
Wild Game

Wild Game

When a cash-strapped rancher takes an offer to help a movie star poach elk it seems like easy money, until a fatal run-in with the local authorities triggers a series of events that pits man against man in a bloody showdown.

Nataly Fish

Wild Game

Wild Game

A hiking trip to a mountain oasis is thwarted by a maniacal hunter when he makes a group of friends his Wild Game.

Nataly Fish

Father's Wild Game

Father's Wild Game

The fourth entry in Monogram's "Father" series. Henry Latham decides he'll save money by hunting for his meat rather than buying it from the store.

Nataly Fish

Wild Games

Wild Games

A group of college students attend a haunted attraction in the south, where things aren't quite what they seem and their worst nightmares become a reality.

Nataly Fish



During the harsh Estonian winter, fifteen-year-old Liis joins a group of teenagers for an unusual hunting game in the forest. She hopes to fit in with them, and opportunely she is paired with the boy she likes. The wild nature surrounding her awakens the strength to confront her feelings, yet conflicting emotions surface as the game unfolds.

Nataly Fish

Wild Game

Wild Game

At a dinner party in Vesturbær, seven friends decide to play a dangerous game. They put their phones on the table and agree that all incoming calls and messages will be shared with the party to prove that none of them have anything to hide

Nataly Fish

Wild Game

Wild Game

Jane is about to have a beautiful weekend in the mountains with her boyfriend – at least, that’s what she thinks. But instead of her boyfriend, three uninvited guests show up at her doorstep, and they’re not going away. It’s getting dark, a contest begins, and Jane happens to be the grand prize. There’s only one person who can help her.

Nataly Fish

Wild Games

Wild Games

A bankrupt schemer tries to get his hands on a wealthy widow's money but the daughter intervenes. Meanwhile, a mysterious killer is running amok.

Nataly Fish

Combat de fauves

Combat de fauves

Once upon a time a carnivorous advertising methodist (Richard Bohringer) finds himself stuck between floors in an old elevator. The owner of the deserted building (Ute Lemper) does not help, but plays with him like a prey trapped. To get out, he threatens, attempts to seduce, to deceive, to be honest. After this confrontation for several days...

Nataly Fish

Piège fatal

Piège fatal

À sa sortie de prison, Rudy Duncan n'aspire qu'à une chose : prendre un nouveau départ dans la vie au côté d'Ashley, la fille de ses rêves, et si possible quelques vacances... Mais ses bonnes résolutions et son bonheur tout neuf se heurtent à un sérieux obstacle : le frère déjanté d'Ashley, Gabriel, et sa bande de malfrats. Pour dévali..

Nataly Fish

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Live Concert

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Live Concert

Découvrez la musique primée de The Witcher III: Wild Hunt et ses deux extensions, Hearts of Stone & Blood Wine, d'une manière inédite, interprétées en direct lors du Film Music Festival 2016 à Cracovie, en Pologne. Video Game Show - Le concert The Witcher III: Wild Hunt a été organisé par CD PROJEKT RED en coopération avec le bureau du f..

Nataly Fish

Gibier de passage

Gibier de passage

Enfant gâtée et précoce, fille unique d'un couple pieux, Hanni, âgée de quatorze ans, se laisse séduire par Franz, un jeune homme de dix-neuf ans. Dénoncé, Franz est emprisonné pour détournement de mineure. À sa libération, la liaison reprend. Enceinte, Hanni pousse Franz à tuer son père.

Nataly Fish

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