
Der einsame Weg

Der einsame Weg

Nataly Fish

Der Solist – Kein Weg zurück

Der Solist – Kein Weg zurück

Nataly Fish

Everything Must Go

Everything Must Go

Tony is a homosexual law student who quits his studies. With a van and a handful of cash, he hits the road hoping to become a salesman. This, however, turns out to be harder than he expected.

Nataly Fish

Long Is the Road

Long Is the Road

"Long is the Road" - The first feature film to represent the Holocaust from a Jewish perspective. Shot on location at Landsberg, the largest DP camp in U.S.-occupied Germany, and mixing neorealist and expressionist styles, the film follows a Polish Jew and his family from pre-war Warsaw through Auschwitz and the DP camps.

Nataly Fish

Weit ist der Weg

Weit ist der Weg

Nataly Fish

Hader muss weg!

Hader muss weg!

Warum muss Hader weg? Weil keine Zeit für die Revolution bleibt? Weil man Liebe kaufen kann? Oder weil Feinrippunterhosen so viel aufsaugen? "In diesem Programm kommen vor: eine nachtschwarze Vorstadtstraße voller Gebrauchtwagenhändler, eine heruntergekommene Tankstelle, ein versifftes Lokal, ein Kuvert mit 10.000 Euro, eine Schusswaffe und zirk..

Nataly Fish

Der einsame Weg

Der einsame Weg

Nataly Fish

Wiebkes Weg

Wiebkes Weg

Nataly Fish

Far Away

Far Away

In this short science-fiction film, two men are far away from home. Ray and Brad alleviate their homesickness by watching home movies that were shot from their perspective. By means of virtual reality goggles, Ray sees his wife and children play on the beach.

Nataly Fish

Get Away

Get Away

The two teenagers Melek and Fabio couldn't be any more different. But they have one thing in common that brings them together: Both want to get away from home. Fabio because he is gay and Melek because her Turkish parents limit her dreams. Together they learn to face their problems. A film about understanding, being gay and migration.

Nataly Fish

Rotwang Must Go!

Rotwang Must Go!

A comedy directed by Hans-Christoph Blumenberg.

Nataly Fish

The Road to Bresson

The Road to Bresson

A Dutch documentary about legendary French filmmaker Robert Bresson.

Nataly Fish

Weg in die Vergangenheit

Weg in die Vergangenheit

Nataly Fish

The Way to You

The Way to You

Life can surprise you when love is the aim.

Nataly Fish

Erich Maria Remarque - La gloire et l'exil

Erich Maria Remarque - La gloire et l'exil

Erich Maria Remarque, grièvement blessé pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, commence à écrire sur ses expériences de guerre. Son roman "All Quiet On The Western Front" le rend célèbre, mais l'oblige aussi à échapper aux nazis.

Nataly Fish

Ukraine : chemin radieux

Ukraine : chemin radieux

Est de l'Ukraine, mai 2014. Une partie de la région historique de Donbas tombe aux mains des séparatistes pro-russes. Le jeune journaliste Stanislav Aseyev réalise des reportages pour plusieurs médias ukrainiens depuis Donetsk, sa ville natale. En mai 2017, il est enlevé et passe 962 jours en détention, principalement dans un ancien centre cu..

Nataly Fish

FAR. The Story of a Journey around the World

FAR. The Story of a Journey around the World

Documentary about the journey of Patrick Allgair and Gwendolin Weisser, who travelled over 100,000 kilometres on foot and by hitchhiking. Starting in Freiburg, Germany, they travelled eastwards for three and a half years, passing through Ukraine, Russia, China, Japan and Mexico on their way around the world.

Nataly Fish

Weg met Willem

Weg met Willem

Six year-old Willem's parents drop him off in a strange village, leaving him with two unhygienic strangers. Hours later, Willem still hasn't been collected. He realises he has been abandoned and will have to make his own way home on foot, as far as his little legs will carry him.

Nataly Fish

1648 : La Paix de Westphalie

1648 : La Paix de Westphalie

Entre 1618 et 1648, une grande partie de l'Europe est dévastée par une guerre opposant catholiques et protestants, mais qui implique également les grandes puissances du continent, qui toutes cherchent à protéger leurs territoires. Voici les derniers jours des négociations qui ont mis fin à la guerre de Trente Ans, racontés à la manière d'..

Nataly Fish

Bas Birker: Op weg

Bas Birker: Op weg

Nataly Fish

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