
Where There’s Smoke

Where There’s Smoke

Kina Green-Phillips, a lifelong resident of the tri-city area in the Florida Glades known as “The Muck,” talks about sugarcane burning season and the harmful effects of the outdated practice on her life & community.

Nataly Fish

Where There's Smoke

Where There's Smoke

After a tragic accident, a firefighter must convince the city commissioner he's able to return to the line of duty.

Nataly Fish

Where There's Smoke

Where There's Smoke

A compilation of satirical anti-smoking clips.

Nataly Fish

Where There's Smoke

Where There's Smoke

The boys wake Deputy Dawg up: the tool shed's on fire. It burns before they can put it out. Then the city hall burns, too. The Sheriff warns Deputy: Form a new fire department made up of volunteers, or you will be out of a job.

Nataly Fish

Il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu

Il n'y a pas de fumée sans feu

Pour se débarrasser du Dr De Peyrac, son concurrent direct lors des élections municipales, le maire sortant s'emploie à salir la réputation de sa femme en l'accusant de s'adonner à des orgies...

Nataly Fish

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