
Vaillant, pigeon de combat !

Vaillant, pigeon de combat !

Angleterre, 1944. L'issue de la guerre repose sur des « aviateurs » fringants et casse-cous, qui portent des messages en France au péril de leur vie : ce sont... des pigeons ! Mais la mythique « Escadrille Royale des Pigeons de Combat » est décimée par d'impitoyables faucons allemands et il ne reste plus qu'une bande de « bleus » enc..

Nataly Fish



The powerful story of the Vegas Golden Knights in their very first year of existence, when they healed and unified their home city after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history and took an unprecedented run for the Stanley Cup.

Nataly Fish



VALIANT is a short, educational film about building and maintaining healthy relationships and developing protective behaviour skills. Through four stories, VALIANT explores issues related to consent, sexuality and healthy relationships for people with disability.

Nataly Fish

Prince Vaillant

Prince Vaillant

Prince Vaillant : Le fils d’un roi des pays scandinaves vient à la cour du Roi Arthur demander l’aide des chevaliers de la Table Ronde. Il y rencontre Sir Brack qui montrera bientôt son vrai visage.

Nataly Fish

Fort invincible

Fort invincible

La guerre indienne fait rage. Le lieutenant Holliway, parti en mission en territoire apache, n'en est pas revenu : le détachement qui devait conduire le chef indien Tuscos a été massacré. Le capitaine Richard Lance est soupçonné de l'avoir envoyé à la mort sous prétexte qu'il était un rival en amour de la belle Cathy Eversham. Pour prouv..

Nataly Fish

Prince Valiant

Prince Valiant

Alors que le roi Arthur s'apprête à affronter les Ecossais qu'il soupçonne d'avoir volé l'épée Excalibur, l'écuyer Valliant, se faisant passer pour Gauvain, est chargé d'escorter dame Ilène jusqu'au royaume de son père...

Nataly Fish

L'Épée du vaillant

L'Épée du vaillant

Gawain était un châtelain dans la cour du Roi Arthur quand le Chevalier Vert fait apparition, proposant d'affronter un chevalier courageux au cours d'un jeu. Seul le vaillant Gawain se propose pour défendre l'honneur de son roi. Après être rapidement annobli, Gawain participe au jeu, mais comprend que le jeu est truqué et perd. Le Chevalier V..

Nataly Fish

Valiant One

Valiant One

The film tells the story of a U.S. helicopter crashing on the North Korean side of the Korean Demilitarized Zone. With tensions between the North and South already on the verge of war, the surviving U.S. Army non-combat tech soldiers must work together to protect a civilian tech-specialist and find their way across the DMZ, without the possibility ..

Nataly Fish

Cœurs vaillants

Cœurs vaillants

L’odyssée de 6 enfants juifs cachés pendant la guerre, partis trouver refuge là où personne ne pense à aller les chercher... dans le château et le parc du domaine de Chambord, au milieu des œuvres d’art cachées du Louvre. À cœur vaillant rien d’impossible...

Nataly Fish



Feature documentary on the antics of North American Latvian youth in the 1980s, during the last years of the Cold War – from chaining themselves to the Russian Embassy, to organizing an entire cruise ship treading the Soviet border in the Baltic Sea – generating headlines when few could even find Latvia on a map. The main hero is Juris Bļodni..

Nataly Fish

La Perle noire

La Perle noire

En 1857, le « Nathan Ross », un voilier marchand, revient à New Bedford d'une expédition en Polynésie, sans son capitaine, Mark Shore, disparu là-bas. Son frère Joël, souhaite repartir au plus vite dans l'espoir de le retrouver. Mais avant cela, il épouse sa fiancée, Priscilla Holt, et l'emmène avec lui. Alors que le navire vient d'abord..

Nataly Fish

Pirates et Guerriers

Pirates et Guerriers

Au XIIIe siècle, des pirates japonais ravagent les côtes chinoises. L'empereur envoie des guerriers mettre fin aux exactions des pirates.

Nataly Fish

The Valiant

The Valiant

A man condemned to execution tries to convince two women that he is not their son and brother, and that they must get on with their lives.

Nataly Fish

Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe

Ninjak vs. the Valiant Universe

A British intelligence agent and martial artist with a dark, mysterious alter ego battles his way through the heroes and villains of the Valiant Universe.

Nataly Fish

Pink Valiant

Pink Valiant

The Pink Panther has to rescue a princess kidnapped by the Black Knight, but must first tame his uncooperative horse.

Nataly Fish

The Valiant

The Valiant

Having placed mines on the hull of a British warship whilst it is safe in harbour during the second World War , the two man crew of an Italian miniature submarine are captured and held prisoner whist the crew try and discover the nature of their mission!

Nataly Fish

The Valiant Never Taste of Death But Once

The Valiant Never Taste of Death But Once

A cattle-rancher with a passion for film is threatened by a group of criminals to surrender his treasured ranch, and decides to face them on his own. Why would one defend land to the death? This is the tale of a family-man turned hero of the so-called Mexican 'War on Drugs.'

Nataly Fish

The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: Rumpelstiltskin / The Valiant Little Tailor

The Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: Rumpelstiltskin / The Valiant Little Tailor

Rumpelstiltskin Aided by a mysterious little troll, the millers daughter has spun straw into gold, thus gaining the good Kings hand and heart, and saving her fathers life. But now, the nasty troll wants compensation. He demands her first-born child, unless she can guess his name before the sun has risen three times and it's not an ordinary name, t..

Nataly Fish

All the Brothers Were Valiant

All the Brothers Were Valiant

Mark is the captain of a whaling ship and he looks down on brother Joel, who has never gone to sea. But when Mark's ship arrives in port sans its captain, Joel takes over the command. His new bride, Priscilla, insists on coming along and they head for the South Seas, where Mark was last seen.

Nataly Fish

V-Force: Battle For The Skies - Vulcan, Valiant, Victor

V-Force: Battle For The Skies - Vulcan, Valiant, Victor

The story behind the aircraft that formed the frontline of Britain's defence during the cold war period - the Vulcan, Valiant, and Victor.

Nataly Fish

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