
Time Off Track

Time Off Track

An art student goes on a journey through time while being chased by an assassin. The film explores themes of feminist history.

Nataly Fish

Going Off Big Time

Going Off Big Time

After surviving prison, a man has to forge a career in the crime world

Nataly Fish

On Time Off Time

On Time Off Time

The juxtaposed movements resonate with each other, filling the conflict between continuity and fluctuation.

Nataly Fish

Time Offed

Time Offed

A strange and haunting vision of the catharsis involved in the work and leisure expenditure of an apparently non-distinct punch clock commoner, a human with its face masked in bandages. The cold urban landscape is pocked with such sinister everyday events that even the contents of the commoner's briefcase can only reinforce the veils within. Chock ..

Nataly Fish

Office Romance. Our time

Office Romance. Our time

Anatoli Yefremovich Novoseltsev works in a ratings company, whose director is an unattractive and bossy woman. An old friend of his, Yuri Grigorievich Samokhvalov, who gets appointed assistant director, wants to make Novoseltsev the manager but encounters objections from Ludmila Prokopievna Kalugina, the director. Samokhvalov then advises Novoselts..

Nataly Fish

On Time Off

On Time Off

Drawn from life and from my memories of working in an ice cream café in Cornwall, these images form an animated landscape that takes the viewer on a journey through fire and ice cream and micro-dramas between strangers on a sweltering holiday beach.

Nataly Fish

Limited Time Offer Act Now

Limited Time Offer Act Now

Charles Henderson is an average everyday guy living in the suburbs. After receiving an urgent piece of mail, he realizes his life may not be quite what it seems, and embarks on a desperate search to uncover his true reality.

Nataly Fish

Thud and Blunder in

Thud and Blunder in "Knock-Off Time"

Thud and Blunder learn what not to do while in a coal mine.

Nataly Fish

Time Off

Time Off

A young soldier is being treated very harsh by his commanding lieutenant. Just before they will be sent out to Lebanon, their battalion gets one day off to relax in Jerusalem. There the soldier finds out the lieutenant has sex in a public park.

Nataly Fish

Marlin off the Rocks: Rock Beats Plastic Every Time

Marlin off the Rocks: Rock Beats Plastic Every Time

The term extreme sportfishing does not do any justice to what you are about to see. Welcome to Jervis Bay, Australia, where a group of insane anglers match themselves against some of the most powerful fish in the Pacific along a rugged battle zone to fish black marlin from the rocks, where the ocean and the continent collide. This is known as land-..

Nataly Fish

Time Off

Time Off

When Camilo and his girlfriend, Pola, start to struggle in their relationship, she asks for a week away from him to assess the situation. Although Camilo agrees, he feels confused, as his undemanding life is made uncomfortable for the first time. Soon he meets Mikela, a disaffected teenage girl whom he befriends. However, when Camilo discovers Mike..

Nataly Fish

my love for you is spilling off the edge of the world, my hate is burning up inside, and everything in between will be lost to time

my love for you is spilling off the edge of the world, my hate is burning up inside, and everything in between will be lost to time

After the death of his mother in a fatal accident, a son tries to hunt down the person responsible.

Nataly Fish

Parole d'officier

Parole d'officier

Jérusalem, 1942. David Bradfort, officier de l'armée de l'air anglaise encore convalescent à la suite d'une blessure à la jambe, tombe amoureux de Sarah ravissante jeune fille d'origine juive. Mais David est tout de suite rejeté par la famille de Sarah qui, pour des raisons religieuses, ne peut concevoir cette relation et va multiplier les obs..

Nataly Fish

Death Promise

Death Promise

An apartment dweller goes on a search-and-destroy mission to kill the ruthless landlords who murdered his father.

Nataly Fish

Let's Spend the Night Together

Let's Spend the Night Together

Vingt-cinq chansons interprétées durant la vaste tournée américaine de 1981.

Nataly Fish

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