


Quand une épidémie de diphtérie ravage un village isolé d'Alaska durant l'hiver 1925, rendant gravement malades d'innombrables enfants, la population est en émoi car l'antitoxine nécessaire à leur guérison se trouve à des centaines de kilomètres de là, au-devant de terrains difficiles à traverser et alors qu'une tempête gigantesque se ..

Nataly Fish



Lorsque des trafiquants de drogue tentent de l'enrôler lui et ses amis, un gardien de voitures fait tout pour protéger son territoire… et son gagne-pain.

Nataly Fish

Togo, le foot et la politique ne font qu'un

Togo, le foot et la politique ne font qu'un

8 octobre 2005. Le Togo, un pays parmi les plus pauvres d’Afrique, se qualifie pour la première fois de son histoire pour la Coupe du monde de football. L’exploit n’est pas seulement historique; il précipite aussi la fin de la guerre civile sanglante qui mine le pays depuis plusieurs mois. A la veille de l’ouverture du Mondial en Allemagn..

Nataly Fish

Candomblé in Togo

Candomblé in Togo

Nataly Fish

Togoland Projections

Togoland Projections

Following in the footsteps of the Hamburg film director Hans Schomburgk who travelled through the German colony of Togo from Lomé to the north with his companion and actress Meg Gehrts in 1913, Jürgen Ellinghaus screens the footage shot then at its locations in modern-day Togo. Schomburgk’s affirmative images show slave labour, humiliation and ..

Nataly Fish

Café Togo

Café Togo

CAFÉ TOGO looks at the efforts to change street names with colonial connotations in the so-called Afrikanisches Viertel (African Quarter) in Berlin-Wedding. According to Berlin’s street law, every street named after a person honors that person. Petersallee, Lüderitzstraße, and Nachtigalplatz bear the names of persons whose biographies are tain..

Nataly Fish



Each fall, 50 girls meet up at rock camp in Togo. They play and sing gospel music, which they know from church, and dance to African rap and pop. A five-day rock camp with teenage girls who still dream.

Nataly Fish

The Fire, a Fowl and an (Un)Forgotten Past

The Fire, a Fowl and an (Un)Forgotten Past

From 1884 to 1914, a small belt of land between the British Gold Coast Colony and French-governed Dahomey was part of the German overseas empire in Africa. "Togoland", the later Togo and the eastern part of today's Ghana, experienced the first German capitulation in the early days of WWI. European rule left its marks on people's minds, even more th..

Nataly Fish

Because there was no nail in the forge

Because there was no nail in the forge

A comical opera for children and adults about the absence of a nail that almost caused a World catastrophe. The film is based on English folk poetry translated by S.Marshak.

Nataly Fish

Staatssekretär Dr. Solf besucht im Oktober 1913 Togo

Staatssekretär Dr. Solf besucht im Oktober 1913 Togo

A German politican visits German colony Togo.

Nataly Fish

Rythmes et fastes sacrs de la vie chez les Kabr du Nord Togo

Rythmes et fastes sacrs de la vie chez les Kabr du Nord Togo

Major communal ceremonies for purification, exaltation of the forces of life and deliverance from hostile powers marking the very intense religious life of the Kabre, a mountain people in northern Togo.

Nataly Fish

Chasing the Spirit: Gorovodu in Southern Togo

Chasing the Spirit: Gorovodu in Southern Togo

This ethnographic film is dedicated to the rituals and ceremonies of Gorovodu religion in West Africa. A medicine and healing sect practiced by Ewe peoples in Ghana and Togo, Gorovodu is embedded in every day life. Through visual explorations of ritual drumming and spirit possession, this film offers a guide to the complexity and humanity of religi..

Nataly Fish

La justice divine chez les Kabyè du Togo

La justice divine chez les Kabyè du Togo

In Togo among Kabye people, trials by fire ordeal happen among truth masters in order to settle witchcraft cases which cannot be judged by usual men. This film shows two cases.

Nataly Fish

Abenteuer in Togoland

Abenteuer in Togoland

Nataly Fish

Le Projet Blair Witch

Le Projet Blair Witch

En octobre 1994, trois jeunes cinéastes, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard et Michael Williams, disparaissent en randonnée dans la foret de Black Hill au cours d'un reportage sur la sorcellerie. Un an plus tard, on a retrouve le film de leur enquête. Le Projet Blair Witch suit l'itineraire éprouvant des trois cinéastes a travers la forêt de Bla..

Nataly Fish

Pinch Hitter Togo Trouble #1 Skyscraper Bombing Notice!

Pinch Hitter Togo Trouble #1 Skyscraper Bombing Notice!

Original video film.

Nataly Fish

The Great Alaskan Race

The Great Alaskan Race

Dans la grande course de miséricorde historique de 1925, un groupe de courageux mushers parcourent 700 kilomètres pour sauver les petits enfants de Nome, en Alaska, d’une épidémie meurtrière.

Nataly Fish

News From the Other World

News From the Other World

The Mamleev family portrait, set in the cramped interior of a small Moscow flat, is an experiment in metaphysical documentary making. Yury Mamleev, the great writer of the Russian chthonic, plays with a cat while his wife, the translator Maria Mamleeva, flips through a photo album from their émigré years in Paris and America. But something eerie ..

Nataly Fish

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