
White Smoke

White Smoke

A neuroscientist is recruited by the Vatican to investigate a bizarre series of supernatural events.

Nataly Fish

White Smoke

White Smoke

White smoke will explore the confused nature of teenage love and the struggle to understand the difference between real attachment and obsession, getting the audience hooked into the protagonist´s destructive and unpredictable relationship.

Nataly Fish

Fumée blonde

Fumée blonde

A la suite d'une nuit d'amour avec un Anglais, une jeune detective est poursuivie par de sinistres individus a la recherche d'un microfilm.

Nataly Fish

White Smoke

White Smoke

The conflict between a group of workers and the manager as they struggle to maximize the production in a cement factory in the 60s

Nataly Fish

Fumata blanca

Fumata blanca

A priest and his father investigate the disappearance of a cardinal who has damning information about the Vatican.

Nataly Fish

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