


This docu-drama spans fifteen turbulent years in the political and personal life of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, one of the most enigmatic and polarizing Prime Ministers in Canadian history. The film explores the many facets of his character and his vision for his country which has both inspired and frustrated Canadians.

Nataly Fish

French Immersion : C'est la faute à Trudeau

French Immersion : C'est la faute à Trudeau

Quatre anglo-Canadiens et un New-Yorkais vont passer deux semaines au village St-Isidore-du-Coeur-de-Jésus, dans le fin fond du Nord du Québec, pour s'immerger dans la langue française...

Nataly Fish

God Save Justin Trudeau

God Save Justin Trudeau

Le documentaire suit le député de Papineau, Justin Trudeau, et le sénateur Patrick Brazeau dans leur entraînement pour un combat de boxe qui changera à jamais le destin des deux hommes. En tentant de tracer des liens entre la boxe et la politique, les cinéastes Guylaine Maroist et Eric Ruel ont capté bien plus que l’événement caritatif q..

Nataly Fish

Just Watch Me: Trudeau and the 70's Generation

Just Watch Me: Trudeau and the 70's Generation

Canadian director Catherine Annau's debut work is a documentary about the legacy of Pierre Trudeau, the long-running Prime Minister of Canada, who governed during the 1970s. The film focuses particularly on Trudeau's goal of creating a thoroughly bilingual nation. Annau interviews eight people in their mid-30s on both sides of the linguistic divide..

Nataly Fish

Kevin Trudeau: The Movie 'They' Don't Want You to Know About

Kevin Trudeau: The Movie 'They' Don't Want You to Know About

Documentary about best-selling author and informercial pioneer Kevin Trudeau.

Nataly Fish

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