
Le tour d'écrou

Le tour d'écrou

Londres, 1921. Dans un hôpital accueillant les blessés et les malades de la Guerre 14-18, un psychiatre tente d'aider une jeune femme. Un matin, elle réussi à lui parler et lui dit en chuchotant « J'ai vu le diable ». Le psychiatre surpris, lui demande de lui raconter ce qui s'est passé. Quelques mois plus tôt, Anne avait été engagée pa..

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

Louisa Muller makes her Garsington directing debut and we welcome back Richard Farnes (Falstaff, 2018) to conduct with Sophie Bevan (Don Giovanni, 2012) as the Governess and British tenor Ed Lyon making his Garsington debut as Quint. A young governess is sent to a remote country house to care for two children. She becomes increasingly disturbed by..

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

Engagée comme gouvernante dans une demeure isolée, une jeune femme est peu à peu convaincue que les deux enfants dont elle doit s'occuper sont possédés...

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

An English governess is hired to take care of two adorable orphans, who turn out to be not exactly what they seem to be.

Nataly Fish

Le tour d'écrou

Le tour d'écrou

Une jeune femme est engagée par un homme riche mais sinistre pour donner des cours à ses deux enfants dans le domaine isolé de la famille. Quand la femme arrive là-bas, elle constate que les deux enfants ne sont pas tout à fait ce qu'ils semblent être. En fait, ils sont possédés par les esprits du mal.

Nataly Fish

The Turn Of The Screw

The Turn Of The Screw

The operatic version of the famous story about a governess who fears her two charges are possessed.

Nataly Fish

Britten: The Turn of the Screw

Britten: The Turn of the Screw

In Benjamin Britten's operatic adaptation of Henry James' masterwork, a naive governess (Helen Field) arrives at a country manor and soon discovers that it holds a murky secret involving her charges and two ghostly servants who wield a sinister influence on them. The taut, atmospheric production also stars Sam Linay, Machiko Obata, Menai Davies and..

Nataly Fish

Britten: The Turn of the Screw

Britten: The Turn of the Screw

Louisa Muller makes her Garsington directing debut and we welcome back Richard Farnes (Falstaff, 2018) to conduct with Sophie Bevan (Don Giovanni, 2012) as the Governess and British tenor Ed Lyon making his Garsington debut as Quint. A young governess is sent to a remote country house to care for two children. She becomes increasingly disturbed by..

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

A brilliant staging of Britten's opera.

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

A governess is hired to look after two neglected children, who show signs of having been corrupted by the insidious influence of the groom Peter Quint. Quint, although hanged for murder, still makes an appearance among the shadows of the manor house along with Miss Jessel, a previous governess who took her own life.

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

This film adaptation of Henry James' Victorian ghost story changes the location to present day Wellington. Set in a theatre over the course of an evening, Julia finds herself as a last-minute replacement for another actress at the dress rehearsal of a stage play version of The Turn of the Screw, set in 1890. Arriving at the theatre late that night..

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw

The Turn of the Screw

A remote English country house, and old and faithful housekeeper, two young orphan children and an eager new governess sent down from London to look after them. But all is not quite as it seems in the sheltered world of Bly. Britten's brilliantly scored, insidiously compelling adaptation of Henry James's novella takes its themes of of childish inn..

Nataly Fish

Startime: The Turn of the Screw

Startime: The Turn of the Screw

A governess put in charge of two young children begins to see the ghost of her dead predecessor.

Nataly Fish

Opera Australia: The Turn of the Screw

Opera Australia: The Turn of the Screw

The tension is palpable in this gripping West Australian Symphony Orchestra production of Benjamin Britten's "The Turn of the Screw," an opera based on the well-known novella by Henry James. Soon after agreeing to mind a wealthy man's orphaned niece and nephew, a governess (Eilene Hannan) senses that something about the children isn't normal. But a..

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw - OperaGlass Works

The Turn of the Screw - OperaGlass Works

A film of the opera The Turn of the Screw by Benjamin Britten. A young governess arrives at an old house in the country to look after two orphans. What unfolds is a chilling tale as she experiences strange ghostly encounters with some of the previous occupants of the house and finds herself engaged in a battle to protect the children’s souls from..

Nataly Fish

Britten: The Turn of the Screw - Opera North

Britten: The Turn of the Screw - Opera North

In a remote country house, the newly-appointed governess arrives to take charge of the orphaned Flora and Miles. She must fight to protect them from strange and menacing spirits. But are these apparitions real, or the product of her troubled imagination? And what terrible evil occurred before her arrival? Based on the ghost story by Henry James, t..

Nataly Fish

The Turn of the Screw - La Monnaie / De Munt

The Turn of the Screw - La Monnaie / De Munt

Nothing is what it seems in an old English manor. When a new governess arrives, the children entrusted to her care seem to receive visits from the ghosts. What horrors occurred here before her arrival? Are the children innocent? Can we really trust what we see? Based on a ghost story by Henry James, Benjamin Britten’s The Turn of the Screw is a ..

Nataly Fish

Turn of the Screw

Turn of the Screw

A young man is hired to take care of two orphaned siblings in a remote seaside mansion and soon realizes that someone... or something from the past is out to get the children.

Nataly Fish

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