
Voices of the Children

Voices of the Children

The story of 3 people who were imprisoned as children in the Terezin concentration camp during World War II told through interviews, diaries and drawings.The survivors and their families question the need to talk about the past and explore the effect of the Holocaust on their lives.

Nataly Fish

Small Voices: The Stories of Cambodia's Children

Small Voices: The Stories of Cambodia's Children

The struggles of the street and garbage dump children of Cambodia are examined through the personal stories of five children and their journey toward education.

Nataly Fish

Voyage vers Agartha

Voyage vers Agartha

Asuna, jeune écolière solitaire, passe son temps libre à écouter une mélodie qui sort du poste à diode offert en souvenir par son père. Un jour, en se promenant dans la montagne près de chez elle, elle est attaquée par une redoutable créature. Elle est sauvée in extremis par un Shun, un mystérieux garçon disant venir d'un monde lointai..

Nataly Fish

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