
White Elephant

White Elephant

Gabriel Tancredi, un ancien marine devenu exécuteur pour la mafia, doit faire face à sa conscience et à son code d'honneur lorsqu'il est obligé d'aider à nettoyer un assassinat bâclé par son protégé, Carl.

Nataly Fish

Bangkok revenge

Bangkok revenge

À Bangkok, l'assassin Curtie Church est engagé par un homme d'affaire pour tuer six hommes. Une fois le boulot fait, l'employeur propose un nouveau contrat de Curtie : assassiner le chef des trafiquants de drogue de la ville qui a enlevé, drogué et poussé à la prostitution la fille de l’homme d’affaire. Curtie cherche alors Jimmy, un traf..

Nataly Fish

White Elephant

White Elephant

When eight millennials convene for their annual gift exchange, a surprise marriage proposal thrusts the game into chaos and relationships to the brink.

Nataly Fish

White Elephant

White Elephant

It’s 1996. Pooja is a teenage girl with a crush on a white boy, just like the ones in the movies she loves. But having grown up in a mostly Black and Brown neighbourhood, there is a hostile cultural divide between their friends. But, this isn’t a love story – this is a self-love story.

Nataly Fish

White Elephant

White Elephant

This film was made entirely in Ghana and consists of documentary scenes and a fictitious story about a British engineer who wants to import microchips to Africa. But the reaction of the blacks to his plans to build a fully automatic plastic furniture factory surprises him. His faith in technocracy stands opposed to what they know about the environm..

Nataly Fish

White Elephant

White Elephant

Silent cartoon.

Nataly Fish

White Elephant

White Elephant

White Elephant is a dark comedy short film about a Christmas Eve gift exchange party on Big Bear Mountain. Everything is going well until an uninvited guest begins stirring up trouble.

Nataly Fish

Sidney's White Elephant

Sidney's White Elephant

a Terrytoons Cartoon

Nataly Fish

Charlie et sa belle

Charlie et sa belle

Court dessin animé mettant aux prises Charlot et Fatty, rivaux dans le cœur d’une belle capricieuse…

Nataly Fish

The White Stripes: Elephant-Era Video Artifacts

The White Stripes: Elephant-Era Video Artifacts

Elephant-Era videos with never-before-seen footage from the era. 1. "It's True That We Love One Another" Toe Rag Studios Recording Footage 2. Live Shibuya AX 10/21/03 3. The White Stripes– Interview 4. The White Stripes– Live Shibuya AX 10/22/03 5. "The Hardest Button To Button" 8mm Film Reel

Nataly Fish

The White Elephant

The White Elephant

The White Elephant is an experimental video loosely based on the adventures of a Palestinian teenager coming to grips with her angst within the political climate of the Oslo Accords in Palestine in the 1990s. Narrating a story of lies amongst thieves, the confessional and at times darkly humorous video, projects a confrontational gaze onto the land..

Nataly Fish

Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants

Hills Like White Elephants is a 2002 short film based on a story by Ernest Hemingway. Hemingway's story was published in 1927 in the second collection of short stories titled Men without Woman.

Nataly Fish

The White Stripes: Elephant XX

The White Stripes: Elephant XX

Featuring Elephant-era videos with never-before-seen footage.

Nataly Fish

A White Elephant Puppy Party

A White Elephant Puppy Party

A tail-wagging good time will be had by all at this adorable fur-baby bash.

Nataly Fish

White Elephant

White Elephant

Le "bidonville de la Vierge" dans la banlieue de Buenos Aires. Julian et Nicolas, deux prêtres et amis de longue date, œuvrent pour aider la population. Julian se sert de ses relations politiques pour superviser la construction d'un hôpital. Nicolas le rejoint après l'échec d'un projet qu'il menait dans la jungle, où des forces paramilitaires..

Nataly Fish

Family White Elephants

Family White Elephants

Artist/Director Mary Jo Bole mines an eccentric inherited archive in order to trace her family tree, which includes both Cleveland industrialist magnates and immigrant factory workers. Bole’s relating artwork, spanning decades, provides a thread that points to the unexpected ways in which these relatives and their memento mori endure.

Nataly Fish

Le temple de l'éléphant blanc

Le temple de l'éléphant blanc

Les fanatiques de l'éléphant blanc enlèvent la fille du ministre Patterson. Au même moment, une réception est organisée pour le Maharadjah...

Nataly Fish

White Elephants

White Elephants

An adaptation of Hemingway's story "White Elephants". The action takes place on a godforsaken old train station in the middle of beautiful Ukrainian mountains. We are witnessing the most difficult conversation in the lives of a man and a woman who are trying to justify their difficult decision and attempting to save the relationship.

Nataly Fish

White Elephant

White Elephant

Short animated film by Tadanari Okamoto

Nataly Fish

White Elephant

White Elephant

A white elephant, adored by his friends, has a mother who is blind. One day, the white elephant is captured at the king's request. However, the king, who is kindhearted, decides to send the white elephant back to the forest because he is worried about his mother and does not eat his food.

Nataly Fish

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