The Fragrance of Wild Flowers

The Fragrance of Wild Flowers

A well known theater and movie actor, dissatisfied with condition at home and at the theater, suddenly stops the dress rehearsal of a play in which he has one of the main roles, and goes to Danube to visit his friend, a boatman transporting bricks on his small barge from a brick plant in a settlement of poor people to Belgrade. This unexpected acti..

Nataly Fish

Cage for Wild Flowers

Cage for Wild Flowers

The year is 1981, the government isolates marginalized groups such as prostitutes, alcoholics, thieves to prepare for the 60th anniversary of revolution. Isolated together, alcoholic Tsogzolmaa, sex worker Yargui and pickpocket Joohnoo and their proctors develop an unlikely bond.

Nataly Fish

Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon

Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon

In this award-winning documentary, directors Masri and Chamoun focus on the women who played a crucial role in fighting the Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon. Preserving their stories on camera, Wild Flowers: Women of South Lebanon is a poignant documentary about courage, resistance, and hope.

Nataly Fish

A Strip of Uncut Wild Flowers

A Strip of Uncut Wild Flowers

A story of two delinquent boys at a boarding school, struggling to cope with fathers who abandoned them, and retreating into fantasy.

Nataly Fish

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