


Non loin de Tombouctou tombée sous le joug des extrémistes religieux, Kidane mène une vie simple et paisible dans les dunes, entouré de sa femme Satima, sa fille Toya et de Issan, son petit berger âgé de 12 ans. En ville, les habitants subissent, impuissants, le régime de terreur des djihadistes qui ont pris en otage leur foi. Fini la musi..

Nataly Fish



1940, au début de la Seconde Guerre mondiale à Tombouctou, le colonel Dufort, accompagné de son épouse Natalie, vient prendre le commandement de la garnison française. Le pays est sous tension, un chef religieux, le seul capable de maintenir le calme parmi les tribus, est retenu prisonnier par un émir. Le colonel, aidé par le trafiquant d'ar..

Nataly Fish

Between Time and Timbuktu

Between Time and Timbuktu

A poet-astronaut is shot through an area of space called the Chronosynclastic Infundibulum. He is duplicated into infinite copies of himself, each of whom finds himself in a bizarre situations on a different world. (These scenarios are all derived from the novels and short stories of 'Kurt Vonnegut Jr.', including Cat's Cradle, Welcome to the Monke..

Nataly Fish

The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu

The Lost Libraries of Timbuktu

Aminatta Forna tells the story of legendary Timbuktu and its long hidden legacy of hundreds of thousands of ancient manuscripts. With its university founded around the same time as Oxford, Timbuktu is proof that the reading and writing of books have long been as important to Africans as to Europeans.

Nataly Fish

From Here to Timbuktu

From Here to Timbuktu

Shorts from five countries (Australia, Japan, Russia, Slovenia, and United States) that all have to do with love. They are also all LGBT themed and/or directed.

Nataly Fish

Le trésor de Tombouctou, l'histoire d'un sauvetage

Le trésor de Tombouctou, l'histoire d'un sauvetage

En avril 2012, la nuit s'abat sur Tombouctou : venus du nord du Mali et du désert, les djihadistes d'Ansar Dine envahissent la ville et font régner la terreur. Non content d'imposer (surtout aux femmes) une dictature se réclamant de la charia et du rejet du mode de vie occidental, le groupe armé s'attaque aussi à la culture et à l'histoire de..

Nataly Fish

Return to Timbuktu

Return to Timbuktu

Nataly Fish

The Hidden Treasures of Timbuktu

The Hidden Treasures of Timbuktu

On the edge of the vast Sahara desert, citizens snuck out of the city of Timbuktu and took to the wilderness. They buried chests in the desert sand, hid them in caves, and sealed them in secret rooms. Inside these chests was a treasure more valuable than gold: the city’s ancient books. Why were they hiding these priceless manuscripts? Elizabeth C..

Nataly Fish

Timbuktus verschollenes Erbe - Vom Sande verweht

Timbuktus verschollenes Erbe - Vom Sande verweht

In the Middle Ages, Timbuktu was not only a prosperous trading hub for Tuareg caravans that brought salt, gold and slaves from the south to Egypt and Morocco but also the capital of Islamic intellectual life in West Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries. Hundreds of thousands of manuscripts from this period still exist today, hidden, buried and fo..

Nataly Fish

The Lost Elephants of Timbuktu

The Lost Elephants of Timbuktu

One-hundred strong, the herd slowly makes its way through the shifting sands, following the promise of ephemeral desert rains. This is the remarkable, precarious, and untold story of a lost herd of elephants that live near the fabled city of Timbuktu. How the elephants survive in this seemingly barren, desolate landscape is a mystery. It is one how..

Nataly Fish

The Manuscripts of Timbuktu

The Manuscripts of Timbuktu

This documentary demonstrates that Timbuktu was a leading cultural, economic, scientific and religious center that made a significant and lasting impact on Africa and the entire world.

Nataly Fish

The Ancient Astronomers of Timbuktu

The Ancient Astronomers of Timbuktu

For four hundred years Timbuktu was an academic centre of the world. The great manuscript archives from this period that solved matters such as determining the direction of Mecca and time keeping are in grave danger of being destroyed by the ravages of time. Scientists race against the clock to unlock the mysteries of this incredible library. Recre..

Nataly Fish



The frustration and vital weariness of Michel des Assantes, a prestigious plastic surgeon in Paris, is unbearable: he has a wife whom he does not love, a son who is foreign to him and friends whom he despises but, at the same time, he is incapable of taking his own life. One day, he buys a bike from a bizarre cyclist who was to make the Paris-Timbu..

Nataly Fish

Viaje a Tombuctú

Viaje a Tombuctú

Trip to Timbuktu is the story of Ana and Lucho, two teenagers who live in Peru. Their story of love, which starts in childhood, reveals the changes which took place in this country during the 80's. For them, the only way to survive in the middle of violence, poverty and lack of opportunities is through their love, a sort of refuge which has as its ..

Nataly Fish

Ali Farka Touré: Springing from the Roots

Ali Farka Touré: Springing from the Roots

Ali Farka Touré, the gifted musician and farmer, came from Timbuktu. Yes, there is a place called Timbuktu and it’s in Africa, in the loop of the Niger to be precise. As a child Ali never learned to read or write, but his early passion for a home-made one-string, violin-like instrument led him away from his humble roots to the music festivals of..

Nataly Fish

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