


Inspirée de faits réels, alors qu'elle visite un foyer pour enfants, une petite fille rencontre Joseph, un garçon dont le seul rêve est d'avoir un parapluie jaune. Cette rencontre inattendue réveille ses souvenirs du passé.

Nataly Fish



On a rainy day after school, a girl is stuck in the storm without an umbrella--until one boy comes to help.

Nataly Fish



This short cartoon film is for the Family Planning campaign, comparing a large family with a small happy family.

Nataly Fish



The story of four transgender individuals across America who are fighting for rights and representation in a challenging and changing world.

Nataly Fish



Children should pass a long way to reach schools in Talesh city mountains, Iran.

Nataly Fish

Les Parapluies de Cherbourg

Les Parapluies de Cherbourg

Cherbourg, au mois de novembre 1957. Geneviève et sa mère tiennent un magasin de parapluies. La jeune fille est amoureuse de Guy, un jeune garagiste, au grand dam de sa maman qui préfèrerait la voir épouser Roland Cassard, un riche diamantaire. Appelé sous les drapeaux, Guy s'apprête à partir pour l'Algérie. La veille de son départ, Genev..

Nataly Fish

Le Parapluie bleu

Le Parapluie bleu

Le chant d'amour contrarié de deux parapluies colorés dans une grande ville en proie à des trombes d'eau…

Nataly Fish

The Lone Umbrella

The Lone Umbrella

Based on a short piece of writing about a true and actual event, this short film was created by Josiah Scheidel, adapted from his own work. The film features a teen-aged boy who, upon spotting an abandoned umbrella sitting in the street, wonders at whether to ignore it and continue on his way or take it home.

Nataly Fish

Le Coup du parapluie

Le Coup du parapluie

Grégoire Lecomte, acteur à mi-temps raté mais dragueur à plein temps se retrouve confondu avec un dangereux tueur à gages et accepte le contrat de se tueur pensant qu'il est engagé pour un rôle dans une grosse production.Mais le contrat implique de tuer Otto Krampe, dit "La Baleine", trafficant d'armes qui a fourni à prix d'or à un pays d'..

Nataly Fish

The Umbrella Men

The Umbrella Men

A ragtag bunch of musicians are forced to rob a bank during the Cape Town Minstrel Carnival in the hope they will save their iconic, but in-debt nightclub in the Bo Kaap.

Nataly Fish

Adventures of the Naked Umbrella

Adventures of the Naked Umbrella

Alors que sa caravane a été réduite en cendres, Sam Wanoutsky, condamné pour incendie criminel et adepte de théories du complot, et son épouse Irene, doivent prouver son innocence. Hors de ses médicaments, Sam traverse sa relation avec la réalité et son amour éternel pour sa femme.

Nataly Fish



A man wants to fly in the air like his friend

Nataly Fish

L'ombrelle bleue

L'ombrelle bleue

Young Biniya lives a poor lifestyle in a small village in the mountainous and snowy region of Himachal Pradesh in India along with her widowed mom and wrestler brother. She entertains various tourists, and while doing so with some tourists from Japan, trades in her bear-tooth amulet with a blue umbrella...

Nataly Fish

The Umbrella Men: Escape From Robben Island

The Umbrella Men: Escape From Robben Island

After the successful Umbrella Men heist, our usual suspects find life is sweet, until they get arrested. Jerome and Morty are banged up in Prison and the girls need to bust them out but an outta-control Tariek has other plans

Nataly Fish

Mononoke Movie: Paper Umbrella

Mononoke Movie: Paper Umbrella

Movie sequel of the anime Mononoke (2007).

Nataly Fish

The Umbrella

The Umbrella

A man uses an imaginary umbrella to protect himself against against life; until he is convinced to use a real umbrella.

Nataly Fish

VeggieTales: Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella

VeggieTales: Minnesota Cuke and the Search for Noah's Umbrella

Minnesota Cuke is on the search for Noah's famous ark when he learns of a mysterious and powerful umbrella and a tricky villain who wants it for his own schemes. Will Minnesota have the confidence to face the challenge and keep searching or will all hopes of finding the ark be washed away for good?!

Nataly Fish

Me and My Umbrella

Me and My Umbrella

Eugênio (Lucas Cotrim) é um garoto de 11 anos que jamais se separa do guarda chuva herdado de seu avô. No último dia de férias ele e Cebola (Victor Froiman), seu melhor amigo, precisam entrar na sombria casa onde fica sua nova escola. O motivo é para resgatar Frida (Rafaela Victor), a grande paixão de Eugênio, que foi sequestrada pelo fanta..

Nataly Fish

Yellow Umbrella: rasta la vista, baby!
The Magic Umbrella

The Magic Umbrella

A magic umbrella saves a girl from a mysterious attacker. Filmed in 1927, tinted and hand-colored in the early 60s.

Nataly Fish

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