
Love in the City

Love in the City

Alice rêve depuis toute petite de devenir cheffe, trouver l'homme idéal, fonder une famille et vivre heureuse dans une belle maison. Une fois grande, elle découvre qu'il est difficile d'exaucer tous ses voeux. Aussi, quand elle rencontre Joe, un riche et beau jeune homme, elle tombe amoureuse de lui et décide de fonder une famille. Elle renonce..

Nataly Fish

To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold

Based on the best-selling 1900 novel by American author Mary Johnston. Honor was their measure of wealth and faith was their source of strength. Together they embarked on a perilous journey and battled for true love. They vowed to love and to cherish, to honor and to protect, but above all, to have and to hold.

Nataly Fish

To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold

A young woman is harassed by a man and seeks help from the police. The officer who visits her falls in love with her, but shortly after she is murdered.

Nataly Fish

Le prix de la trahison

Le prix de la trahison

Tom, mari infidèle, entretient une relation extra conjugale avec Lisa. Lassé de cette situation il rompt avec la jeune femme. Mais Lisa ne comprend pas cette rupture. Pour se venger, elle paie un homme pour intimider Tom. Cette histoire tourne au drame quant la femme de Tom tue celui qu'elle prend pour un malfrat...

Nataly Fish

To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold

King James I gives his consent to the marriage between Lord Carnal and Lady Jocelyn Leigh. Lady Jocelyn, however, does not want to wed the evil Lord Carnal, and makes her escape on a bridal ship headed for Jamestown, VA. When it lands, a ruffian tries to take Jocelyn as his bride, but Captain Ralph Percy rescues her by marrying her himself. The mar..

Nataly Fish

To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold

A man is permanently crippled in a horseback riding accident and then learns that he will soon die. He spends his last few days taking care of his family and trying to get his wife to find another man.

Nataly Fish

To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold

Lady Jocelyn, a favorite in the court of England's King James, escapes a forced marriage to the hated Lord Carnal by fleeing to American colonies. There she meets and marries Captain Ralph Percy. Pursued by Lord Carnal, Lady Jocelyn and her new husband eventually find themselves shipwrecked on a desert island with Lord Carnal.

Nataly Fish

To Have and to Hold

To Have and to Hold

After a car accident a woman finds herself deep in the woods with her dead stiff friend still holding her hand.

Nataly Fish

To Have and To Hold

To Have and To Hold

Sharing almost no meaningful interaction with other people, a man living in solitude begins to connect with his recently purchased adult toy.

Nataly Fish

To Have and To Hold

To Have and To Hold

A humorous look at relationships and sex.

Nataly Fish

To Have and To Hold

To Have and To Hold

A noble socialite and her butler must concoct a plan to stop her husband's affair with a younger woman.

Nataly Fish

Chapel of the Bells Wedding Chapel Exposure: To Have and To Hold

Chapel of the Bells Wedding Chapel Exposure: To Have and To Hold

Another exposure inside a chapel from the avant-garde filmmaker Lynn Marie Kirby.

Nataly Fish



Tessa Connover se remet à peine de son divorce que son désormais ex mari lui présente la nouvelle femme de sa vie, la belle Julia Banks...

Nataly Fish

I Have No Hold on You

I Have No Hold on You

A young couple's love is tested when Alex suddenly finds God and Sara discovers she might be pregnant.

Nataly Fish

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