


A camera in a prison. The inmate. An everyday discussion with the outside world. In the confines of a prison, Walls delves deep into the introspection of an inmate's journey, exploring dreams, hope, and the harsh truths of existence.

Nataly Fish

Never Mind the Wall

Never Mind the Wall

Germany 1982: The country is divided into two parts. Nele, coming from West-Germany, travels to East-Germany where she meets Captain, singer of a band. They fall in love with each other, but the regime "takes care" of their relationship, meaning: They can not see each other again. Germany 1990: The country is reunited. Nele starts searching their l..

Nataly Fish

The Other Side of the Wall

The Other Side of the Wall

Honduran immigrants living in Mexico, teenage siblings Rocío and Ale must take over care of their two younger siblings after their mother is sentenced to prison on dubious grounds. Tensions grow between the pair as the decision must be made on whether to stay together in Mexico or split the family up to cross into the US to work.

Nataly Fish

The Man on the Wall

The Man on the Wall

An East German man finds a way to cross the border between East and West Berlin. But when he succeeds in bringing his wife out as well, things are not quite as expected.

Nataly Fish

New Prison Walls of Abashiri

New Prison Walls of Abashiri

Former soldier, Suehiro Katsuji, fights violent gangs and powerful Chinese merchants during the post-war period in Japan.

Nataly Fish

Wall of Darkness

Wall of Darkness

Nataly Fish

The Man in the Wall

The Man in the Wall

One night, one apartment and one mystery. Shir wakes up in the middle of the night. Her husband hasn’t come back after taking the dog out. The dog has. But where is Rami? Friends, relatives, neighbours and police come round and with each visit more marital secrets are revealed.

Nataly Fish

Maux au mur

Maux au mur

An old man weeds the space surrounding a wall and forbids to urinate there. He is far from imagining that, more than using it as a urinal, passers-by will give to his wall an entirely different use.

Nataly Fish

The Writing's On The Wall

The Writing's On The Wall

Nataly Fish

America’s Wall

America’s Wall

This performance was inspired by the persistent questioning Tanya faces regarding the existence of a “wall” in her travels across the U.S. and Mexico. It documents and extracts evidence of the wall’s existence—there are three consecutive walls in the part of Mexico where grew up—in front of Trump’s proposed wall prototypes. This section..

Nataly Fish

VeggieTales: Josh and the Big Wall

VeggieTales: Josh and the Big Wall

A lesson in obedience, it's the Bible story of Joshua and the Walls of Jericho as told by our beloved Veggies. After 40 years of wandering in the desert, the children of Israel finally get to go to the Promised Land! Only one little thing they've overlooked ... the city of Jericho and its massive wall! Josh will have to decide whether it's better t..

Nataly Fish

Between Walls

Between Walls

Isabelle, Mario et Cristina sont à la recherche d’un plan à trois sur une application. Ils se retrouvent dans un motel pour coucher ensemble et consommer des drogues.

Nataly Fish

The Old Walled

The Old Walled

Nataly Fish

Les Secrets Derrière Le Mur

Les Secrets Derrière Le Mur

Dans les années 60, un étudiant introverti épie ses voisins à l'aide d'une longue-vue depuis son appartement.

Nataly Fish



Amiens, sous l'Occupation. Un certain nombre de Français sont incarcérés et doivent servir d'otages si le convoi d'essence arrêté en gare doit subir un attentat. Celui-ci a lieu, les otages seront fusillés au matin. La nuit passe avec des réactions diverses de la part des prisonniers. Prévenue par radio, la Royal Air Force bombarde la priso..

Nataly Fish

Too Big to Fail

Too Big to Fail

Débâcle à Wall Street : En 2008, l'économie américaine est secouée par la crise des subprimes. Le monde vacille. Henry Paulson, nommé par George W. Bush au poste de secrétaire au Trésor, est chargé d'élaborer un plan pour sauver les banques de la faillite. Les sommes mises en jeu, quelques 700 milliards de dollars, représentent le plus ..

Nataly Fish

The Walls of The Moon

The Walls of The Moon

Zeina, after losing her sight in an accident, wakes up in a car, chased by her two lovers, and has no idea what's going on.

Nataly Fish

The Green Wall

The Green Wall

A young couple forsakes their urban existence for life in the exciting but dangerous Peruvian jungle.

Nataly Fish

The Walls Talk

The Walls Talk

A tragic and epic love that transcends time and generations unites Maria and Javier forever. During important periods in Mexico (The War of Independence, the Revolution and current times) these souls play out their destiny facing political squabbles, social pressures, family hatred and historical battles, seeking to make a relationship flower which..

Nataly Fish



A boy practices baseball alone against a wall. Then another member of the baseball team appears. The film depicts the delicate relationship between these two baseball boys, team-mates and rivals, in a wordless manner in the unhurried rhythm of hitting the ball against the wall.

Nataly Fish

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