
Who's the Man?

Who's the Man?

Ed Lover and Doctor Dre are two inept barbers. Deciding that maybe they ought to find another line of work, they join the police. A big mistake, as far as their duty sergeant, Sgt Cooper is concerned, who proceeds to harass them at every turn. Despite this, they discover a major crime, and proceed to solve it in their own unusual fashion.

Nataly Fish

Steve Coogan: The Man Who Thinks He's It

Steve Coogan: The Man Who Thinks He's It

Recorded live at The Palace Theatre in Manchester. All his favourite characters appear - Alan Partridge, Paul and Pauline Calf, Tony Ferrino, Ernest Moss and the irritating Duncan Thicket.

Nataly Fish

The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic

The Blind Man Who Did Not Want to See Titanic

Tout le monde a besoin d'amour. Y compris Jaakko, qui est coincé dans son fauteuil roulant. L'amour de Jaakko, c'est Sirpa. Ils ne se sont jamais rencontrés dans la vie réelle, mais via Internet, ils se voient tous les jours. Sirpa reçoit des mauvaises nouvelles concernant sa santé. Jaakko décide d'aller la voir immédiatement. Ce n'est pas l..

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Stole Einstein's Brain

The Man Who Stole Einstein's Brain

On April 18, 1955, the pathologist performing the autopsy on Albert Einstein covertly steals the genius's brain, hoping to uncover the secret of brilliance. His good intentions and scientific ambitions collide with harsh realities as his world crumbles.

Nataly Fish

It's Me, Hilary: The Man Who Drew Eloise

It's Me, Hilary: The Man Who Drew Eloise

This portrait of Hilary Knight, the artist behind the iconic Eloise books, sees him reflecting on his life as an illustrator and his relationship to his most successful work.

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Stole My Mother's Face

The Man Who Stole My Mother's Face

A daughter's search for justice for her mother following a traumatic sexual assault.

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Would Be Polka King

The Man Who Would Be Polka King

Ce documentaire irrévérencieux révèle comment Jan Lewan, qui débuta comme danseur de polka, a pu détourner des millions grâce à une complexe escroquerie d'investissement.

Nataly Fish

Who's the Woman, Who's the Man?

Who's the Woman, Who's the Man?

Music producer Sam and his cross-dressing protege Wing have finally professed their love for another, but now what?

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Knew 75 Languages

The Man Who Knew 75 Languages

Un grand talent trouve l'amour de sa vie, une princesse qui ne pourra jamais être sienne. Drame sur un homme brillant et son amour infini pour la princesse Élisabeth de Wied, devenue reine de Roumanie. Contrarié en amour, Georg Sauerwein va se battre pour le droit de parler et d'écrire dans sa langue maternelle. À cause de ce combat, Georg dev..

Nataly Fish

Who's The Man: The Nick Gage Story

Who's The Man: The Nick Gage Story

This installment of Smart Mark Video's Best on the Indies series features CZW mainstay Nick Gage. "Who's The Man: The Nick Gage Story" is a 3 disc set which includes a 30 minute interview and 25 of his best and most brutal matches.

Nataly Fish

Scotland's Einstein: James Clerk Maxwell - The Man Who Changed the World

Scotland's Einstein: James Clerk Maxwell - The Man Who Changed the World

Professor Iain Stewart reveals the story behind the Scottish physicist who was Einstein's hero; James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell's discoveries not only inspired Einstein, but they helped shape our modern world - allowing the development of radio, TV, mobile phones and much more. Despite this, he is largely unknown in his native land of Scotland. Scien..

Nataly Fish

Keith Moon: Who's the Most Dangerous Man Alive?

Keith Moon: Who's the Most Dangerous Man Alive?

This documentary reveals the highs and lows of drummer Keith Moon's life and career, from his desire to make people laugh (for which he was dubbed "Moon the Loon") to his role as The Who's wildest member, his excessive partying and his tragic end.

Nataly Fish

The man who was crused to death by money

The man who was crused to death by money

A la demande de sa vieille femme, qui veut un enfant, KOO In-Gap, devenu millionnaire après avoir investi dans l'immobilier, prend une jeune maîtresse. Si sa femme ne peut avoir d'enfant, alors elle veut que In-Gap en fasse un à une autre. Celui-ci tente alors d'être à la hauteur de sa jeune concubine au lit, mais c'est loin d'être gagné..

Nataly Fish

The Man who was Made a Fool by L the Most - Detective Matsuda's Case File

The Man who was Made a Fool by L the Most - Detective Matsuda's Case File

Matsuda's signature is needed on some final documents to wrap up the Kira case. However, Matsuda refuses to sign. Seeking closure, Soichiro Yagami tells him to visit Ryuzaki so that he may understand L's sense of justice.

Nataly Fish

L'homme qui s'est trompé

L'homme qui s'est trompé

Un détective d'homicide vétéran qui a vu sa petite amie mondaine tuer son mari voit son frère inexpérimenté affecté à l'affaire.

Nataly Fish

Jacob, l'homme qui s'est battu avec Dieu

Jacob, l'homme qui s'est battu avec Dieu

Jacob, l'homme qui s'est battu avec Dieu raconte l'histoire du personnage biblique. Le film aborde plusieurs des événements majeurs de sa vie, notamment son mariage avec Rachel et sa relation avec son frère Esau.

Nataly Fish

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