
Tin Tan

Tin Tan

Germán Cipriano Gómez Valdés Castillo, a young radio announcer from Cuidad Juárez, succeeds in drawing attention to the pachuco movement through his character Tin Tan, laying the groundwork for a new form of binational and mass linguistic expression: Spanglish. He soon became a leading figure in theater and film on the American Continent. Singl..

Nataly Fish

Tin Tan y las modelos

Tin Tan y las modelos

Ambitious non-starter gets a job as a bill-collector at a beauty-products company and tries to bluff his way into a management position, then tries a couple of other business schemes with minimal success.

Nataly Fish

Las locuras de Tin Tan

Las locuras de Tin Tan

Tin-Tan wants to builds an ice cream machine.

Nataly Fish

Tin-Tán El Hombre Mono

Tin-Tán El Hombre Mono

Nataly Fish

Ni Muy, Muy... ni Tan, Tan... simplemente Tin Tan

Ni Muy, Muy... ni Tan, Tan... simplemente Tin Tan

"Ni Muy Muy, Ni Tan Tan, Sim­ple­men­te, Tin Tan. Tin Tan was one of the grea­test com­de­dian-​ac­tors in the his­tory of Me­xi­can Ci­ne­ma. He be­gan his film ca­reer du­ring the early years of what be­ca­me the Gol­den Age of Me­xi­can Ci­ne­ma. Th­roughout the ma­jo­rity of his mo­vies he plays the cha­rac­ter of ..

Nataly Fish

Rupture fatale

Rupture fatale

Une femme divorcée entame une nouvelle relation amoureuse. L'euphorie ne dure pas très longtemps car rapidement elle découvre des sombres secrets sur son compagnon...

Nataly Fish

Evil Cult

Evil Cult

Pendant l'ère Yuen, différentes sectes d'arts martiaux se disputent la possession des deux épées d'or qui leur garantiraient la domination du monde des arts martiaux.

Nataly Fish

Le Journal intime de Georgia Nicolson

Le Journal intime de Georgia Nicolson

Georgia Nicholson livre ses états d'âme dans un journal intime. Georgia est une adolescente qui se sent incomprise par ses parents, aime ses copines de classe et son chat, rêve d'avoir le petit ami idéal et espère organiser pour ses 15 ans la plus belle fête qu'on n'ait jamais vue.

Nataly Fish

El mariachi desconocido

El mariachi desconocido

This film is considered one of Tin Tan's funniest comedies. This time, the charismatic comedian incarnates a mariachi musician that lives the most entertaining an extraordinary adventures while traveling from Mexico to the paradisaic island of Cuba. An example of the excellent cinematographic comedy that only Tin Tan can achieve.

Nataly Fish

Casino Raiders II

Casino Raiders II

Chicken Feet assists in running an honorable gambling den owned by the crippled Uncle Fan and his son Kit. Having previously tried to shut down the gambling den and take over by paralyzing Fan and framing Kit for another man's murder, ruthless local Triad boss, James goes a step further by murdering Fan. Driven only by money and the pursuit of two ..

Nataly Fish

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