


La première intelligence artificielle parfaite commence a montrer un comportement surprenant lorsqu'une journaliste démarre une relation avec le scientifique qui l'a créé.

Nataly Fish

Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley

La Première Guerre mondiale est à son paroxysme, avec ses combats de matériel et d’hommes. Explosions. Terre et objets, tout voltige dans les airs ; chaos, brouillard, lumière diffuse… Au milieu du champ de bataille, deux jeunes soldats brutalement tirés de leur autre réalité se retrouvent dans une tranchée. La terreur se lit sur leurs ..

Nataly Fish

Uncanny Annie

Uncanny Annie

La nuit d'Halloween, un groupe d'étudiants se retrouve enfermé dans un jeu de société mystérieux qui donne vie à leurs secrets les plus sombres et à leurs peurs. Ils doivent jouer pour s'échapper... Et gagner pour survivre.

Nataly Fish

Tales of the Uncanny

Tales of the Uncanny

A detailed look at the history of horror anthology films.

Nataly Fish

Les Chats du diable

Les Chats du diable

Elles sont vraiment étranges, ces histoires racontées par un auteur excentrique à son éditeur, et surtout elles sont incroyables ! En effet, qui pourrait croire que d’inoffensifs chats puissent attaquer et tuer des êtres humains, et qui plus est les dévorer ? Mais alors comment expliquer les cadavres, atrocement mutilés, d’une vieille da..

Nataly Fish

Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley

In the slums of the future, VR junkies satisfy their violent impulses in online entertainment. An expert player discovers that the line between games and reality is starting to fade away. A glimpse into a future where First Person Shooters have become a new drug for those disillusioned with society. The films examines the consequences of this on th..

Nataly Fish

Lauck! Lauck! Lauck! Uncanny!

Lauck! Lauck! Lauck! Uncanny!

Fuzzy description of a nightmare.

Nataly Fish

The Uncanny Valley

The Uncanny Valley

Desperate for a clue to a mysterious case, an Investigator pushes for a last-minute interview with his only witness: a corrupt A.I. Now the Investigator has 10 minutes to find out what the A.I. knows before it is dismantled by the scientists.

Nataly Fish

Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley

A pizza parlor is visited by a man on a mundane Tuesday and strange people follow him home.

Nataly Fish

The Uncanny

The Uncanny

Jax de Jesus, a 27 year old screenwriter, believes that it’s the only thing that she is holding on to. When she experiences a great writer’s block, she meets Kei Suarez, a 29 year old architect who is renovating their ancestral manor in the mountain city. Having a mutual admiration and bond in their first encounter, Kei invites Jax for at least..

Nataly Fish

The Uncanny

The Uncanny

In a future where every citizen is implanted with a chip capable of controlling everything from emotions to directions; a routine update backfires, causing a cyber apocalypse. Wiping out most of humanity, five strangers miraculously survive, now forced to live hidden in a bunker with their implants ripped from their spines.

Nataly Fish

Uncanny Me

Uncanny Me

Do computer-generated figures now look as “real” as “genuine” humans? For 26-year-old Lale, this question is not only exciting in theory, but in practice. She works as a model but would rather spare herself exhausting shoots by getting an avatar. But when she has taken the first steps towards “doubling” herself, she has second thoughts...

Nataly Fish

PWG: Uncanny X-Mas

PWG: Uncanny X-Mas

1. Human Tornado & Ronin vs. Disco Machine & Excalibur 2. "The Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels vs. Tony Stradlin 3. Austin Aries vs. Chris Hero 4. Aerial Xpress (Quicksilver & Scorpio Sky) vs. El Generico & "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Match 5. Super Dragon (c) vs. Jonny Storm 6. "Classic" Col..

Nataly Fish

Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley

After the mysterious disappearance of his mother, Elliot struggles to find a new family dynamic, while dealing with his grandpa's crazy antics and theories.

Nataly Fish

Uncanny Harbor

Uncanny Harbor

Set in a seaside New England town, a recluse fisherman (Corey Wells) suffers from visions of his wife (Josephine Cooper) who has been missing for the past twenty-five years. Accused to this day of her mysterious disappearance, the case is reopened when investigators (William Cheverie) unearth new evidence.

Nataly Fish

The Uncanny Valley

The Uncanny Valley

5 months after the internet has stopped working, Aley, a misguided internet entrepreneur battles depression and suicide. As she discovers a new internet, she reflects on the connections she has lost and the connections we need.

Nataly Fish

Rimini Protokoll: Uncanny Valley

Rimini Protokoll: Uncanny Valley

We mostly think of robots as work machines, as efficient and precise executors of tasks. In German industry, they barely look like people, to avoid emotional complications. Unlike in Asia, where humanoid robots have already been developed for some time, for example for care-work or as sex partners. The external similarity to human beings makes the ..

Nataly Fish

Uncanny Valley

Uncanny Valley

A surrealist dip in the emotional response that happens when we encounter an entity that is almost, but not quite, human.

Nataly Fish

An Uncanny Resemblance

An Uncanny Resemblance

A short documentary about a man who resembles Barack Obama.

Nataly Fish

Uncanny, Uncanny

Uncanny, Uncanny

This guy goes crazy.

Nataly Fish

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