
Treading Water

Treading Water

Mica is born smelling of fish that soap and doctors can't remove. Problems increase starting school as no one'll be his friend. He sees a therapist. His life seems doomed until he meets Laura.

Nataly Fish

Treading Water

Treading Water

When best friends and neighbors Jay and Claire face the difficultly of life, clicks and the expectations from parents; an unexpected romance begins to blossom. Is it the cheekiness of Jay or the witty sarcasm of Claire that helps ground themselves in an ever changing world of obstacles. See less

Nataly Fish

Treading Water

Treading Water

En Nouvelle Angleterre, dans une petite ville côtière, Casey Olsen est pêcheuse en mer. Elle vit dans un bateau avec Alex, la femme qu'elle aime. Celle-ci est éducatrice sociale et travaille avec des adolescents en difficultés. C'est Noël et toute la famille Olsen se réunit. Casey souhaiterait participer à cette fête avec Alex. Malheureuse..

Nataly Fish

Treading Water: A Documentary

Treading Water: A Documentary

Directed by Jamie Lee.

Nataly Fish

Treading water: Plight of the Manitoba First Nation Flood Evacuees

Treading water: Plight of the Manitoba First Nation Flood Evacuees

Treading Water is a deeply intimate look at the unexpected, untold story of the real-life evacuees behind the national headlines of the 2011 Manitoba flood.

Nataly Fish

The Dog - A Rapidly Condensed Guide to Treading Water

The Dog - A Rapidly Condensed Guide to Treading Water

An underwriter recounts his career in body part insurance sales in an attempt to affirm his life choices.

Nataly Fish

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