
Thunder Mountain

Thunder Mountain

Marvin Hayden returns to find his ranch is about to be sold at auction and the Hayden Jorth feud still going strong. Carson wants the Hayden ranch and tries to kill Hayden. When he fails he kills Chick Jorth with a rock. As Hayden does not carry a gun and the two had argued earlier, Hayden is arrested for the murder. With Hayden in jail, his friend..

Nataly Fish

Thunder Mountain

Thunder Mountain

Sam Martin grows up in the Kentucky hills with a preacher as his closest friend and father figure. The young man goes away and gets an education, and when he returns home, he wants to build a school so that others can learn, too.

Nataly Fish

Thunder Mountain

Thunder Mountain

Kal Emerson et Steve Sloan ont trouvé un filon d'or à Thunder mountain, mais n'ont pas le sou pour l'exploiter. Ils sauvent Sydney Blair des mains d'un prospecteur ivre, et celle-ci, reconnaissante, persuade son père, Samuel, de financer l'exploitation de la mine. Pendant le voyage, Sydney semble tomber amoureuse de Kal, mais ce n'est que parce ..

Nataly Fish

The Giant of Thunder Mountain

The Giant of Thunder Mountain

A mountain man is falsely accused of the murder of his parents.

Nataly Fish

Big Thunder Mountain

Big Thunder Mountain

Plot unknown. Takes place in a mining town during the Gold Rush of the 1800s.

Nataly Fish

Perils of Thunder Mountain

Perils of Thunder Mountain

movie serial

Nataly Fish

The Force on Thunder Mountain

The Force on Thunder Mountain

Thunder Mountain somewhere in the American wilderness, has a reputation that has scared away travellers, both white and Indian, for hundreds of years. Undaunted by the ghost stories surrounding the mountain, a father decides it's just the place for him and his son to go camping and do a little bonding. Strange voices and stranger footprints around ..

Nataly Fish

The Legend of Black Thunder Mountain

The Legend of Black Thunder Mountain

Separated from a wagon train, Mr. Parish and the children are attaced by armed men, forcing young Anna and Jamie to flee into the wilderness with their father's fate unknown. They don't realize they carry a secret treasure map, but with gold-hunting George and Buzz in pursuit and wild-eyed mountain man McTavish on the loose, there's plenty to fear..

Nataly Fish

Thundering Mountains

Thundering Mountains

A Serbian hero Mićo Ljubibratić from Herzegovina raises an uprising in eastern Herzegovina against Ottoman and he makes it clear to the Western powers, especially the Austrians, that the annexation of Herzegovina to Austria is out of the question if the newly formed Herzegovinian Assembly does not make such a decision on its own.

Nataly Fish

Le Grondement de la montagne

Le Grondement de la montagne

Monsieur Shingo ressent une profonde affection pour sa belle-fille Kikuko. Celle-ci lui est d'ailleurs dévouée ainsi qu'à son mari, Suichi. Malheureusement, les relations amoureuses se dégradent petit à petit au sein du jeune couple qui n'a toujours pas d'enfant et vit dans la maison paternelle. Quand Kikuko est enfin enceinte, elle refuse de ..

Nataly Fish

The Shadow of Chikara

The Shadow of Chikara

Les vétérans confédérés de la dernière bataille de la guerre civile ont cherché un trésor caché.

Nataly Fish

Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island

Robinson Crusoe of Clipper Island

A 14-episode serial in which Mala, a Polynesian in the employ of U.S. Intelligence investigates sabotage on Clipper Island. A gang of spies causes the eruption of a volcano, for which our hero is blamed. He convinces the local Princess Melani of his innocence and helps her ward off a takeover by rival high priest Porotu.

Nataly Fish

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