
Unlike U

Unlike U

UNLIKE U melts into a scene, which for outsiders, is hard to comprehend. The world of trainwriters, those spray paint artists who specialize in painting trams and underground trains. Extremely undercover. Extremely criminal. Extremely forbidden. UNLIKE U portrais four generations of sprayers in Berlin, of which the oldest of the hardcore artists is..

Nataly Fish



A lonely teenager searches for meaningful human contact in a world where social media updates are the only form of communication.

Nataly Fish

Unlike Father, Unlike Son

Unlike Father, Unlike Son

A macho dad learns to accept the real identity of his gay son before it gets too late.

Nataly Fish




Nataly Fish

House of Wax: Unlike Anything You've Seen Before!

House of Wax: Unlike Anything You've Seen Before!

Documentary on the making and impact of "House of Wax".

Nataly Fish

The 2019 Masters: A Sunday Unlike Any Other

The 2019 Masters: A Sunday Unlike Any Other

The 2019 Masters: A Sunday Unlike Any Other in partnership with Rolex will reflect on the 2019 Masters, and how Tiger Woods improbably went on to capture a fifth Masters title. The show will feature a comprehensive retrospective on the sequence of moments that led to Woods’ victory, including commentary from Woods himself, along with fellow conte..

Nataly Fish

Le Prince squatteur

Le Prince squatteur

Pour se faire bien voir de ses sujets, une princesse hautaine met en scène son histoire d'amour avec un homme ordinaire. Mais celui-ci se révèle plus ingénieux que prévu.

Nataly Fish

Magic Kids

Magic Kids

Vlad vient de déménager et de rejoindre l'une des plus célèbres écoles de magie du monde, où il rencontre des fées, des sorcières, des trolls et des nains. Son père et lui sont les premiers vampires de la ville, mais il rencontre bientôt d'autres enfants spéciaux.

Nataly Fish

Unlikely Revolutionaries

Unlikely Revolutionaries

Five ordinary people disillusioned with politics—a perennial temp, a docker, a university professor, a TV reporter, and a convict—decide to kidnap a politician, to dispense justice and use the ransom money to compensate the family of a blue-collar worker who died in workplace accident.

Nataly Fish

Un couple modèle

Un couple modèle

Romain et Thomas sont tous deux en instance de divorce. Ils lient connaissance au tribunal, lors de leur audience de conciliation. Si Romain regrette déjà le fiasco sentimental qu'a été son mariage, Thomas prend les choses avec désinvolture. Mis à la porte de chez lui, ce dernier vient toutefois demander asile à Romain, qui accepte de le dé..

Nataly Fish

An Unlikely Romance

An Unlikely Romance

Luisa and Erika are prototypes of young women who plunge into relationships with the "wrong" men. Luisa wants to become an actress, which upsets her husband Igor to no end. Erika is trying to work as much as possible so that she can afford to study and thereby achieve a better outlook on life, but she unfortunately runs up against a boss who doesn'..

Nataly Fish

Aventurier malgré lui

Aventurier malgré lui

Carole Mansart, institutrice et indienne d'adoption, a besoin de financer rapidement l'achat d'un terrain situé en Guyane afin de le préserver de l'implantation d'un laboratoire pharmaceutique polluant. Pour ce faire, elle doit récupérer des diamants volés, cachés dans un appartement à Paris. Afin de s'y introduire, elle use de stratagèmes ..

Nataly Fish

An Unlikely Cruise

An Unlikely Cruise

Nataly Fish

Unlikely Valentine

Unlikely Valentine

On Valentine's night, two couples in adjacent hotel rooms uncover emotions, truths and reach a romantic reckoning.

Nataly Fish

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