


Collin escaped the hood and found his wife and fortune. His brother Trey is paroled from a murder charge and comes to stay with him. After a disastrous accident, Trey holds Collin and friends hostage vowing he is never going back to prison

Nataly Fish



A team of professional hitmen are paid a large amount of money to travel back in time 5 years and kill a select group of innocent people, one of whom is foreseen as aiding an army of inter-dimensional beings in wiping out the human race.

Nataly Fish



When a young consigliere is asked to take a drive into the woods for no reason, she knows it's bad news

Nataly Fish



Ten years after ending their partnership as rock musicians, two women become re-acquainted in the course of one night.

Nataly Fish



A warm, dramatic story about eleven-year-old Alise's encounter with a wild horse on the run.

Nataly Fish



This is a story about the post-traumatic military syndrome development in the former Yugoslavia shown through the prism of irrational experiences of military operations real participants.

Nataly Fish



Kevin is a shy young man who, after being rejected by his family, battles the warring thoughts in his head while coming dangerously close to ending his own life. But when an unsuspecting friend shows up at his doorstep, he must face his past in order to change his life forever.

Nataly Fish



Shane must use his MMA skills to fight off a team of highly trained villains to save his wife, Marie. Trigger was shot in one take; No cuts were made in the edit.

Nataly Fish



The story follows Anthony, a mixed European gay man, who auditions for the reality TV Show "Dream Island". The casting director's questions begin to trigger him as he relives a traumatic event. This is a story based on true events and raises awareness about sexual consent, especially in the lgbtqi+ community.

Nataly Fish



Boy has to pay for his cell-phone as a guarantee of concealing his toy gun theft.

Nataly Fish



It's a rainy night out in East London, Claire and Hannah hail a black cab and climb in. The driver navigates through the wet streets of the city, glancing back in his rear-view mirror at the girls in his cab.

Nataly Fish



A black screen with a reticle in its centre, vaguely reminiscent of Ego-Shooter games. Then figures from shooting galleries make fleeting appearances, lasting just fractions of a second, pistol in hand, standing or kneeling. A conglomeration of stereotypes from American gangster movies. The TRIGGER in its double meaning, as a trigger for both weapo..

Nataly Fish



Trigger is a short about a soldier called Fletcher who returns home to the UK with PTSD whilst serving in Afghanistan. The film follows Fletcher as he struggles with his ever growing mental illness and his struggles to adapt back into civilian and family life. Until a tragic life-changing​ event happens that will change his and his family’s liv..

Nataly Fish



As Siddharth steps into his disillusioned adult years, he experiences a strained relationship with his mother. Will there be a chance of reconciliation?

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation Stargazer

Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation Stargazer

Pendant que Rena et Maki se remettent de leurs blessures, les autres membres du SORD s'envolent à l'étranger pour un voyage scolaire. Quelques instants après leur arrivée, cependant, le gang Mihama est entraîné dans une chasse à l'homme pour un déserteur du SORD, assisté par l'étudiante Sylvia et Velvet de l'école internationale de St. A..

Nataly Fish



Un groupe d’amis d’enfance se retrouve après cinq ans autour d’un camping dans une forêt. Ils ont tous des secrets. Leur ancien professeur de sciences attache une bombe à retardement à chacun d’entre eux. Afin de survivre, ils doivent tuer pour gagner du temps.

Nataly Fish

Picasso Trigger

Picasso Trigger

Un criminel bien sous tous rapports, surnommé le "Picasso trigger", offre à la ville un tableau d'une valeur de trois millions de dollars. A la sortie de cette grande réception, le généreux donateur est froidement abattu. Suite à cet horrible crime, les amis du "Picasso trigger" se mettent en tête d'éliminer tous les agents fédéraux liés..

Nataly Fish

Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation

Grisaia: Phantom Trigger The Animation

Après les incidents impliquant Heath Oslo, l'existence de l'organisation anti-terroriste américano-japonaise, connu sous le nom de CIRS, est maintenant connue du public. Le CIRS a été reconstruit à partir de zéro et ses fonctions les plus dissimulées ont été transférées dans une nouvelle agence : SORD (Social Ops, Research & Development)..

Nataly Fish

Triggermen, petites arnaques entre amis

Triggermen, petites arnaques entre amis

Que faire lorsque l’on est deux escrocs au palmarès plutôt minable et que l’on se retrouve à Chicago sans le moindre dollar pour pouvoir rentrer au pays ? Pete et Andy, deux délinquants à la gomme, découvrent une mallette contenant la coquette somme de 5 000 dollars et une clé de chambre d’hôtel. Ils décident alors de suivre l’hist..

Nataly Fish

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