
White Cargo

White Cargo

In Africa early in World War II, a British rubber plantation executive reminisces about his arrival in the Congo in 1910. He tells the story of a love-hate triangle involving Harry Witzel, an in-country station superintendent who'd seen it all, Langford, a new manager sent from England for a four-year stint, and Tondelayo, a siren of great beauty w..

Nataly Fish

White Cargo

White Cargo

Nataly Fish

White Cargo

White Cargo

David Jason's most famous film appearance of the 1970's was opposite Graham Chapman in 'The Odd Job' but five years earlier he played the lead role in this very low budget comedy. His character is a daydreamer but he manages to get caught up in an adventure involving the hugely underated Imogen Hassall. There is even an appearance from a pre Darth ..

Nataly Fish

White Cargo

White Cargo

Joe Hargatay is a police detective who works just for the fun of it, investigating a murder that leads him into a dangerous underground world of drugs, models, models as escorts, Asian and Italian mobs, and his ex-wife.

Nataly Fish

White Cargo

White Cargo

The manager of a rubber plantation marries a native and she tries to poison him.

Nataly Fish

Le Chemin de Rio

Le Chemin de Rio

Blanco, un père de famille tranquille, est en fait un proxénète de haute volée, qui pratique la traite des blanches. Son complice, Moreno, est amoureux d'une des prostituées, Yvette Martin. Mais celle-ci est mise à l'index par Blanco et tombe d'un balcon, lors d'un meurtre maquillé en accident. Tandis que deux journalistes, Marion Baker et H..

Nataly Fish

Les Révoltées de l'Albatros

Les Révoltées de l'Albatros

En 1685, " L'Albatros ", commandé par le capitaine Cooper, quitte Londres pour le nouveau monde, avec, à son bord, toutes sortes de passagers. Polly, une prostituée et Jimmy, un condamné, déclenchent une révolte et s'emparent du navire, massacrant sans pitié. Bradley, un prisonnier politique, parvient à sauver Anna, une jeune émigrante, ai..

Nataly Fish

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