


L'agent du FBI Roy Clayton enquête sur un complot international. Tout semble accuser l'ancien officier des opérations spéciales U.S. Samir Horn, personnage mystérieux aux relations inquiétantes. Horn a le don étrange de surgir juste avant qu'une opération n'échoue, et de prendre le large avant qu'on ait pu l'interroger. La section inter-age..

Nataly Fish



Western journalists visit Moscow to interview Adrian Harris, a former controller in British intelligence who was also a double agent for the USSR. Harris believes in both Communism and Englishness, believing himself to have betrayed his class, but not his country. The press find these beliefs incompatible, and want to find out why he became a ‘tr..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



A teenage girl raises a familial issue which has been ignored by the family members for many years. As everyone is trying to deal with the problem in their own way, the tension slowly builds and leads to an unfortunate event, which changes the family forever.

Nataly Fish

Starship Troopers : Traitor of Mars

Starship Troopers : Traitor of Mars

Johnny Rico est contraint de travailler avec un groupe de nouvelles recrues dans une station de Mars que des insectes géants comptent viser pour leur prochaine attaque.

Nataly Fish

Un traître idéal

Un traître idéal

En vacances à Marrakech, un couple d’Anglais, Perry et Gail, se lie d’amitié avec un millionnaire russe nommé Dima. Ils ignorent que cet homme charismatique et extravagant blanchit l’argent de la mafia russe… Lorsque Dima demande leur aide pour livrer des informations explosives aux services secrets britanniques, la vie de Perry et Gail ..

Nataly Fish

American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally

American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally

L'histoire vraie de Mildred Gillars alias "Axis Sally", une actrice américaine qui s'est installée dans les années trente en Allemagne nazie. Elle anime une émission de radio à destination des troupes anglo-saxonnes afin de saper leur moral et de diffuser un discours antisémite et hostile au président en place, Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Nataly Fish

Le Traître

Le Traître

Palerme, Sicile, 1980. Tommaso Buscetta, membre de la mafia, décide de s'installer au Brésil avec sa famille pour fuir la guerre constante entre les différents clans de l'organisation criminelle. Mais lorsque, après avoir vécu plusieurs malheurs, il est contraint de rentrer en Italie, il prend une décision audacieuse qui changera sa vie et le..

Nataly Fish

Traitors of the Date clan !

Traitors of the Date clan !

Harada Kai, the Date clan's Chamberlain attempts to take power from the lord himself.

Nataly Fish

Trahison sur commande

Trahison sur commande

Stockholm, 1942. Eric Erickson, un homme d'affaires new-yorkais naturalisé suédois, continue à vendre du pétrole aux Allemands. Aux yeux de son entourage, il est évidemment soupçonné de collaborer avec l'ennemi. Bientôt, tous l'abandonnent, l'accusant de trahison. Erickson, qui se refuse à prendre parti dans le conflit, aimerait beaucoup r..

Nataly Fish

Traitor Spy

Traitor Spy

A British man is hunted by British and German spies when he tries to sell blueprints.

Nataly Fish

The Traitor

The Traitor

One time members of a resistance group come together every year to remember their dead leader, betrayed to and executed by the Nazis. When it seems that they might finally know the name of the traitor - and that he or she comes from within their own unit - their annual gathering becomes a deadly trial...

Nataly Fish

The Good Traitor

The Good Traitor

The Danish ambassador to Washington declares himself to be the sole representative of a free Denmark during the Nazi occupation of the country.

Nataly Fish

The Little Traitor

The Little Traitor

Based on the novel "Panther in the Basement" by the world-renowned author, Amos Oz, the movie takes place in Palestine in 1947, just a few months before Israel becomes a state. Proffy Liebowitz, a militant yet sensitive eleven year old wants nothing more than for the occupying British to get the hell out of his land.

Nataly Fish

Bonhoeffer: Holy Traitor

Bonhoeffer: Holy Traitor

Dietrich Bonhoeffer était un pasteur allemand, théologien, espion, dissident anti-nazi et membre fondateur clé de l'Église confessante. Ses écrits sur le rôle du christianisme dans le monde séculier sont devenus très influents.

Nataly Fish

The Traitor

The Traitor

To prevent a lynching, Ranger Tim lets two outlaws go saying he will get them later. This gets him kicked out of the Rangers and he goes across the border and joins Big George's gang who are running contraband. But the outlaw Jimmy overhears Tim tell his sister that the dismissal was a fake. Big George and his gang then go after Tim and trap him in..

Nataly Fish



Set in Tangier, Traitors tells the story of Maika, a calm, conservative girl by day and a leader of an all-girl punk group by night.

Nataly Fish

Gadaar: The Traitor

Gadaar: The Traitor

Jai Singh is one of the richest Indians in the world who loves to live life on the edge. A conspiracy suddenly changes his life and brings him back to his motherland - India. What does he have to deal with? Will he give everything he has earned?

Nataly Fish

Contemporary Tales of Chivalry: The Traitor Shall Die

Contemporary Tales of Chivalry: The Traitor Shall Die

The ninth and final film in the Contemporary Tales of Chivalry series.

Nataly Fish

Aldrich Ames: Traitor Within

Aldrich Ames: Traitor Within

Fact-based story about a 90's espionage case that was chronicled as the worst case of espionage in US history

Nataly Fish

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