


In the 1880s western "Traded", a father must leave his ranch for Dodge City to save his daughter from an old enemy, putting his reputation as the fastest draw in the west to the test.

Nataly Fish



The film exposes the life of women who have been trafficked in various parts of India. Some of them have been trafficked because of debt bondage and some for sexual exploitation.

Nataly Fish

Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown

Lucy Must Be Traded, Charlie Brown

Angst-ridden Charlie Brown attempts to motivate his team, while Lucy in right field nettles poor Chuck into a nervous wreck. With their losses mounting, Charlie Brown tries every remedy to score a win--even trading his own dog--yet nothing improves the team's dismal record. Then Chuck orchestrates "the greatest trade in the history of baseball."

Nataly Fish

Trade Secrets Of The Amazing Massage Shop
Emanuelle et les filles de Madame Claude

Emanuelle et les filles de Madame Claude

Pour rédiger son nouvel article, Emanuelle s'en va mener une enquête à Nairobi au sujet d'un réseau de traites des blanches. Sur place, elle retrouve son amie Susan qui lui fait découvrir la ville et ses environs. Emanuelle remarque d'étranges tractations à l'aéroport et ses investigations la ramène en Amérique où elle parvient à infilt..

Nataly Fish

How the Old Man Traded It All Away

How the Old Man Traded It All Away

Folk art–like hand-drawn stills illustrate this sweetly simple pastoral fable, in which a peasant comes into possession of a small fortune—but realizes there are treasures greater than gold.

Nataly Fish

The White Slave Trade

The White Slave Trade

Anna, a beautiful girl from a poor background, is offered a well-paid position as a lady's companion in London. Anna's boyfriend, the sceptical Georg, suspects that the job offer is too good to be true, but Anna dismisses him and reports to the London address. The stately home in England turns out to be a whorehouse that imports women from Denmark...

Nataly Fish

Ruff Trade

Ruff Trade

Yoshimi, who just came out of Okinawa, is deceived by a runaway tribe, sold to a gangster organization, and forced to perform a bestiality show in front of customers.

Nataly Fish

Django arrive, préparez vos cercueils

Django arrive, préparez vos cercueils

Mantas pille les convois d'or de Spencer, riche propriétaire. Django propose de convoyer l'or mais s'est en réalité allié à Mantas afin de tout de même voler l'or. Seulement Trixie, une jeune femme, voudrait bien sa part, tout comme Sabbath, un mercenaire fraichement arrivé en ville.

Nataly Fish

Tueur, trader et psychopathe : l'Amérique de Bret Easton Ellis

Tueur, trader et psychopathe : l'Amérique de Bret Easton Ellis

En 1991, « American psycho », le troisième roman de l'écrivain controversé Bret Easton Ellis, a suscité de vives discussions parmi les critiques et les lecteurs. Ce livre extraordinairement dérangeant a transporté ses lecteurs dans l'esprit de Patrick Bateman, un cadre cynique spécialisé dans les fusions et acquisitions, obsédé par les ..

Nataly Fish



Trader dans une grande banque new-yorkaise, Erwan mise, joue et gagne. Mais il en veut plus, toujours plus. Lorsqu'il tombe sur un article consacré à la climatologie dans une revue scientifique, il a l'intuition d'une corrélation entre les variations climatiques et le flux boursiers. Persuadé d'avoir mis la main sur la formule magique qui fera ..

Nataly Fish

Trade Your Love

Trade Your Love

Sung-seok and Hae-joo, who have been under pressure of marriage, devise a scheme at their first meet; a fake wedding. They reach an agreement under the desire of not only being free from their parents’ meddling but carrying their secret future plan. Sung-seok plans to run away with his lover who has a kid and Hae-joo plans to start her new career..

Nataly Fish

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Jack of All Trades, Master of None

Thanasis Vengos plays a poor young man that comes to Athens looking for a job. We watch as he tries many different jobs; druggist, photographer, even wrestling referee. The result is always hilarious and explosive!

Nataly Fish

Le Marchand (Sovdagari)

Le Marchand (Sovdagari)

Un marchand ambulant parcourt la campagne géorgienne, où les pommes de terre sont monnaie d'échange et les ambitions des rêves écrasés par la pauvreté.

Nataly Fish

Blood Stained Tradewind

Blood Stained Tradewind

"Shing (Alex Fong) and Hsiong (Waise Lee) are competitive young men raised by the head of a powerful Triad group. Shing appears to have the winning edge; his gunfighting skills are unsurpassed earning him the nickname Golden Gun and the pretty daughter of the Triad boss appears to favor him more than eager brother Hsiong. But when Shing turns down ..

Nataly Fish

Death Is My Trade

Death Is My Trade

“Death is my Trade” centers on the life of Rudolph Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz II-Birkenau for the majority of its existence. The main character's name in the film is Franz Lang. This name change was deliberate to ensure that the character is not automatically viewed as being some sort of villain or demon. Franz is an average German kid..

Nataly Fish

L'Hôtel du libre échange

L'Hôtel du libre échange

Une succession d'événements imprévus et de quiproquos, réunissent à l'hôtel du libre échange : un expert venu pour découvrir la source de bruits suspects, sa femme, prête à le tromper avec son meilleur ami ; un avocat bègue et ses quatre filles et, enfin, le neveu de l'expert désireux de passer quelques heures avec la petite bonne du me..

Nataly Fish

The Life of a Horsetrader

The Life of a Horsetrader

Ce premier joyau mettant en vedette le grand Mifune Toshiro raconte l'histoire de Katakana Yonetaro alias "le requin", un marchand de chevaux rugueux dans le territoire accidenté le plus au nord du Japon, sur l'île d'Hokkaïdo...

Nataly Fish

Slave Trade in the World Today

Slave Trade in the World Today

The film documents modern slave trade through a number of African countries, under dictatorship rule. The filming was conducted both in public places, and sometimes with the use of hidden cameras, for high impact scenes of nudity, sex, and violence - and a few surprises, as slaves made out of peregrins to Asia, and slave traders paid in traveller c..

Nataly Fish

Dangerous Trade in Kobe

Dangerous Trade in Kobe

Ise, un trafiquant de drogue Yakuza de niveau intermédiaire, est capturé lors d'une opération policière. Le criminel craque lors de l'interrogatoire et accepte de devenir un informateur de la police.

Nataly Fish

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